blob: 7f1f3af53acda600d6368aba9e65527f16cd807a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/buffer.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gl_utils.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/memory_tracking.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_gles2_export.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class BufferManager;
struct ContextState;
class ErrorState;
class FeatureInfo;
class IndexedBufferBindingHost;
class TestHelper;
// Info about Buffers currently in the system.
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT Buffer : public base::RefCounted<Buffer> {
struct MappedRange {
GLintptr offset;
GLsizeiptr size;
GLenum access;
void* pointer; // Pointer returned by driver.
scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> shm; // Client side mem buffer.
unsigned int shm_offset; // Client side mem buffer offset.
MappedRange(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLenum access, void* pointer,
scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> shm, unsigned int shm_offset);
void* GetShmPointer() const;
Buffer(BufferManager* manager, GLuint service_id);
GLenum initial_target() const { return initial_target_; }
GLuint service_id() const {
return service_id_;
GLsizeiptr size() const {
return size_;
GLenum usage() const {
return usage_;
bool shadowed() const {
return !shadow_.empty();
// Gets the maximum value in the buffer for the given range interpreted as
// the given type. Returns false if offset and count are out of range.
// offset is in bytes.
// count is in elements of type.
bool GetMaxValueForRange(GLuint offset, GLsizei count, GLenum type,
bool primitive_restart_enabled, GLuint* max_value);
// Returns a pointer to shadowed data.
const void* GetRange(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) const;
// Check if an offset, size range is valid for the current buffer.
bool CheckRange(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) const;
// Sets a range of this buffer's shadowed data.
void SetRange(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid * data);
bool IsDeleted() const {
return deleted_;
bool IsValid() const {
return initial_target() && !IsDeleted();
bool IsClientSideArray() const {
return is_client_side_array_;
void SetMappedRange(GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLenum access,
void* pointer, scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> shm,
unsigned int shm_offset);
void RemoveMappedRange();
const MappedRange* GetMappedRange() const {
return mapped_range_.get();
// These maintain the reference counts for checking whether a buffer is
// double-bound to transform feedback and non-transform-feedback binding
// points.
void OnBind(GLenum target, bool indexed);
void OnUnbind(GLenum target, bool indexed);
bool IsBoundForTransformFeedbackAndOther() const {
return transform_feedback_indexed_binding_count_ > 0 &&
non_transform_feedback_binding_count_ > 0;
bool IsDoubleBoundForTransformFeedback() const {
return transform_feedback_indexed_binding_count_ > 1;
void SetReadbackShadowAllocation(scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> shm,
uint32_t shm_offset);
scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> TakeReadbackShadowAllocation(void** data);
friend class BufferManager;
friend class BufferManagerTestBase;
friend class base::RefCounted<Buffer>;
// Represents a range in a buffer.
class Range {
Range(GLuint offset, GLsizei count, GLenum type,
bool primitive_restart_enabled)
: offset_(offset),
primitive_restart_enabled_(primitive_restart_enabled) {
// A less functor provided for std::map so it can find ranges.
struct Less {
bool operator() (const Range& lhs, const Range& rhs) const {
if (lhs.offset_ != rhs.offset_) {
return lhs.offset_ < rhs.offset_;
if (lhs.count_ != rhs.count_) {
return lhs.count_ < rhs.count_;
if (lhs.type_ != rhs.type_) {
return lhs.type_ < rhs.type_;
return lhs.primitive_restart_enabled_ < rhs.primitive_restart_enabled_;
GLuint offset_;
GLsizei count_;
GLenum type_;
bool primitive_restart_enabled_;
void set_initial_target(GLenum target) {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, initial_target_);
initial_target_ = target;
void MarkAsDeleted() {
deleted_ = true;
// Setup the shadow buffer. This will either initialize the shadow buffer
// with the passed data or clear the shadow buffer if no shadow required. This
// will return a pointer to the shadowed data if using shadow, otherwise will
// return the original data pointer.
const GLvoid* StageShadow(bool use_shadow,
GLsizeiptr size,
const GLvoid* data);
// Sets the size, usage and initial data of a buffer.
