blob: a6ccab330cb7fb338aaf5a4c5bd4bf5b74b59449 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// HttpAlternateProtocols is an in-memory data structure used for keeping track
// of which HTTP HostPortPairs have an alternate protocol that can be used
// instead of HTTP on a different port.
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
namespace net {
class HttpAlternateProtocols {
enum Protocol {
BROKEN, // The alternate protocol is known to be broken.
struct PortProtocolPair {
bool Equals(const PortProtocolPair& other) const {
return port == other.port && protocol == other.protocol;
uint16 port;
Protocol protocol;
static const char kHeader[];
static const char* const kProtocolStrings[NUM_ALTERNATE_PROTOCOLS];
// Reports whether or not we have received Alternate-Protocol for
// |http_host_port_pair|.
bool HasAlternateProtocolFor(const HostPortPair& http_host_port_pair) const;
bool HasAlternateProtocolFor(const std::string& host, uint16 port) const;
PortProtocolPair GetAlternateProtocolFor(
const HostPortPair& http_host_port_pair) const;
PortProtocolPair GetAlternateProtocolFor(
const std::string& host, uint16 port) const;
// SetAlternateProtocolFor() will ignore the request if the alternate protocol
// has already been marked broken via MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolFor().
void SetAlternateProtocolFor(const HostPortPair& http_host_port_pair,
uint16 alternate_port,
Protocol alternate_protocol);
// Marks the alternate protocol as broken. Once marked broken, any further
// attempts to set the alternate protocol for |http_host_port_pair| will fail.
void MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolFor(const HostPortPair& http_host_port_pair);
typedef std::map<HostPortPair, PortProtocolPair> ProtocolMap;
ProtocolMap protocol_map_;
} // namespace net