blob: ec1de18e4e54df9a4bffb677d020ba220e485cff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/drive/file_errors.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace drive {
struct ClientContext;
class FileChange;
namespace file_system {
// Error type of sync client.
// Keep it synced with "DriveSyncErrorType" in file_manager_private.idl.
enum DriveSyncErrorType {
// Request to delete a file without permission.
// Google Drive is temporary unavailable.
// There is no server space to sync a file.
// Errors other than above ones. No fallback is provided for the error.
// Passes notifications from Drive operations back to the file system.
class OperationDelegate {
// Sent when a content of a directory has been changed.
// |directory_path| is a virtual directory path representing the
// changed directory.
virtual void OnFileChangedByOperation(const FileChange& changed_files) {}
// Sent when an entry is updated and sync is needed. The passed |context| is
// used for syncing.
virtual void OnEntryUpdatedByOperation(const ClientContext& context,
const std::string& local_id) {}
// Sent when a specific drive sync error occurred.
// |local_id| is the local ID of the resource entry.
virtual void OnDriveSyncError(DriveSyncErrorType type,
const std::string& local_id) {}
// Waits for the sync task to complete and runs the callback.
// Returns false if no task is found for the spcecified ID.
virtual bool WaitForSyncComplete(const std::string& local_id,
const FileOperationCallback& callback);
} // namespace file_system
} // namespace drive