blob: dc2f85f94d0dc278ae6f758636ef5518b612fd0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef URL_ORIGIN_H_
#define URL_ORIGIN_H_
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
#include "url/url_canon.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
#include "url/url_export.h"
class GURL;
namespace url {
// An Origin is a tuple of (scheme, host, port), as described in RFC 6454.
// TL;DR: If you need to make a security-relevant decision, use 'url::Origin'.
// If you only need to extract the bits of a URL which are relevant for a
// network connection, use 'url::SchemeHostPort'.
// STL;SDR: If you aren't making actual network connections, use 'url::Origin'.
// 'Origin', like 'SchemeHostPort', is composed of a tuple of (scheme, host,
// port), but contains a number of additional concepts which make it appropriate
// for use as a security boundary and access control mechanism between contexts.
// This class ought to be used when code needs to determine if two resources
// are "same-origin", and when a canonical serialization of an origin is
// required. Note that some origins are "unique", meaning that they are not
// same-origin with any other origin (including themselves).
// There are a few subtleties to note:
// * Invalid and non-standard GURLs are parsed as unique origins. This includes
// non-hierarchical URLs like 'data:text/html,...' and 'javascript:alert(1)'.
// * GURLs with schemes of 'filesystem' or 'blob' parse the origin out of the
// internals of the URL. That is, 'filesystem:'
// is parsed as ('https', '', 443).
// * Unique origins all serialize to the string "null"; this means that the
// serializations of two unique origins are identical to each other, though
// the origins themselves are not "the same". This means that origins'
// serializations must not be relied upon for security checks.
// * GURLs with a 'file' scheme are tricky. They are parsed as ('file', '', 0),
// but their behavior may differ from embedder to embedder.
// * The host component of an IPv6 address includes brackets, just like the URL
// representation.
// Usage:
// * Origins are generally constructed from an already-canonicalized GURL:
// GURL url("");
// url::Origin origin(url);
// origin.scheme(); // "https"
//; // ""
// origin.port(); // 443
// origin.IsUnique(); // false
// * To answer the question "Are |this| and |that| "same-origin" with each
// other?", use |Origin::IsSameOriginWith|:
// if (this.IsSameOriginWith(that)) {
// // Amazingness goes here.
// }
class URL_EXPORT Origin {
// Creates a unique Origin.
// Creates an Origin from |url|, as described at
//, with the following additions:
// 1. If |url| is invalid or non-standard, a unique Origin is constructed.
// 2. 'filesystem' URLs behave as 'blob' URLs (that is, the origin is parsed
// out of everything in the URL which follows the scheme).
// 3. 'file' URLs all parse as ("file", "", 0).
explicit Origin(const GURL& url);
// Creates an Origin from a |scheme|, |host|, and |port|. All the parameters
// must be valid and canonicalized. In particular, note that this cannot be
// used to create unique origins; 'url::Origin()' is the right way to do that.
// This constructor should be used in order to pass 'Origin' objects back and
// forth over IPC (as transitioning through GURL would risk potentially
// dangerous recanonicalization); other potential callers should prefer the
// 'GURL'-based constructor.
static Origin UnsafelyCreateOriginWithoutNormalization(
base::StringPiece scheme,
base::StringPiece host,
uint16 port);
// For unique origins, these return ("", "", 0).
const std::string& scheme() const { return tuple_.scheme(); }
const std::string& host() const { return; }
uint16 port() const { return tuple_.port(); }
bool unique() const { return unique_; }
// An ASCII serialization of the Origin as per Section 6.2 of RFC 6454, with
// the addition that all Origins with a 'file' scheme serialize to "file://".
std::string Serialize() const;
// Two Origins are "same-origin" if their schemes, hosts, and ports are exact
// matches; and neither is unique.
bool IsSameOriginWith(const Origin& other) const;
// Allows Origin to be used as a key in STL (for example, a std::set or
// std::map).
bool operator<(const Origin& other) const;
Origin(base::StringPiece scheme, base::StringPiece host, uint16 port);
SchemeHostPort tuple_;
bool unique_;
URL_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const Origin& origin);
} // namespace url
#endif // URL_ORIGIN_H_