blob: 8c16fdbc11b01acfd9b7b1e021e11caac9e8f8f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/private_working_set_snapshot.h"
#include <pdh.h>
#include <pdhmsg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
// Link pdh.lib (import library for pdh.dll) whenever this file is linked in.
#pragma comment(lib, "pdh.lib")
PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot::PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot() {}
PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot::~PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot() {}
void PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot::Initialize() {
// Set this to true whether initialization succeeds or not. That is, only try
// once.
initialized_ = true;
// The Pdh APIs are supported on Windows XP and above, but the "Working Set -
// Private" counter that PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot depends on is not defined
// until Windows Vista and is not reliable until Windows 7. Early-out to avoid
// wasted effort. All queries will return zero and will have to use the
// fallback calculations.
if (base::win::GetVersion() <= base::win::VERSION_VISTA) {
// Pdh.dll has a format-string bug that causes crashes on Windows 8 and 8.1.
// This was patched (around October 2014) but the broken versions are still on
// a few machines. CreateFileVersionInfoForModule touches the disk so it
// be used on the main thread. If this call gets moved off of the main thread
// then pdh.dll version checking can be found in the history of
// Create a Pdh query
PDH_HQUERY query_handle;
if (PdhOpenQuery(NULL, NULL, &query_handle) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
for (const auto& process_name : process_names_) {
void PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot::AddToMonitorList(
const std::string& process_name) {
if (!query_handle_.IsValid()) {
// Save the name for later.
if (!initialized_)
// Create the magic strings that will return a list of process IDs and a list
// of private working sets. The 'process_name' variable should be something
// like "chrome". The '*' character indicates that we want records for all
// processes whose names start with process_name - all chrome processes, but
// also all 'chrome_editor.exe' processes or other matching names. The excess
// information is unavoidable but harmless.
std::string process_id_query = "\\Process(" + process_name + "*)\\ID Process";
std::string private_ws_query =
"\\Process(" + process_name + "*)\\Working Set - Private";
// Add the two counters to the query.
PdhCounterPair new_counters;
if (PdhAddCounterA(query_handle_.Get(), process_id_query.c_str(), NULL,
&new_counters.process_id_handle) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// If adding the second counter fails then we should remove the first one.
if (PdhAddCounterA(query_handle_.Get(), private_ws_query.c_str(), NULL,
&new_counters.private_ws_handle) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Record the pair of counter query handles so that we can query them later.
void PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot::Sample() {
// Make sure this is called once.
if (!initialized_)
if (counter_pairs_.empty())
// Destroy all previous data.
// Record the requested data into PDH's internal buffers.
if (PdhCollectQueryData(query_handle_.Get()) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
for (auto& counter_pair : counter_pairs_) {
// Find out how much space is required for the two counter arrays.
// A return code of PDH_MORE_DATA indicates that we should call again with
// the buffer size returned.
DWORD buffer_size1 = 0;
DWORD item_count1 = 0;
// Process IDs should be retrieved as PDH_FMT_LONG
if (PdhGetFormattedCounterArray(
counter_pair.process_id_handle, PDH_FMT_LONG, &buffer_size1,
&item_count1, nullptr) != static_cast<PDH_STATUS>(PDH_MORE_DATA))
if (buffer_size1 == 0 || item_count1 == 0)
DWORD buffer_size2 = 0;
DWORD item_count2 = 0;
// Working sets should be retrieved as PDH_FMT_LARGE (LONGLONG)
// Note that if this second call to PdhGetFormattedCounterArray with the
// buffer size and count variables being zero is omitted then the PID and
// working-set results are not reliably correlated.
if (PdhGetFormattedCounterArray(
counter_pair.private_ws_handle, PDH_FMT_LARGE, &buffer_size2,
&item_count2, nullptr) != static_cast<PDH_STATUS>(PDH_MORE_DATA))
// It is not clear whether Pdh guarantees that the two counters in the same
// query will execute atomically - if they will see the same set of
// processes. If they do not then the correspondence between "ID Process"
// and "Working Set - Private" is lost and we have to discard these results.
// In testing these values have always matched. If this check fails then
// the old per-process memory calculations will be used instead.
if (buffer_size1 != buffer_size2 || item_count1 != item_count2)
// Allocate enough space for the results of both queries.
std::vector<char> buffer(buffer_size1 * 2);
// Retrieve the process ID data.
auto process_id_data =
if (PdhGetFormattedCounterArray(counter_pair.process_id_handle,
PDH_FMT_LONG, &buffer_size1, &item_count1,
process_id_data) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// Retrieve the private working set data.
auto private_ws_data =
if (PdhGetFormattedCounterArray(counter_pair.private_ws_handle,
PDH_FMT_LARGE, &buffer_size1, &item_count1,
private_ws_data) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// Make room for the new set of records.
size_t start_offset = records_.size();
records_.resize(start_offset + item_count1);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < item_count1; ++i) {
records_[start_offset + i].process_id =
// Integer overflow can happen here if a 32-bit process is monitoring a
// 64-bit process so we do a saturated_cast.
records_[start_offset + i].private_ws =
// The results will include all processes that match the passed in name,
// regardless of whether they are spawned by the calling process.
// The results must be sorted by process ID for efficient lookup.
std::sort(records_.begin(), records_.end());
size_t PrivateWorkingSetSnapshot::GetPrivateWorkingSet(
base::ProcessId process_id) const {
// Do a binary search for the requested process ID and return the working set
// if found.
auto p = std::lower_bound(records_.begin(), records_.end(), process_id);
if (p != records_.end() && p->process_id == process_id)
return p->private_ws;
return 0;