blob: 4daffc70296fb7175f21beef6821c083943e6800 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/page_load_metrics/observers/ad_metrics/page_ad_density_tracker.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
namespace {
// Calculates the combined length of a set of line segments. This counts
// each overlapping area a single time and does not include areas where there
// is no line segment.
// TODO( Optimize segment length calculation.
// AddSegment and RemoveSegment are both logarithmic operations, making this
// linearithmic with the number of segments. However the expected number
// of segments at any given time in the density calculation is low.
class SegmentLength {
// An event to process corresponding to the left or right point of each
// line segment.
struct SegmentEvent {
SegmentEvent(int segment_id, int pos, bool is_segment_start)
: segment_id(segment_id),
is_segment_start(is_segment_start) {}
SegmentEvent(const SegmentEvent& other) = default;
// Tiebreak with position with |is_segment_start| and |segment_id|.
bool operator<(const SegmentEvent& rhs) const {
if (pos == rhs.pos) {
if (segment_id == rhs.segment_id) {
return is_segment_start != rhs.is_segment_start;
} else {
return segment_id < rhs.segment_id;
} else {
return pos < rhs.pos;
int segment_id;
int pos;
bool is_segment_start;
// Iterators into the set of segment events for efficient removal of
// segment events by segment_id. Maintained by |segment_event_iterators_|.
struct SegmentEventSetIterators {
SegmentEventSetIterators(std::set<SegmentEvent>::iterator start,
std::set<SegmentEvent>::iterator end)
: start_it(start), end_it(end) {}
SegmentEventSetIterators(const SegmentEventSetIterators& other) = default;
std::set<SegmentEvent>::const_iterator start_it;
std::set<SegmentEvent>::const_iterator end_it;
SegmentLength() = default;
~SegmentLength() = default;
// Add a line segment to the set of active line segments, the segment
// corresponds to the bottom or top of a rect.
void AddSegment(int segment_id, int start, int end) {
// Safe as insert will never return an invalid iterator, it will
// point to the existing element if already in the set.
auto start_it =
.insert(SegmentEvent(segment_id, start, true /*is_segment_start*/))
auto end_it =
.insert(SegmentEvent(segment_id, end, false /*is_segment_start*/))
segment_id, SegmentEventSetIterators(start_it, end_it));
// Remove a segment from the set of active line segmnets.
void RemoveSegment(int segment_id) {
auto it = segment_event_iterators_.find(segment_id);
DCHECK(it != segment_event_iterators_.end());
const SegmentEventSetIterators& set_its = it->second;
// Calculate the combined length of segments in the active set of segments by
// iterating over the the sorted set of segment events.
base::Optional<int> Length() {
base::CheckedNumeric<int> length = 0;
int last_event_pos = -1;
int num_active = 0;
for (const auto& segment_event : active_segments_) {
if (last_event_pos == -1) {
last_event_pos = segment_event.pos;
if (num_active > 0)
length += segment_event.pos - last_event_pos;
last_event_pos = segment_event.pos;
if (segment_event.is_segment_start) {
num_active += 1;
} else {
num_active -= 1;
base::Optional<int> total_length;
if (length.IsValid())
total_length = length.ValueOrDie();
return total_length;
std::set<SegmentEvent> active_segments_;
// Map from the segment_id passed by user to the Segment struct.
std::unordered_map<int, SegmentEventSetIterators> segment_event_iterators_;
} // namespace
PageAdDensityTracker::RectEvent::RectEvent(int id,
bool is_bottom,
const gfx::Rect& rect)
: rect_id(id), is_bottom(is_bottom), rect(rect) {}
PageAdDensityTracker::RectEvent::RectEvent(const RectEvent& other) = default;
std::set<RectEvent>::iterator top,
std::set<RectEvent>::iterator bottom)
: top_it(top), bottom_it(bottom) {}
const RectEventSetIterators& other) = default;
PageAdDensityTracker::PageAdDensityTracker() = default;
PageAdDensityTracker::~PageAdDensityTracker() = default;
int PageAdDensityTracker::MaxPageAdDensityByHeight() {
return max_page_ad_density_by_height_;
int PageAdDensityTracker::MaxPageAdDensityByArea() {
return max_page_ad_density_by_area_;
void PageAdDensityTracker::AddRect(int rect_id, const gfx::Rect& rect) {
// Check that we do not already have rect events for the rect.
