blob: dd16a833671dbd0d9fb89e6f1725479c55ac104b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Specification of protocols used by the AndroidListener abstraction.
// Note: unless otherwise specified in a comment, all fields in all messages
// are required, even though they are listed as optional.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_outer_classname = "NanoAndroidListenerProtocol";
option java_package = "";
import "client.proto";
import "client_protocol.proto";
// Used to persist internal state between instantiations of Android listener
// objects.
message AndroidListenerState {
// When a registration request has failed, we track state for that object that
// allows retries to be delayed using exponential backoff.
message RetryRegistrationState {
// Identifier of the object for which there has been a failure.
optional ObjectIdP object_id = 1;
// State of exponential backoff delay generator that is used to delay any
// registration retries for the object.
optional ExponentialBackoffState exponential_backoff_state = 2;
// Set of object ids tracking the application's desired registrations.
repeated ObjectIdP registration = 1;
// Set of states for registrations retries. When there is a transient
// registration failure relative to an object, an entry is added. If
// registration is successful or the user gives up on the request, the entry
// is removed.
repeated RetryRegistrationState retry_registration_state = 2;
// Identifier of client with which this listener is associated. This client ID
// is randomly generated by the Android listener whenever a new client is
// started and has no relationship to 's application client ID.
optional bytes client_id = 3;
// Sequence number for alarm manager request codes. Sequence numbers are
// assigned serially for each distinct client_id. This value indicates
// the request code used for the last request.
optional int32 request_code_seq_num = 4;
// Represents a command that registers or unregisters a set of objects. The
// command may be initiated by the application or by the Android listener when
// there is a registration failure.
message RegistrationCommand {
// Indicates whether this is a register command (when true) or unregister
// (when false) request.
optional bool is_register = 1;
// Identifies the objects to register or unregister.
repeated ObjectIdP object_id = 2;
// Identifier of client with which this listener is associated.
optional bytes client_id = 3;
// Indicates whether this is a delayed registration command. When a
// registration command intent is handled by the Android listener, this field
// is used to determine whether the command has been delayed yet or not. If it
// has not already been delayed, the listener may choose to defer the command
// until later.
optional bool is_delayed = 4;
// Represents a command that starts an Android invalidation client.
message StartCommand {
// Type of client to start.
optional int32 client_type = 1;
// Name of client to start.
optional bytes client_name = 2;
// Whether suppression is permitted for this client.
optional bool allow_suppression = 3;