// If shadow is true then if data is NULL buffer will be initialized to 0.
void SetInfo(GLsizeiptr size,
GLenum usage,
bool use_shadow,
bool is_client_side_array);
// Clears any cache of index ranges.
void ClearCache();
// The manager that owns this Buffer.
BufferManager* manager_;
// A copy of the data in the buffer. This data is only kept if the conditions
// checked in UseShadowBuffer() are true.
std::vector<uint8_t> shadow_;
// Size of buffer.
GLsizeiptr size_;
// True if deleted.
bool deleted_;
// Whether or not this Buffer is not uploaded to the GPU but just
// sitting in local memory.
bool is_client_side_array_;
// Keeps track of whether this buffer is currently bound for transform
// feedback in a WebGL context. Used as an optimization when validating WebGL
// draw calls for compliance with binding restrictions.
int non_transform_feedback_binding_count_ = 0;
int transform_feedback_indexed_binding_count_ = 0;
// Service side buffer id.
GLuint service_id_;
// The first target of buffer. 0 = unset.
// It is set the first time bindBuffer() is called and cannot be changed.
GLenum initial_target_;
// Usage of buffer.
GLenum usage_;
// Data cached from last glMapBufferRange call.
std::unique_ptr<MappedRange> mapped_range_;
// A map of ranges to the highest value in that range of a certain type.
typedef std::map<Range, GLuint, Range::Less> RangeToMaxValueMap;
RangeToMaxValueMap range_set_;
scoped_refptr<gpu::Buffer> readback_shm_;
uint32_t readback_shm_offset_ = 0;
// This class keeps track of the buffers and their sizes so we can do
// bounds checking.
// NOTE: To support shared resources an instance of this class will need to be
// shared by multiple GLES2Decoders.
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT BufferManager
: public base::trace_event::MemoryDumpProvider {
BufferManager(MemoryTracker* memory_tracker, FeatureInfo* feature_info);
~BufferManager() override;
void MarkContextLost();
// Must call before destruction.
void Destroy();
// Creates a Buffer for the given buffer.
void CreateBuffer(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);
// Gets the buffer info for the given buffer.
Buffer* GetBuffer(GLuint client_id);
// Removes a buffer info for the given buffer.
void RemoveBuffer(GLuint client_id);
// Gets a client id for a given service id.
bool GetClientId(GLuint service_id, GLuint* client_id) const;
// Validates a glBufferSubData, and then calls DoBufferData if validation was
// successful.
void ValidateAndDoBufferSubData(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum target,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
const GLvoid* data);
// Validates a glBufferData, and then calls DoBufferData if validation was
// successful.
void ValidateAndDoBufferData(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum target,
GLsizeiptr size,
const GLvoid* data,
GLenum usage);
// Validates a glCopyBufferSubData, and then calls DoCopyBufferSubData if
// validation was successful.
void ValidateAndDoCopyBufferSubData(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum readtarget,
GLenum writetarget,
GLintptr readoffset,
GLintptr writeoffset,
GLsizeiptr size);
// Validates a glGetBufferParameteri64v, and then calls GetBufferParameteri64v
// if validation was successful.
void ValidateAndDoGetBufferParameteri64v(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum target,
GLenum pname,
GLint64* params);
// Validates a glGetBufferParameteriv, and then calls GetBufferParameteriv if
// validation was successful.
void ValidateAndDoGetBufferParameteriv(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum target,
GLenum pname,
GLint* params);
// Sets the target of a buffer. Returns false if the target can not be set.
bool SetTarget(Buffer* buffer, GLenum target);
void set_max_buffer_size(GLsizeiptr max_buffer_size) {
max_buffer_size_ = max_buffer_size;
void set_allow_buffers_on_multiple_targets(bool allow) {
allow_buffers_on_multiple_targets_ = allow;
void set_allow_fixed_attribs(bool allow) {
allow_fixed_attribs_ = allow;
size_t mem_represented() const {
return memory_type_tracker_->GetMemRepresented();
// Tells for a given usage if this would be a client side array.
bool IsUsageClientSideArray(GLenum usage);
// Tells whether a buffer that is emulated using client-side arrays should be
// set to a non-zero size.
bool UseNonZeroSizeForClientSideArrayBuffer();
void SetPrimitiveRestartFixedIndexIfNecessary(GLenum type);
Buffer* GetBufferInfoForTarget(ContextState* state, GLenum target) const;
// base::trace_event::MemoryDumpProvider implementation.
bool OnMemoryDump(const base::trace_event::MemoryDumpArgs& args,
base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd) override;
// Validate if a buffer is bound at target, if it's unmapped, if it's
// large enough. Return the buffer bound to |target| if access is granted;
// return nullptr if a GL error is generated.
