blob: c9e00c478eb7d9e4592cd2cccdf4fa4568672ba0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A layer for interacting with low-level protocol messages.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/include/system-resources.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/client-protocol-namespace-fix.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/invalidation-client-util.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/proto-helpers.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/recurring-task.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/statistics.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/smearer.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/throttle.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/ticl-message-validator.h"
namespace invalidation {
class ProtocolHandler;
* Representation of a message header for use in a server message.
struct ServerMessageHeader {
ServerMessageHeader() {
/* Initializes an instance. Note that this call *does not* make copies of
* the pointed-to data. Instances are always allocated inside a ParsedMessage,
* and the containing ParsedMessage owns the data.
* Arguments:
* init_token - server-sent token.
* init_registration_summary - summary over server registration state.
* If num_registations is not set, means no registration summary was
* received from the server.
void InitFrom(const string* init_token,
const RegistrationSummary* init_registration_summary) {
token_ = init_token;
registration_summary_ = init_registration_summary;
const string& token() const {
return *token_;
// Returns the registration summary if any.
const RegistrationSummary* registration_summary() const {
return registration_summary_;
// Returns a human-readable representation of this object for debugging.
string ToString() const;
// Server-sent token.
const string* token_;
// Summary of the client's registration state at the server.
const RegistrationSummary* registration_summary_;
* Representation of a message receiver for the server. Such a message is
* guaranteed to be valid (i.e. checked by the message validator), but
* the session token is NOT checked.
struct ParsedMessage {
ParsedMessage() {
ServerMessageHeader header;
* Each of these fields points to a field in the base_message
* ServerToClientMessage protobuf. It is non-null iff the corresponding hasYYY
* method in the protobuf would return true.
const TokenControlMessage* token_control_message;
const InvalidationMessage* invalidation_message;
const RegistrationStatusMessage* registration_status_message;
const RegistrationSyncRequestMessage* registration_sync_request_message;
const ConfigChangeMessage* config_change_message;
const InfoRequestMessage* info_request_message;
const ErrorMessage* error_message;
* Initializes an instance from a |raw_message|. This function makes a copy of
* the message internally.
void InitFrom(const ServerToClientMessage& raw_message);
ServerToClientMessage base_message;
* Class that batches messages to be sent to the data center.
class Batcher {
Batcher(Logger* logger, Statistics* statistics)
: logger_(logger), statistics_(statistics) {}
/* Sets the initialize |message| to be sent to the server. */
void SetInitializeMessage(const InitializeMessage* message) {
/* Sets the info |message| to be sent to the server. */
void SetInfoMessage(const InfoMessage* message) {
/* Adds a registration on |object_id| to be sent to the server. */
void AddRegistration(const ObjectIdP& object_id,
const RegistrationP::OpType& reg_op_type) {
pending_registrations_[object_id] = reg_op_type;
/* Adds an acknowledgment of |invalidation| to be sent to the server. */
void AddAck(const InvalidationP& invalidation) {
/* Adds a registration subtree |reg_subtree| to be sent to the server. */
void AddRegSubtree(const RegistrationSubtree& reg_subtree) {
* Builds a message from the batcher state and resets the batcher. Returns
* whether the message could be built.
* Note that the returned message does NOT include a header.
bool ToBuilder(ClientToServerMessage* builder,
bool has_client_token);
* Initializes a registration message based on registrations from
* |pending_registrations|.
* REQUIRES: pending_registrations.size() > 0
void InitRegistrationMessage(RegistrationMessage* reg_message);
/* Initializes an invalidation ack message based on acks from
* |pending_acked_invalidations|.
* <p>
* REQUIRES: pending_acked_invalidations.size() > 0
void InitAckMessage(InvalidationMessage* ack_message);
Logger* const logger_;
Statistics* const statistics_;
/* Set of pending registrations stored as a map for overriding later
* operations.
map<ObjectIdP, RegistrationP::OpType, ProtoCompareLess>
/* Set of pending invalidation acks. */
set<InvalidationP, ProtoCompareLess> pending_acked_invalidations_;
/* Set of pending registration sub trees for registration sync. */
set<RegistrationSubtree, ProtoCompareLess> pending_reg_subtrees_;
/* Pending initialization message to send to the server, if any. */
scoped_ptr<const InitializeMessage> pending_initialize_message_;
/* Pending info message to send to the server, if any. */
scoped_ptr<const InfoMessage> pending_info_message_;
/* Listener for protocol events. The protocol client calls these methods when
* a message is received from the server. It guarantees that the call will be
* made on the internal thread that the SystemResources provides. When the
* protocol listener is called, the token has been checked and message
* validation has been completed (using the {@link TiclMessageValidator2}).
