blob: dcb898a7e66e1502535aa5c6dade0f85304f8174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/fetch/FetchHeaderList.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "platform/loader/fetch/FetchUtils.h"
#include "platform/network/HTTPParsers.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
namespace blink {
FetchHeaderList* FetchHeaderList::Create() {
return new FetchHeaderList();
FetchHeaderList* FetchHeaderList::Clone() const {
FetchHeaderList* list = Create();
for (const auto& header : header_list_)
list->Append(header.first, header.second);
return list;
FetchHeaderList::FetchHeaderList() {}
FetchHeaderList::~FetchHeaderList() {}
void FetchHeaderList::Append(const String& name, const String& value) {
// "To append a name/value (|name|/|value|) pair to a header list (|list|),
// run these steps:
// 1. If |list| contains |name|, then set |name| to the first such header’s
// name. This reuses the casing of the name of the header already in the
// header list, if any. If there are multiple matched headers their names
// will all be identical.
// 2. Append a new header whose name is |name| and |value| is |value| to
// |list|."
auto header = header_list_.find(name);
if (header != header_list_.end())
header_list_.insert(std::make_pair(header->first, value));
header_list_.insert(std::make_pair(name, value));
void FetchHeaderList::Set(const String& name, const String& value) {
// "To set a name/value (|name|/|value|) pair in a header list (|list|), run
// these steps:
// 1. If |list| contains |name|, then set the value of the first such header
// to |value| and remove the others.
// 2. Otherwise, append a new header whose name is |name| and value is
// |value| to |list|."
auto existingHeader = header_list_.find(name);
const FetchHeaderList::Header newHeader = std::make_pair(
existingHeader != header_list_.end() ? existingHeader->first : name,
String FetchHeaderList::ExtractMIMEType() const {
// To extract a MIME type from a header list (headers), run these steps:
// 1. Let MIMEType be the result of parsing `Content-Type` in headers.
String mime_type;
if (!Get("Content-Type", mime_type)) {
// 2. If MIMEType is null or failure, return the empty byte sequence.
return String();
// 3. Return MIMEType, byte lowercased.
return mime_type.LowerASCII();
size_t FetchHeaderList::size() const {
return header_list_.size();
void FetchHeaderList::Remove(const String& name) {
// "To delete a name (name) from a header list (list), remove all headers
// whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for name from list."
bool FetchHeaderList::Get(const String& name, String& result) const {
// "To combine a name/value (|name|/|value|) pair in a header list (|list|),
// run these steps:
// 1. If |list| contains |name|, then set the value of the first such header
// to its value, followed by 0x2C 0x20, followed by |value|.
// 2. Otherwise, append a new header whose name is |name| and value is
// |value| to |list|."
StringBuilder resultBuilder;
bool found = false;
auto range = header_list_.equal_range(name);
for (auto header = range.first; header != range.second; ++header) {
if (!found) {
found = true;
} else {
resultBuilder.Append(", ");
if (found)
result = resultBuilder.ToString();
return found;
// This is going to be removed: see
void FetchHeaderList::GetAll(const String& name, Vector<String>& result) const {
auto range = header_list_.equal_range(name);
for (auto header = range.first; header != range.second; ++header) {
bool FetchHeaderList::Has(const String& name) const {
// "A header list (|list|) contains a name (|name|) if |list| contains a
// header whose name is a byte-case-insensitive match for |name|."
return header_list_.find(name) != header_list_.end();
void FetchHeaderList::ClearList() {
bool FetchHeaderList::ContainsNonCORSSafelistedHeader() const {
return std::any_of(
header_list_.cbegin(), header_list_.cend(), [](const Header& header) {
return !FetchUtils::IsCORSSafelistedHeader(AtomicString(header.first),
Vector<FetchHeaderList::Header> FetchHeaderList::SortAndCombine() const {
// "To sort and combine a header list (|list|), run these steps:
// 1. Let |headers| be an empty list of name-value pairs with the key being
// the name and value the value.
// 2. Let |names| be all the names of the headers in |list|, byte-lowercased,
// with duplicates removed, and finally sorted lexicographically.
// 3. For each |name| in |names|, run these substeps:
// 1. Let |value| be the combined value given |name| and |list|.
// 2. Append |name-value| to |headers|.
// 4. Return |headers|."
Vector<FetchHeaderList::Header> ret;
for (auto it = header_list_.cbegin(); it != header_list_.cend();) {
const String& headerName = it->first.LowerASCII();
String combinedValue;
Get(headerName, combinedValue);
ret.emplace_back(std::make_pair(headerName, combinedValue));
// Skip to the next distinct key.
it = header_list_.upper_bound(headerName);
return ret;
bool FetchHeaderList::IsValidHeaderName(const String& name) {
// "A name is a case-insensitive byte sequence that matches the field-name
// token production."
return IsValidHTTPToken(name);
bool FetchHeaderList::IsValidHeaderValue(const String& value) {
// "A value is a byte sequence that matches the field-value token production
// and contains no 0x0A or 0x0D bytes."
return IsValidHTTPHeaderValue(value);
} // namespace blink