blob: 746b82928ed9185126643e0361f9a99aa28291ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/profiler/stack_sampling_profiler.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_provider.h"
namespace metrics {
class ChromeUserMetricsExtension;
// Performs metrics logging for the stack sampling profiler.
class CallStackProfileMetricsProvider : public MetricsProvider {
// The event that triggered the profile collection.
// This enum should be kept in sync with content/common/profiled_stack_state.h
enum Trigger {
// Parameters to pass back to the metrics provider.
struct Params {
explicit Params(Trigger trigger);
Params(Trigger trigger, bool preserve_sample_ordering);
// The triggering event.
Trigger trigger;
// True if sample ordering is important and should be preserved when the
// associated profiles are compressed. This should only be set to true if
// the intended use of the requires that the sequence of call stacks within
// a particular profile be preserved. The default value of false provides
// better compression of the encoded profile and is sufficient for the
// typical use case of recording profiles for stack frequency analysis in
// aggregate.
bool preserve_sample_ordering;
~CallStackProfileMetricsProvider() override;
// Get a callback for use with StackSamplingProfiler that provides completed
// profiles to this object. The callback should be immediately passed to the
// StackSamplingProfiler, and should not be reused between
// StackSamplingProfilers. This function may be called on any thread.
static base::StackSamplingProfiler::CompletedCallback GetProfilerCallback(
const Params& params);
// MetricsProvider:
void OnRecordingEnabled() override;
void OnRecordingDisabled() override;
void ProvideGeneralMetrics(ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto) override;
// Finch field trial and group for reporting profiles. Provided here for test
// use.
static const char kFieldTrialName[];
static const char kReportProfilesGroupName[];
// Reset the static state to the defaults after startup.
static void ResetStaticStateForTesting();
// Returns true if reporting of profiles is enabled according to the
// controlling Finch field trial.
static bool IsReportingEnabledByFieldTrial();
} // namespace metrics