DCHECK(rect_events_iterators_.find(rect_id) == rect_events_iterators_.end());
// We do not track empty rects.
if (rect.IsEmpty())
// Limit the maximum number of rects tracked to 50 due to poor worst
// case performance.
const int kMaxRectsTracked = 50;
if (rect_events_iterators_.size() > kMaxRectsTracked)
auto top_it =
rect_events_.insert(RectEvent(rect_id, true /*is_bottom*/, rect)).first;
auto bottom_it =
rect_events_.insert(RectEvent(rect_id, false /*is_bottom*/, rect)).first;
RectEventSetIterators(top_it, bottom_it));
// TODO( Improve performance by adding additional
// throttling to only calculate when max density can decrease (frame deleted
// or moved).
void PageAdDensityTracker::RemoveRect(int rect_id) {
auto it = rect_events_iterators_.find(rect_id);
if (it == rect_events_iterators_.end())
const RectEventSetIterators& set_its = it->second;
void PageAdDensityTracker::UpdateMainFrameRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {
if (!last_main_frame_size_ || rect != *last_main_frame_size_) {
last_main_frame_size_ = rect;
// Ad density measurement uses a modified Bentley's Algorithm, the high level
// approach is described on:
void PageAdDensityTracker::CalculateDensity() {
// Cannot calculate density if there is no main frame rect.
if (!last_main_frame_size_)
SegmentLength segment_length_tracker;
int last_y = -1;
base::CheckedNumeric<int> total_area = 0;
base::CheckedNumeric<int> total_height = 0;
for (const auto& rect_event : rect_events_) {
if (last_y == -1) {
rect_event.rect_id, rect_event.rect.x(),
rect_event.rect.x() + rect_event.rect.width());
last_y =
rect_event.is_bottom ? rect_event.rect.bottom() : rect_event.rect.y();
int current_y =
rect_event.is_bottom ? rect_event.rect.bottom() : rect_event.rect.y();
DCHECK_LE(current_y, last_y);
// If the segment length value is invalid, skip this ad density calculation.
base::Optional<int> segment_length = segment_length_tracker.Length();
if (!segment_length)
// Check that the segment length multiplied by the height of the block
// does not overflow an int.
base::CheckedNumeric<int> current_area = *segment_length;
current_area *= (last_y - current_y);
if (!current_area.IsValid())
total_area += *segment_length * (last_y - current_y);
if (*segment_length > 0)
total_height += (last_y - current_y);
// As we are iterating from the bottom of the page to the top, add segments
// when we see the start (bottom) of a new rect.
if (rect_event.is_bottom) {
rect_event.rect_id, rect_event.rect.x(),
rect_event.rect.x() + rect_event.rect.width());
} else {
last_y = current_y;
// If the measured height or area is invalid, skip recording this ad density
// calculation.
if (!total_height.IsValid() || !total_area.IsValid())
base::CheckedNumeric<int> ad_density_by_height =
total_height * 100 / last_main_frame_size_->height();
if (ad_density_by_height.IsValid() &&
ad_density_by_height.ValueOrDie() > max_page_ad_density_by_height_)
max_page_ad_density_by_height_ = ad_density_by_height.ValueOrDie();
// Invalidate the check numeric if the checked area is invalid.
base::CheckedNumeric<int> ad_density_by_area =
total_area * 100 /
if (ad_density_by_area.IsValid() &&
ad_density_by_area.ValueOrDie() > max_page_ad_density_by_area_)
max_page_ad_density_by_area_ = ad_density_by_area.ValueOrDie();
bool PageAdDensityTracker::RectEvent::operator<(const RectEvent& rhs) const {
int lhs_y = is_bottom ? rect.bottom() : rect.y();
int rhs_y = rhs.is_bottom ? rhs.rect.bottom() : rhs.rect.y();
// Tiebreak with |rect_id| and |is_bottom|.
if (lhs_y == rhs_y) {
if (rect_id == rhs.rect_id) {
return is_bottom == rhs.is_bottom;
} else {
return rect_id < rhs.rect_id;
} else {
return lhs_y > rhs_y;