* That is, all of the methods below can assume that the nonce is null and the
* server token is valid.
class ProtocolListener {
ProtocolListener() {}
virtual ~ProtocolListener() {}
/* Records that a message was sent to the server at the current time. */
virtual void HandleMessageSent() = 0;
/* Handles a change in network connectivity. */
virtual void HandleNetworkStatusChange(bool is_online) = 0;
/* Stores a summary of the current desired registrations. */
virtual void GetRegistrationSummary(RegistrationSummary* summary) = 0;
/* Returns the current server-assigned client token, if any. */
virtual string GetClientToken() = 0;
// Forward-declare the BatchingTask so that send* methods can take it.
class BatchingTask;
/* Parses messages from the server and calls appropriate functions on the
* ProtocolListener to handle various types of message content. Also buffers
* message data from the client and constructs and sends messages to the server.
class ProtocolHandler {
/* Creates an instance.
* config - configuration for the client
* resources - resources to use
* smearer - a smearer to randomize delays
* statistics - track information about messages sent/received, etc
* client_type - client typecode
* application_name - name of the application using the library (for
* debugging/monitoring)
* listener - callback for protocol events
* msg_validator - validator for protocol messages
* Caller continues to own space for smearer.
ProtocolHandler(const ProtocolHandlerConfigP& config,
SystemResources* resources,
Smearer* smearer, Statistics* statistics,
int client_type, const string& application_name,
ProtocolListener* listener,
TiclMessageValidator* msg_validator);
/* Initializes |config| with default protocol handler config parameters. */
static void InitConfig(ProtocolHandlerConfigP* config);
/* Initializes |config| with protocol handler config parameters for unit
* tests.
static void InitConfigForTest(ProtocolHandlerConfigP* config);
/* Returns the next time a message is allowed to be sent to the server.
* Typically, this will be in the past, meaning that the client is free to
* send a message at any time.
int64 GetNextMessageSendTimeMsForTest() {
return next_message_send_time_ms_;
/* Sends a message to the server to request a client token.
* Arguments:
* client_type - client type code as assigned by the notification system's
* backend
* application_client_id - application-specific client id
* nonce - nonce for the request
* batching_task - recurring task to trigger batching. No ownership taken.
* debug_string - information to identify the caller
void SendInitializeMessage(
const ApplicationClientIdP& application_client_id,
const string& nonce,
BatchingTask* batching_task,
const string& debug_string);
/* Sends an info message to the server with the performance counters supplied
* in performance_counters and the config supplies in client_config (which
* could be null).
void SendInfoMessage(const vector<pair<string, int> >& performance_counters,
ClientConfigP* client_config,
bool request_server_registration_summary,
BatchingTask* batching_task);
/* Sends a registration request to the server.
* Arguments:
* object_ids - object ids on which to (un)register
* reg_op_type - whether to register or unregister
* batching_task - recurring task to trigger batching. No ownership taken.
void SendRegistrations(const vector<ObjectIdP>& object_ids,
RegistrationP::OpType reg_op_type,
BatchingTask* batching_task);
/* Sends an acknowledgement for invalidation to the server. */
void SendInvalidationAck(const InvalidationP& invalidation,
BatchingTask* batching_task);
/* Sends a single registration subtree to the server.
* Arguments:
* reg_subtree - subtree to send
* batching_task - recurring task to trigger batching. No ownership taken.
void SendRegistrationSyncSubtree(const RegistrationSubtree& reg_subtree,
BatchingTask* batching_task);
/* Sends pending data to the server (e.g., registrations, acks, registration
* sync messages).
* REQUIRES: caller do no further work after the method returns.
void SendMessageToServer();
* Handles a message from the server. If the message can be processed (i.e.,
* is valid, is of the right version, and is not a silence message), returns
* a ParsedMessage representing it. Otherwise, returns NULL.
* This class intercepts and processes silence messages. In this case, it will
* discard any other data in the message.
* Note that this method does not check the session token of any message.
bool HandleIncomingMessage(const string& incoming_message,
ParsedMessage* parsed_message);
/* Verifies that server_token matches the token currently held by the client.
bool CheckServerToken(const string& server_token);
/* Stores the header to include on a message to the server. */
void InitClientHeader(ClientHeader* header);
// Returns the current time in milliseconds.
int64 GetCurrentTimeMs() {
return InvalidationClientUtil::GetCurrentTimeMs(internal_scheduler_);
friend class BatchingTask;
// Information about the client, e.g., application name, OS, etc.
ClientVersion client_version_;
// A logger.
Logger* logger_;
// Scheduler for the client's internal processing.
Scheduler* internal_scheduler_;
// Network channel for sending and receiving messages to and from the server.
NetworkChannel* network_;
// A throttler to prevent the client from sending too many messages in a given
// interval.
Throttle throttle_;
// The protocol listener.
ProtocolListener* listener_;
// Checks that messages (inbound and outbound) conform to basic validity
// constraints.
TiclMessageValidator* msg_validator_;
/* A debug message id that is added to every message to the server. */
int message_id_;
// State specific to a client. If we want to support multiple clients, this
// could be in a map or could be eliminated (e.g., no batching).
/* The last known time from the server. */
int64 last_known_server_time_ms_;
/* The next time before which a message cannot be sent to the server. If
* this is less than current time, a message can be sent at any time.
int64 next_message_send_time_ms_;
/* Statistics objects to track number of sent messages, etc. */
Statistics* statistics_;
// Batches messages to be sent to the server.
Batcher batcher_;
// Type code for the client.
int client_type_;
} // namespace invalidation