blob: 08942a1b8ca8e65a42d0890ccefb0d3df6ef45fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Base class for managing an action of a sequence of actions to be carried
// out during install/update/uninstall. Supports rollback of actions if this
// process fails.
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
class CopyTreeWorkItem;
class CreateDirWorkItem;
class CreateRegKeyWorkItem;
class DeleteTreeWorkItem;
class DeleteRegValueWorkItem;
class SetRegValueWorkItem;
class WorkItemList;
// A base class that defines APIs to perform/rollback an action or a
// sequence of actions during install/update/uninstall.
class WorkItem {
// Possible states
typedef enum CopyOverWriteOption {
ALWAYS, // Always overwrite regardless of what existed before.
NEVER, // Not used currently.
IF_DIFFERENT, // Overwrite if different. Currently only applies to file.
IF_NOT_PRESENT, // Copy only if file/directory do not exist already.
NEW_NAME_IF_IN_USE // Copy to a new path if dest is in use(only files).
virtual ~WorkItem();
// Create a CopyTreeWorkItem that recursively copies a file system hierarchy
// from source path to destination path.
// * If overwrite_option is ALWAYS, the created CopyTreeWorkItem always
// overwrites files.
// * If overwrite_option is NEW_NAME_IF_IN_USE, file is copied with an
// alternate name specified by alternative_path.
static CopyTreeWorkItem* CreateCopyTreeWorkItem(std::wstring source_path,
std::wstring dest_path, std::wstring temp_dir,
CopyOverWriteOption overwrite_option,
std::wstring alternative_path = L"");
// Create a CreateDirWorkItem that creates a directory at the given path.
static CreateDirWorkItem* CreateCreateDirWorkItem(std::wstring path);
// Create a CreateRegKeyWorkItem that creates a registry key at the given
// path.
static CreateRegKeyWorkItem* CreateCreateRegKeyWorkItem(
HKEY predefined_root, std::wstring path);
// Create a DeleteRegValueWorkItem that deletes a registry value
static DeleteRegValueWorkItem* CreateDeleteRegValueWorkItem(
HKEY predefined_root, std::wstring key_path,
std::wstring value_name, bool is_str_type);
// Create a DeleteTreeWorkItem that recursively deletes a file system
// hierarchy at the given root path. A key file can be optionally specified
// by key_path.
static DeleteTreeWorkItem* CreateDeleteTreeWorkItem(std::wstring root_path,
std::wstring key_path);
// Create a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_SZ type
// at the key with specified path.
static SetRegValueWorkItem* CreateSetRegValueWorkItem(
HKEY predefined_root, std::wstring key_path,
std::wstring value_name, std::wstring value_data, bool overwrite);
// Create a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_DWORD type
// at the key with specified path.
static SetRegValueWorkItem* CreateSetRegValueWorkItem(
HKEY predefined_root, std::wstring key_path,
std::wstring value_name, DWORD value_data, bool overwrite);
// Create an empty WorkItemList. A WorkItemList can recursively contains
// a list of WorkItems.
static WorkItemList* CreateWorkItemList();
// Perform the actions of WorkItem. Returns true if success, returns false
// otherwise.
// If the WorkItem is transactional, then Do() is done as a transaction.
// If it returns false, there will be no change on the system.
virtual bool Do() = 0;
// Rollback any actions previously carried out by this WorkItem. If the
// WorkItem is transactional, then the previous actions can be fully
// rolled back. If the WorkItem is non-transactional, the rollback is a
// best effort.
virtual void Rollback() = 0;
// Return true if the WorkItem is transactional, return false if
// non-transactional.
virtual bool IsTransactional() { return false; }
// For diagnostics.
virtual std::wstring Dump();