blob: 6104d94c350a89f97346df969cabb67f2ecd7205 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="resources/redirect-updates-history-item.js"></script>
// Test that we properly update a history item when reloading the history item
// results in a redirect to a different document. We verify that the resulting
// document is not treated as the same document as the original document in
// history. See redirect-on-reload-updates-history-item.php for more details.
if (window.testRunner) {
onload = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// These fields are used by subsequent pages in this test. Clear them
// to avoid confusing the test with old state.
delete sessionStorage.done;
location = 'resources/redirect-on-reload-updates-history-item.php';
}, 0);