blob: ec8c46f84687ebe5db5f94e14b08f4501f7bd0dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ClassicPendingScript_h
#define ClassicPendingScript_h
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptSourceLocationType.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptStreamer.h"
#include "core/loader/resource/ScriptResource.h"
#include "core/script/ClassicScript.h"
#include "core/script/PendingScript.h"
#include "platform/MemoryCoordinator.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/FetchParameters.h"
namespace blink {
// PendingScript for a classic script
// TODO(kochi): The comment below is from pre-oilpan age and may not be correct
// now.
// A RefPtr alone does not prevent the underlying Resource from purging its data
// buffer. This class holds a dummy client open for its lifetime in order to
// guarantee that the data buffer will not be purged.
class CORE_EXPORT ClassicPendingScript final : public PendingScript,
public ResourceClient,
public MemoryCoordinatorClient {
USING_PRE_FINALIZER(ClassicPendingScript, Prefinalize);
// For a script from an external file, calls ScriptResource::Fetch() and
// creates ClassicPendingScript. Returns nullptr if Fetch() returns nullptr.
static ClassicPendingScript* Fetch(const KURL&,
const ScriptFetchOptions&,
const WTF::TextEncoding&,
// For an inline script.
static ClassicPendingScript* CreateInline(ScriptElementBase*,
const TextPosition&,
const ScriptFetchOptions&);
~ClassicPendingScript() override;
// ScriptStreamer callbacks.
void SetStreamer(ScriptStreamer*);
void StreamingFinished();
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
blink::ScriptType GetScriptType() const override {
return blink::ScriptType::kClassic;
bool CheckMIMETypeBeforeRunScript(Document* context_document) const override;
ClassicScript* GetSource(const KURL& document_url,
bool& error_occurred) const override;
bool IsReady() const override;
bool IsExternal() const override { return is_external_; }
bool ErrorOccurred() const override;
bool WasCanceled() const override;
bool StartStreamingIfPossible(ScriptStreamer::Type,
base::OnceClosure) override;
bool IsCurrentlyStreaming() const override;
KURL UrlForTracing() const override;
void DisposeInternal() override;
void Prefinalize();
// See AdvanceReadyState implementation for valid state transitions.
enum ReadyState {
// These states are considered "not ready".
// These states are considered "ready".
const TextPosition&,
const ScriptFetchOptions&,
bool is_external);
ClassicPendingScript() = delete;
// Advances the current state of the script, reporting to the client if
// appropriate.
void AdvanceReadyState(ReadyState);
// Handle the end of streaming.
void FinishWaitingForStreaming();
void FinishReadyStreaming();
void CancelStreaming();
void CheckState() const override;
// ResourceClient
void NotifyFinished(Resource*) override;
String DebugName() const override { return "PendingScript"; }
void DataReceived(Resource*, const char*, size_t) override;
// MemoryCoordinatorClient
void OnPurgeMemory() override;
const ScriptFetchOptions options_;
// "base url" snapshot taken at #prepare-a-script timing.
// which will eventually be used as #concept-script-base-url.
const KURL base_url_for_inline_script_;
const ScriptSourceLocationType source_location_type_;
const bool is_external_;
ReadyState ready_state_;
bool integrity_failure_;
// The request is intervened by document.write() intervention.
bool intervened_ = false;
Member<ScriptStreamer> streamer_;
base::OnceClosure streamer_done_;
// This flag tracks whether streamer_ is currently streaming. It is used
// mainly to prevent re-streaming a script while it is being streamed.
// ReadyState unfortunately doesn't contain this information, because
// 1, the WaitingFor* states can occur with or without streaming, and
// 2, during the state transition, we need to first transition ready_state_,
// then run callbacks, and only then consider the streaming done. So
// during AdvanceReadyState and callback processing, the ready state
// and is_currently_streaming_ are temporarily different. (They must
// be consistent before and after AdvanceReadyState.)
// (See also:
bool is_currently_streaming_;
// This is a temporary flag to confirm that ClassicPendingScript is not
// touched after its refinalizer call and thus
// doesn't break assumptions.
// TODO(hiroshige): Check the state in more general way.
bool prefinalizer_called_ = false;
} // namespace blink
#endif // PendingScript_h