blob: 5ec652f841cc4f3ebddb9aeef5c15032f7a5185f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/touch_adjustment.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/widget/screen_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/testing/core_unit_test_helper.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
class FakeChromeClient : public RenderingTestChromeClient {
FakeChromeClient() = default;
void SetDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor) {
screen_info_.device_scale_factor = device_scale_factor;
ScreenInfo GetScreenInfo(LocalFrame&) const override { return screen_info_; }
ScreenInfo screen_info_;
} // namespace
class TouchAdjustmentTest : public RenderingTest {
: RenderingTest(MakeGarbageCollected<SingleChildLocalFrameClient>()),
chrome_client_(MakeGarbageCollected<FakeChromeClient>()) {}
LocalFrame& GetFrame() const { return *GetDocument().GetFrame(); }
FakeChromeClient& GetChromeClient() const override { return *chrome_client_; }
void SetZoomAndScale(float device_scale_factor,
float browser_zoom_factor,
float page_scale_factor) {
device_scale_factor_ = device_scale_factor;
page_scale_factor_ = page_scale_factor;
GetFrame().SetPageZoomFactor(device_scale_factor * browser_zoom_factor);
const LayoutSize max_touch_area_dip_unscaled = LayoutSize(32, 32);
const LayoutSize min_touch_area_dip_unscaled = LayoutSize(20, 20);
Persistent<FakeChromeClient> chrome_client_;
float device_scale_factor_;
float page_scale_factor_;
TEST_F(TouchAdjustmentTest, AdjustmentRangeUpperboundScale) {
// touch_area is set to always exceed the upper bound so we are really
// checking the upper bound behavior below.
LayoutSize touch_area(100, 100);
LayoutSize result;
// adjustment range is shrunk to default upper bound (32, 32)
// when there is no zoom or scale.
SetZoomAndScale(1 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled);
// Browser zoom without dsf change is not changing the upper bound.
SetZoomAndScale(1 /* dsf */, 2 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled);
SetZoomAndScale(1 /* dsf */, 0.5,
/* browser_zoom */ 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled);
// When has page scale factor, upper bound is scaled.
SetZoomAndScale(1 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 2 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled * (1.f / 2));
// touch_area is in physical pixel, should change with dsf change.
SetZoomAndScale(2 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled * 2.f);
SetZoomAndScale(0.5 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled * 0.5f);
// When DeviceScaleFactorDeprecated() is not 1, zoom-for-dsf is disabled,
// touch_area should be in dip.
SetZoomAndScale(2 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, max_touch_area_dip_unscaled);
TEST_F(TouchAdjustmentTest, AdjustmentRangeLowerboundScale) {
// touch_area is set to 0 to always lower than minimal range.
LayoutSize touch_area(0, 0);
LayoutSize result;
// Browser zoom without dsf change is not changing the size.
SetZoomAndScale(1 /* dsf */, 2 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, min_touch_area_dip_unscaled);
// touch_area is in physical pixel, should change with dsf change.
SetZoomAndScale(2 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 1 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, min_touch_area_dip_unscaled * 2.f);
// Adjustment range is changed with page scale.
SetZoomAndScale(1 /* dsf */, 1 /* browser_zoom */, 2 /* page_scale */);
result = GetHitTestRectForAdjustment(GetFrame(), touch_area);
EXPECT_EQ(result, min_touch_area_dip_unscaled * (1.f / 2));
} // namespace blink