blob: 966ddab316d4928073676c9f92fef4b895d29398 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/input/BoundaryEventDispatcher.h"
#include "core/dom/FlatTreeTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/Node.h"
#include "core/input/EventHandlingUtil.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
void BuildAncestorChain(EventTarget* target,
HeapVector<Member<Node>, 20>* ancestors) {
if (!EventHandlingUtil::IsInDocument(target))
Node* target_node = target->ToNode();
// Index 0 element in the ancestors arrays will be the corresponding
// target. So the root of their document will be their last element.
for (Node* node = target_node; node; node = FlatTreeTraversal::Parent(*node))
void BuildAncestorChainsAndFindCommonAncestors(
EventTarget* exited_target,
EventTarget* entered_target,
HeapVector<Member<Node>, 20>* exited_ancestors_out,
HeapVector<Member<Node>, 20>* entered_ancestors_out,
size_t* exited_ancestors_common_parent_index_out,
size_t* entered_ancestors_common_parent_index_out) {
BuildAncestorChain(exited_target, exited_ancestors_out);
BuildAncestorChain(entered_target, entered_ancestors_out);
*exited_ancestors_common_parent_index_out = exited_ancestors_out->size();
*entered_ancestors_common_parent_index_out = entered_ancestors_out->size();
while (*exited_ancestors_common_parent_index_out > 0 &&
*entered_ancestors_common_parent_index_out > 0) {
if ((*exited_ancestors_out)[(*exited_ancestors_common_parent_index_out) -
1] !=
(*entered_ancestors_out)[(*entered_ancestors_common_parent_index_out) -
} // namespace
void BoundaryEventDispatcher::SendBoundaryEvents(EventTarget* exited_target,
EventTarget* entered_target) {
if (exited_target == entered_target)
// Dispatch out event
if (EventHandlingUtil::IsInDocument(exited_target))
DispatchOut(exited_target, entered_target);
// Create lists of all exited/entered ancestors, locate the common ancestor
// Based on httparchive, in more than 97% cases the depth of DOM is less
// than 20.
HeapVector<Member<Node>, 20> exited_ancestors;
HeapVector<Member<Node>, 20> entered_ancestors;
size_t exited_ancestors_common_parent_index = 0;
size_t entered_ancestors_common_parent_index = 0;
// A note on mouseenter and mouseleave: These are non-bubbling events, and
// they are dispatched if there is a capturing event handler on an ancestor or
// a normal event handler on the element itself. This special handling is
// necessary to avoid O(n^2) capturing event handler checks.
// Note, however, that this optimization can possibly cause some
// unanswered/missing/redundant mouseenter or mouseleave events in certain
// contrived eventhandling scenarios, e.g., when:
// - the mouseleave handler for a node sets the only
// capturing-mouseleave-listener in its ancestor, or
// - DOM mods in any mouseenter/mouseleave handler changes the common ancestor
// of exited & entered nodes, etc.
// We think the spec specifies a "frozen" state to avoid such corner cases
// (check the discussion on "candidate event listeners" at
//, but our code below preserves one such
// behavior from past only to match Firefox and IE behavior.
// TODO(mustaq): Confirm spec conformance, double-check with other browsers.
exited_target, entered_target, &exited_ancestors, &entered_ancestors,
bool exited_node_has_capturing_ancestor = false;
const AtomicString& leave_event = GetLeaveEvent();
for (size_t j = 0; j < exited_ancestors.size(); j++) {
if (exited_ancestors[j]->HasCapturingEventListeners(leave_event)) {
exited_node_has_capturing_ancestor = true;
// Dispatch leave events, in child-to-parent order.
for (size_t j = 0; j < exited_ancestors_common_parent_index; j++)
DispatchLeave(exited_ancestors[j], entered_target,
// Dispatch over event
if (EventHandlingUtil::IsInDocument(entered_target))
DispatchOver(entered_target, exited_target);
// Defer locating capturing enter listener until /after/ dispatching the leave
// events because the leave handlers might set a capturing enter handler.
bool entered_node_has_capturing_ancestor = false;
const AtomicString& enter_event = GetEnterEvent();
for (size_t i = 0; i < entered_ancestors.size(); i++) {
if (entered_ancestors[i]->HasCapturingEventListeners(enter_event)) {
entered_node_has_capturing_ancestor = true;
// Dispatch enter events, in parent-to-child order.
for (size_t i = entered_ancestors_common_parent_index; i > 0; i--)
DispatchEnter(entered_ancestors[i - 1], exited_target,
} // namespace blink