// Generates INVALID_VALUE if offset + size is out of range.
Buffer* RequestBufferAccess(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum target,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
const char* func_name);
// Same as above, but assume to access the entire buffer.
Buffer* RequestBufferAccess(ContextState* context_state,
ErrorState* error_state,
GLenum target,
const char* func_name);
// Same as above, but it can be any buffer rather than the buffer bound to
// |target|. Return true if access is granted; return false if a GL error is
// generated.
bool RequestBufferAccess(ErrorState* error_state,
Buffer* buffer,
const char* func_name,
const char* error_message_format,
// Generates INVALID_OPERATION if offset + size is out of range.
bool RequestBufferAccess(ErrorState* error_state,
Buffer* buffer,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
const char* func_name,
const char* error_message);
// Returns false and generates INVALID_OPERATION if buffer at binding |ii|
// doesn't exist, is mapped, or smaller than |variable_sizes[ii]| * |count|.
// Return true otherwise.
bool RequestBuffersAccess(ErrorState* error_state,
const IndexedBufferBindingHost* bindings,
const std::vector<GLsizeiptr>& variable_sizes,
GLsizei count,
const char* func_name,
const char* message_tag);
friend class Buffer;
friend class TestHelper; // Needs access to DoBufferData.
friend class BufferManagerTestBase; // Needs access to DoBufferSubData.
friend class IndexedBufferBindingHostTest; // Needs access to SetInfo.
void StartTracking(Buffer* buffer);
void StopTracking(Buffer* buffer);
// Does a glBufferSubData and updates the appropriate accounting.
// Assumes the values have already been validated.
void DoBufferSubData(
Buffer* buffer,
GLenum target,
GLintptr offset,
GLsizeiptr size,
const GLvoid* data);
// Does a glBufferData and updates the appropriate accounting.
// Assumes the values have already been validated.
void DoBufferData(
ErrorState* error_state,
Buffer* buffer,
GLenum target,
GLsizeiptr size,
GLenum usage,
const GLvoid* data);
// Does a glCopyBufferSubData and updates the appropriate accounting.
// Assumes the values have already been validated.
void DoCopyBufferSubData(
Buffer* readbuffer,
GLenum readtarget,
GLintptr readoffset,
Buffer* writebuffer,
GLenum writetarget,
GLintptr writeoffset,
GLsizeiptr size);
// Tests whether a shadow buffer needs to be used.
bool UseShadowBuffer(GLenum target, GLenum usage);
// Sets the size, usage and initial data of a buffer.
// If data is NULL buffer will be initialized to 0 if shadowed.
void SetInfo(Buffer* buffer,
GLenum target,
GLsizeiptr size,
GLenum usage,
bool use_shadow);
// Same as public RequestBufferAccess taking similar arguments, but
// allows caller to assemble the va_list.
bool RequestBufferAccessV(ErrorState* error_state,
Buffer* buffer,
const char* func_name,
const char* error_message_format,
va_list varargs);
std::unique_ptr<MemoryTypeTracker> memory_type_tracker_;
MemoryTracker* memory_tracker_;
scoped_refptr<FeatureInfo> feature_info_;
// Info for each buffer in the system.
typedef std::unordered_map<GLuint, scoped_refptr<Buffer>> BufferMap;
BufferMap buffers_;
// The maximum size of buffers.
GLsizeiptr max_buffer_size_;
// Whether or not buffers can be bound to multiple targets.
bool allow_buffers_on_multiple_targets_;
// Whether or not allow using GL_FIXED type for vertex attribs.
bool allow_fixed_attribs_;
// Counts the number of Buffer allocated with 'this' as its manager.
// Allows to check no Buffer will outlive this.
unsigned int buffer_count_;
GLuint primitive_restart_fixed_index_;
bool lost_context_;
bool use_client_side_arrays_for_stream_buffers_;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu