blob: 8f0ad23c3e674d521602a1dbc28b3a1d3d57ef9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_html_writer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/importer/firefox2_importer.h"
class BookmarkHTMLWriterTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &path_));
file_util::AppendToPath(&path_, L"bookmarks.html");
file_util::Delete(path_, true);
virtual void TearDown() {
if (!path_.empty())
file_util::Delete(path_, true);
void AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(const ProfileWriter::BookmarkEntry& entry,
bool on_toolbar,
const GURL& url,
const std::wstring& title,
base::Time creation_time,
const std::wstring& f1,
const std::wstring& f2,
const std::wstring& f3) {
EXPECT_EQ(on_toolbar, entry.in_toolbar);
EXPECT_TRUE(url == entry.url);
EXPECT_EQ(title, entry.title);
EXPECT_TRUE(creation_time.ToTimeT() == entry.creation_time.ToTimeT());
size_t path_count = 0;
if (!f3.empty())
path_count = 3;
else if (!f2.empty())
path_count = 2;
else if (!f1.empty())
path_count = 1;
// The first path element should always be 'x', as that is what we passed
// to the importer.
ASSERT_EQ(path_count + 1, entry.path.size());
EXPECT_EQ(L"x", entry.path[0]);
EXPECT_TRUE(path_count < 1 || entry.path[1] == f1);
EXPECT_TRUE(path_count < 2 || entry.path[2] == f2);
EXPECT_TRUE(path_count < 3 || entry.path[3] == f3);
std::wstring path_;
// Tests bookmark_html_writer by populating a BookmarkModel, writing it out by
// way of bookmark_html_writer, then using the importer to read it back in.
TEST_F(BookmarkHTMLWriterTest, Test) {
// Populate the BookmarkModel. This creates the following bookmark structure:
// Bookmark Bar
// F1
// url1
// F2
// url2
// url3
// Other
// url1
// url2
// F3
// F4
// url1
std::wstring f1_title = L"F\"&;<1\"";
std::wstring f2_title = L"F2";
std::wstring f3_title = L"F 3";
std::wstring f4_title = L"F4";
std::wstring url1_title = L"url 1";
std::wstring url2_title = L"url&2";
std::wstring url3_title = L"url\"3";
GURL url1("http://url1");
GURL url2("http://url2");
GURL url3("http://url3");
BookmarkModel model(NULL);
base::Time t1(base::Time::Now());
base::Time t2(t1 + base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1));
base::Time t3(t1 + base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1));
BookmarkNode* f1 = model.AddGroup(model.GetBookmarkBarNode(), 0, f1_title);
model.AddURLWithCreationTime(f1, 0, url1_title, url1, t1);
BookmarkNode* f2 = model.AddGroup(f1, 1, f2_title);
model.AddURLWithCreationTime(f2, 0, url2_title, url2, t2);
model.AddURLWithCreationTime(model.GetBookmarkBarNode(), 1, url3_title, url3,
model.AddURLWithCreationTime(model.other_node(), 0, url1_title, url1, t1);
model.AddURLWithCreationTime(model.other_node(), 1, url2_title, url2, t2);
BookmarkNode* f3 = model.AddGroup(model.other_node(), 2, f3_title);
BookmarkNode* f4 = model.AddGroup(f3, 0, f4_title);
model.AddURLWithCreationTime(f4, 0, url1_title, url1, t1);
// Write to a temp file.
bookmark_html_writer::WriteBookmarks(NULL, &model, path_);
// Read the bookmarks back in.
std::vector<ProfileWriter::BookmarkEntry> parsed_bookmarks;
Firefox2Importer::ImportBookmarksFile(path_, std::set<GURL>(), false,
L"x", NULL, &parsed_bookmarks, NULL,
// Verify we got back what we wrote.
ASSERT_EQ(6U, parsed_bookmarks.size());
AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(parsed_bookmarks[0], false, url1, url1_title, t1,
L"Bookmark Bar", f1_title, std::wstring());
AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(parsed_bookmarks[1], false, url2, url2_title, t2,
L"Bookmark Bar", f1_title, f2_title);
AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(parsed_bookmarks[2], false, url3, url3_title, t3,
L"Bookmark Bar", std::wstring(), std::wstring());
AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(parsed_bookmarks[3], false, url1, url1_title, t1,
std::wstring(), std::wstring(), std::wstring());
AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(parsed_bookmarks[4], false, url2, url2_title, t2,
std::wstring(), std::wstring(), std::wstring());
AssertBookmarkEntryEquals(parsed_bookmarks[5], false, url1, url1_title, t1,
f3_title, f4_title, std::wstring());