blob: ba632da6ad6a03591f0b4444334c36597fc121f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_context.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_heap_dump_writer.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_stack_frame_deduplicator.h"
#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_type_name_deduplicator.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event_argument.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
// Define all strings once, because the deduplicator requires pointer equality,
// and string interning is unreliable.
const char kBrowserMain[] = "BrowserMain";
const char kRendererMain[] = "RendererMain";
const char kCreateWidget[] = "CreateWidget";
const char kInitialize[] = "Initialize";
const char kInt[] = "int";
const char kBool[] = "bool";
const char kString[] = "string";
} // namespace
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
namespace internal {
scoped_ptr<const Value> WriteAndReadBack(const std::set<Entry>& entries) {
scoped_refptr<TracedValue> traced_value = Serialize(entries);
std::string json;
return JSONReader::Read(json);
scoped_ptr<const DictionaryValue> WriteAndReadBackEntry(Entry entry) {
std::set<Entry> input_entries;
scoped_ptr<const Value> json_dict = WriteAndReadBack(input_entries);
// Note: Ideally these should use |ASSERT_TRUE| instead of |EXPECT_TRUE|, but
// |ASSERT_TRUE| can only be used in void functions.
const DictionaryValue* dictionary;
const ListValue* json_entries;
EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary->GetList("entries", &json_entries));
const DictionaryValue* json_entry;
EXPECT_TRUE(json_entries->GetDictionary(0, &json_entry));
return json_entry->CreateDeepCopy();
// Given a desired stack frame ID and type ID, looks up the entry in the set and
// asserts that it is present and has the expected size.
void AssertSizeEq(const std::set<Entry>& entries,
int stack_frame_id,
int type_id,
size_t expected_size) {
// The comparison operator for |Entry| does not take size into account, so by
// setting only stack frame ID and type ID, the real entry can be found.
Entry entry;
entry.stack_frame_id = stack_frame_id;
entry.type_id = type_id;
auto it = entries.find(entry);
ASSERT_NE(entries.end(), it) << "No entry found for sf = " << stack_frame_id
<< ", type = " << type_id << ".";
ASSERT_EQ(expected_size, it->size) << "Wrong size for sf = " << stack_frame_id
<< ", type = " << type_id << ".";
TEST(HeapDumpWriterTest, BacktraceIndex) {
Entry entry;
entry.stack_frame_id = -1; // -1 means empty backtrace.
entry.type_id = 0;
entry.size = 1;
scoped_ptr<const DictionaryValue> json_entry = WriteAndReadBackEntry(entry);
// For an empty backtrace, the "bt" key cannot reference a stack frame.
// Instead it should be set to the empty string.
std::string backtrace_index;
ASSERT_TRUE(json_entry->GetString("bt", &backtrace_index));
ASSERT_EQ("", backtrace_index);
// Also verify that a non-negative backtrace index is dumped properly.
entry.stack_frame_id = 2;
json_entry = WriteAndReadBackEntry(entry);
ASSERT_TRUE(json_entry->GetString("bt", &backtrace_index));
ASSERT_EQ("2", backtrace_index);
TEST(HeapDumpWriterTest, TypeId) {
Entry entry;
entry.type_id = -1; // -1 means sum over all types.
entry.stack_frame_id = 0;
entry.size = 1;
scoped_ptr<const DictionaryValue> json_entry = WriteAndReadBackEntry(entry);
// Entries for the cumulative size of all types should not have the "type"
// key set.
// Also verify that a non-negative type ID is dumped properly.
entry.type_id = 2;
json_entry = WriteAndReadBackEntry(entry);
std::string type_id;
ASSERT_TRUE(json_entry->GetString("type", &type_id));
ASSERT_EQ("2", type_id);
TEST(HeapDumpWriterTest, SizeIsHexadecimalString) {
// Take a number between 2^63 and 2^64 (or between 2^31 and 2^32 if |size_t|
// is not 64 bits).
