blob: 7d0748be2d39169313dbc42d9199cb519346729a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/views/checkbox.h"
namespace views {
// A wrapper for windows's native radio button. Radio buttons can be mutually
// exclusive with other radio buttons.
class RadioButton : public CheckBox {
// The view class name.
static const char kViewClassName[];
// Create a radio button with the provided label and group id.
// The group id is used to identify all the other radio buttons which are in
// mutual exclusion with this radio button. Note: RadioButton assumes that
// all views with that group id are RadioButton. It is an error to give
// that group id to another view subclass which is not a radio button or
// a radio button subclass.
RadioButton(const std::wstring& label, int group_id);
virtual ~RadioButton();
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
virtual void Layout();
virtual std::string GetClassName() const;
// Overridden to properly perform mutual exclusion.
virtual void SetIsSelected(bool f);
virtual View* GetSelectedViewForGroup(int group_id);
// When focusing a RadioButton with Tab/Shift-Tab, only the selected button
// from the group should be accessible.
virtual bool IsGroupFocusTraversable() const { return false; }
virtual HWND CreateNativeControl(HWND parent_container);
virtual LRESULT OnCommand(UINT code, int id, HWND source);
// Get the horizontal distance of the start of the text from the left of the
// control.
static int GetTextIndent();
} // namespace views