blob: b751c02d4f40f0a65d5264511120a229055cf4c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h"
namespace metrics {
namespace prefs {
// Set once, to the current epoch time, on the first run of chrome on this
// machine. Attached to metrics reports forever thereafter.
const char kInstallDate[] = "uninstall_metrics.installation_date2";
// The metrics client GUID.
// Note: The name client_id2 is a result of creating
// new prefs to do a one-time reset of the previous values.
const char kMetricsClientID[] = "user_experience_metrics.client_id2";
// An enum value indicating the default value of the enable metrics reporting
// checkbox shown during first-run. If it's opt-in, then the checkbox defaulted
// to unchecked, if it's opt-out, then it defaulted to checked. This value is
// only recorded during first-run, so older clients will not set it. The enum
// used for the value is metrics::MetricsServiceClient::EnableMetricsDefault.
const char kMetricsDefaultOptIn[] = "user_experience_metrics.default_opt_in";
// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were supposed to be sent in the
// first minute of a browser session. These logs include things like crash count
// info, etc.
const char kMetricsInitialLogs[] =
// The metrics entropy source.
// Note: The name low_entropy_source2 is a result of creating
// new prefs to do a one-time reset of the previous values.
const char kMetricsLowEntropySource[] =
// A machine ID used to detect when underlying hardware changes. It is only
// stored locally and never transmitted in metrics reports.
const char kMetricsMachineId[] = "user_experience_metrics.machine_id";
// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were not sent because the
// browser terminated before these accumulated metrics could be sent. These
// logs typically include histograms and memory reports, as well as ongoing
// user activities.
const char kMetricsOngoingLogs[] =
// Boolean that indicates a cloned install has been detected and the metrics
// client id and low entropy source should be reset.
const char kMetricsResetIds[] = "user_experience_metrics.reset_metrics_ids";
// Boolean that specifies whether or not crash reporting and metrics reporting
// are sent over the network for analysis.
const char kMetricsReportingEnabled[] =
// Date/time when the user opted in to UMA and generated the client id for the
// very first time (local machine time, stored as a 64-bit time_t value).
const char kMetricsReportingEnabledTimestamp[] =
// The metrics client session ID.
const char kMetricsSessionID[] = "user_experience_metrics.session_id";
// The prefix of the last-seen timestamp for persistent histogram files.
// Values are named for the files themselves.
const char kMetricsLastSeenPrefix[] =
// Number of times the browser has been able to register crash reporting.
const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationSuccess[] =
// Number of times the browser has failed to register crash reporting.
const char kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationFail[] =
// Total number of child process crashes (other than renderer / extension
// renderer ones, and plugin children, which are counted separately) since the
// last report.
const char kStabilityChildProcessCrashCount[] =
// Number of times the application exited uncleanly since the last report.
const char kStabilityCrashCount[] =
// Number of times the browser has been run under a debugger.
const char kStabilityDebuggerPresent[] =
// Number of times the browser has not been run under a debugger.
const char kStabilityDebuggerNotPresent[] =
// An enum value to indicate the execution phase the browser was in.
const char kStabilityExecutionPhase[] =
// True if the previous run of the program exited cleanly.
const char kStabilityExitedCleanly[] =
// Number of times an extension renderer process crashed since the last report.
const char kStabilityExtensionRendererCrashCount[] =
// Number of times an extension renderer process failed to launch since the last
// report.
const char kStabilityExtensionRendererFailedLaunchCount[] =
// Number of times the session end did not complete.
const char kStabilityIncompleteSessionEndCount[] =
// Time when the app was last known to be running, in seconds since
// the epoch.
const char kStabilityLastTimestampSec[] =
// Number of times the application was launched since last report.
const char kStabilityLaunchCount[] =
// Time when the app was last launched, in seconds since the epoch.
const char kStabilityLaunchTimeSec[] =
// Number of times a page load event occurred since the last report.
const char kStabilityPageLoadCount[] =
// Number of times a renderer process crashed since the last report.
const char kStabilityRendererCrashCount[] =
// Number of times a renderer process failed to launch since the last report.
const char kStabilityRendererFailedLaunchCount[] =
// Number of times the renderer has become non-responsive since the last
// report.
const char kStabilityRendererHangCount[] =
// Base64 encoded serialized UMA system profile proto from the previous session.
const char kStabilitySavedSystemProfile[] =
// SHA-1 hash of the serialized UMA system profile proto (hex encoded).
const char kStabilitySavedSystemProfileHash[] =
// False if we received a session end and either we crashed during processing
// the session end or ran out of time and windows terminated us.
const char kStabilitySessionEndCompleted[] =
// Build time, in seconds since an epoch, which is used to assure that stability
// metrics reported reflect stability of the same build.
const char kStabilityStatsBuildTime[] =
// Version string of previous run, which is used to assure that stability
// metrics reported under current version reflect stability of the same version.
const char kStabilityStatsVersion[] =
// The keys below are strictly increasing counters over the lifetime of
// a chrome installation. They are (optionally) sent up to the uninstall
// survey in the event of uninstallation.
const char kUninstallLaunchCount[] = "uninstall_metrics.launch_count";
const char kUninstallMetricsPageLoadCount[] =
const char kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec[] = "uninstall_metrics.uptime_sec";
// Dictionary for measuring cellular data used by UMA service during last 7
// days.
const char kUmaCellDataUse[] = "user_experience_metrics.uma_cell_datause";
// Dictionary for measuring cellular data used by user including chrome services
// per day.
const char kUserCellDataUse[] = "user_experience_metrics.user_call_datause";
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace metrics