const size_t large_value =
sizeof(size_t) == 8 ? 0xffffffffffffffc5 : 0xffffff9d;
const char* large_value_str =
sizeof(size_t) == 8 ? "ffffffffffffffc5" : "ffffff9d";
Entry entry;
entry.type_id = 0;
entry.stack_frame_id = 0;
entry.size = large_value;
scoped_ptr<const DictionaryValue> json_entry = WriteAndReadBackEntry(entry);
std::string size;
ASSERT_TRUE(json_entry->GetString("size", &size));
ASSERT_EQ(large_value_str, size);
TEST(HeapDumpWriterTest, BacktraceTypeNameTable) {
hash_map<AllocationContext, size_t> bytes_by_context;
AllocationContext ctx = AllocationContext::Empty();
ctx.backtrace.frames[0] = kBrowserMain;
ctx.backtrace.frames[1] = kCreateWidget;
ctx.type_name = kInt;
// 10 bytes with context { type: int, bt: [BrowserMain, CreateWidget] }.
bytes_by_context[ctx] = 10;
ctx.type_name = kBool;
// 18 bytes with context { type: bool, bt: [BrowserMain, CreateWidget] }.
bytes_by_context[ctx] = 18;
ctx.backtrace.frames[0] = kRendererMain;
ctx.backtrace.frames[1] = kInitialize;
// 30 bytes with context { type: bool, bt: [RendererMain, Initialize] }.
bytes_by_context[ctx] = 30;
ctx.type_name = kString;
// 19 bytes with context { type: string, bt: [RendererMain, Initialize] }.
bytes_by_context[ctx] = 19;
// At this point the heap looks like this:
// | | CrWidget <- BrMain | Init <- RenMain | Sum |
// +--------+--------------------+-----------------+-----+
// | int | 10 | 0 | 10 |
// | bool | 18 | 30 | 48 |
// | string | 0 | 19 | 19 |
// +--------+--------------------+-----------------+-----+
// | Sum | 28 | 49 | 77 |
auto sf_deduplicator = make_scoped_refptr(new StackFrameDeduplicator);
auto tn_deduplicator = make_scoped_refptr(new TypeNameDeduplicator);
HeapDumpWriter writer(sf_deduplicator.get(), tn_deduplicator.get());
const std::set<Entry>& dump = writer.Summarize(bytes_by_context);
// Get the indices of the backtraces and types by adding them again to the
// deduplicator. Because they were added before, the same number is returned.
StackFrame bt0[] = {kRendererMain, kInitialize};
StackFrame bt1[] = {kBrowserMain, kCreateWidget};
int bt_renderer_main = sf_deduplicator->Insert(bt0, bt0 + 1);
int bt_browser_main = sf_deduplicator->Insert(bt1, bt1 + 1);
int bt_renderer_main_initialize = sf_deduplicator->Insert(bt0, bt0 + 2);
int bt_browser_main_create_widget = sf_deduplicator->Insert(bt1, bt1 + 2);
int type_id_int = tn_deduplicator->Insert(kInt);
int type_id_bool = tn_deduplicator->Insert(kBool);
int type_id_string = tn_deduplicator->Insert(kString);
// Full heap should have size 77.
AssertSizeEq(dump, -1, -1, 77);
// 49 bytes were allocated in RendererMain and children. Also check the type
// breakdown.
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_renderer_main, -1, 49);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_renderer_main, type_id_bool, 30);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_renderer_main, type_id_string, 19);
// 28 bytes were allocated in BrowserMain and children. Also check the type
// breakdown.
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_browser_main, -1, 28);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_browser_main, type_id_int, 10);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_browser_main, type_id_bool, 18);
// In this test all bytes are allocated in leaf nodes, so check again one
// level deeper.
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_renderer_main_initialize, -1, 49);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_renderer_main_initialize, type_id_bool, 30);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_renderer_main_initialize, type_id_string, 19);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_browser_main_create_widget, -1, 28);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_browser_main_create_widget, type_id_int, 10);
AssertSizeEq(dump, bt_browser_main_create_widget, type_id_bool, 18);
// The type breakdown of the entrie heap should have been dumped as well.
AssertSizeEq(dump, -1, type_id_int, 10);
AssertSizeEq(dump, -1, type_id_bool, 48);
AssertSizeEq(dump, -1, type_id_string, 19);
// TODO(ruuda): Verify that cumulative sizes are computed correctly.
// TODO(ruuda): Verify that insignificant values are not dumped.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base