blob: 924c0c12ae8d595ace10ab03927691c56cd12afe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "chromeos/tpm/install_attributes.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_constants.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_store.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/cloud_policy_validator.h"
namespace policy {
// Describes the result of an enrollment operation, including the relevant error
// codes received from the involved components. Note that the component error
// codes only convey useful information in case |status_| points towards a
// problem in that specific component.
class EnrollmentStatus {
// Enrollment status codes. Do not change the numeric ids or the meaning of
// the existing codes to preserve the interpretability of old logfiles.
enum Status {
SUCCESS = 0, // Enrollment succeeded.
NO_STATE_KEYS = 1, // Server-backed state keys unavailable.
REGISTRATION_FAILED = 2, // DM registration failed.
REGISTRATION_BAD_MODE = 3, // Bad device mode.
ROBOT_AUTH_FETCH_FAILED = 4, // API OAuth2 auth code failure.
ROBOT_REFRESH_FETCH_FAILED = 5, // API OAuth2 refresh token failure.
ROBOT_REFRESH_STORE_FAILED = 6, // Failed to store API OAuth2 token.
POLICY_FETCH_FAILED = 7, // DM policy fetch failed.
VALIDATION_FAILED = 8, // Policy validation failed.
LOCK_ERROR = 9, // Cryptohome failed to lock device.
/* LOCK_TIMEOUT = 10, */ // Unused: Timeout while waiting for the
// lock.
/* LOCK_WRONG_USER = 11, */ // Unused: Locked to different domain.
STORE_ERROR = 12, // Failed to store the policy.
/* STORE_TOKEN_AND_ID_FAILED = 13, */ // Unused: Failed to store DM token
// and device ID.
ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_FAILED = 14, // Device attribute update failed.
REGISTRATION_CERT_FETCH_FAILED = 15, // Cannot obtain registration cert.
NO_MACHINE_IDENTIFICATION = 16, // Machine model or serial missing.
ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_POLICY_FETCH_FAILED = 17, // Failed to fetch Active
// Directory policy via
// authpolicyd.
DM_TOKEN_STORE_FAILED = 18, // Failed to store DM token into the
// local state.
/* LICENSE_REQUEST_FAILED = 19, */ // Unused: Failed to get available
// license types.
OFFLINE_POLICY_LOAD_FAILED = 20, // Failed to load the policy data for the
// offline demo mode.
OFFLINE_POLICY_DECODING_FAILED = 21, // Failed when the policy data fails
// to be decoded.
// Helpers for constructing errors for relevant cases.
static EnrollmentStatus ForStatus(Status status);
static EnrollmentStatus ForRegistrationError(
DeviceManagementStatus client_status);
static EnrollmentStatus ForFetchError(DeviceManagementStatus client_status);
static EnrollmentStatus ForRobotAuthFetchError(
DeviceManagementStatus client_status);
static EnrollmentStatus ForRobotRefreshFetchError(int http_status);
static EnrollmentStatus ForValidationError(
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status);
static EnrollmentStatus ForStoreError(
CloudPolicyStore::Status store_error,
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status);
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
static EnrollmentStatus ForLockError(
chromeos::InstallAttributes::LockResult lock_status);
Status status() const { return status_; }
DeviceManagementStatus client_status() const { return client_status_; }
int http_status() const { return http_status_; }
CloudPolicyStore::Status store_status() const { return store_status_; }
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status() const {
return validation_status_;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
chromeos::InstallAttributes::LockResult lock_status() const {
return lock_status_;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
EnrollmentStatus(Status status,
DeviceManagementStatus client_status,
int http_status,
CloudPolicyStore::Status store_status,
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status,
chromeos::InstallAttributes::LockResult lock_status);
EnrollmentStatus(Status status,
DeviceManagementStatus client_status,
int http_status,
CloudPolicyStore::Status store_status,
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status);
// Helper to implement the For* functions above without them knowing about the
// current platform.
static EnrollmentStatus CreateEnrollmentStatusWithoutLockError(
Status status,
DeviceManagementStatus client_status,
int http_status,
CloudPolicyStore::Status store_status,
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status);
Status status_;
DeviceManagementStatus client_status_;
int http_status_;
CloudPolicyStore::Status store_status_;
CloudPolicyValidatorBase::Status validation_status_;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
chromeos::InstallAttributes::LockResult lock_status_;
} // namespace policy