blob: 7a83caa08e9b9acc9ab2d42361ce2d0eae67917e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_drag_data.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/snippet.h"
#include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h"
class BookmarkModel;
class BookmarkNode;
class PageNavigator;
class Profile;
// A collection of bookmark utility functions used by various parts of the UI
// that show bookmarks: bookmark manager, bookmark bar view ...
namespace bookmark_utils {
// Calculates the drop operation given |source_operations| and the ideal
// set of drop operations (|operations|). This prefers the following ordering:
// COPY, LINK then MOVE.
int PreferredDropOperation(int source_operations, int operations);
// Returns true if the bookmark data can be dropped on |drop_parent| at
// |index|. A drop from a separate profile is always allowed, where as
// a drop from the same profile is only allowed if none of the nodes in
// |data| are an ancestor of |drop_parent| and one of the nodes isn't already
// a child of |drop_parent| at |index|.
bool IsValidDropLocation(Profile* profile,
const BookmarkDragData& data,
BookmarkNode* drop_parent,
int index);
// Clones drag data, adding newly created nodes to |parent| starting at
// |index_to_add_at|.
void CloneDragData(BookmarkModel* model,
const std::vector<BookmarkDragData::Element>& elements,
BookmarkNode* parent,
int index_to_add_at);
// Recursively opens all bookmarks. |initial_disposition| dictates how the
// first URL is opened, all subsequent URLs are opened as background tabs.
// |navigator| is used to open the URLs. If |navigator| is NULL the last
// tabbed browser with the profile |profile| is used. If there is no browser
// with the specified profile a new one is created.
void OpenAll(HWND parent,
Profile* profile,
PageNavigator* navigator,
const std::vector<BookmarkNode*>& nodes,
WindowOpenDisposition initial_disposition);
// Convenience for opening a single BookmarkNode.
void OpenAll(HWND parent,
Profile* profile,
PageNavigator* navigator,
BookmarkNode* node,
WindowOpenDisposition initial_disposition);
// Copies nodes onto the clipboard. If |remove_nodes| is true the nodes are
// removed after copied to the clipboard. The nodes are copied in such a way
// that if pasted again copies are made.
void CopyToClipboard(BookmarkModel* model,
const std::vector<BookmarkNode*>& nodes,
bool remove_nodes);
// Pastes from the clipboard. The new nodes are added to |parent|, unless
// |parent| is null in which case this does nothing. The nodes are inserted
// at |index|. If |index| is -1 the nodes are added to the end.
void PasteFromClipboard(BookmarkModel* model,
BookmarkNode* parent,
int index);
// Returns true if the user can copy from the pasteboard.
bool CanPasteFromClipboard(BookmarkNode* node);
// Returns a vector containing up to |max_count| of the most recently modified
// groups. This never returns an empty vector.
std::vector<BookmarkNode*> GetMostRecentlyModifiedGroups(BookmarkModel* model,
size_t max_count);
// Returns the most recently added bookmarks. This does not return groups,
// only nodes of type url.
void GetMostRecentlyAddedEntries(BookmarkModel* model,
size_t count,
std::vector<BookmarkNode*>* nodes);
// Used by GetBookmarksMatchingText to return a matching node and the location
// of the match in the title.
struct TitleMatch {
BookmarkNode* node;
// Location of the matching words in the title of the node.
Snippet::MatchPositions match_positions;
// Returns the bookmarks whose title contains text. At most |max_count|
// matches are returned in |matches|.
void GetBookmarksMatchingText(BookmarkModel* model,
const std::wstring& text,
size_t max_count,
std::vector<TitleMatch>* matches);
// Returns true if |n1| was added more recently than |n2|.
bool MoreRecentlyAdded(BookmarkNode* n1, BookmarkNode* n2);
// Returns up to |max_count| bookmarks from |model| whose url or title contains
// the text |text|.
void GetBookmarksContainingText(BookmarkModel* model,
const std::wstring& text,
size_t max_count,
std::vector<BookmarkNode*>* nodes);
// Returns true if |node|'s url or title contains the string |text|.
bool DoesBookmarkContainText(BookmarkNode* node, const std::wstring& text);
// Number of bookmarks we'll open before prompting the user to see if they
// really want to open all.
// NOTE: treat this as a const. It is not const as various tests change the
// value.
extern int num_urls_before_prompting;
} // namespace bookmark_utils