blob: 54e0e5a298b2daa38e656b3c70f80c0e26d75734 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth.h"
namespace net {
class BoundNetLog;
class HostResolver;
class HttpRequestInfo;
class ProxyInfo;
// HttpAuthHandler is the interface for the authentication schemes
// (basic, digest, NTLM, Negotiate).
// HttpAuthHandler objects are typically created by an HttpAuthHandlerFactory.
class HttpAuthHandler : public base::RefCounted<HttpAuthHandler> {
// Initializes the handler using a challenge issued by a server.
// |challenge| must be non-NULL and have already tokenized the
// authentication scheme, but none of the tokens occuring after the
// authentication scheme. |target| and |origin| are both stored
// for later use, and are not part of the initial challenge.
bool InitFromChallenge(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge,
HttpAuth::Target target,
const GURL& origin);
// Lowercase name of the auth scheme
const std::string& scheme() const {
return scheme_;
// The realm value that was parsed during Init().
const std::string& realm() const {
return realm_;
// Numeric rank based on the challenge's security level. Higher
// numbers are better. Used by HttpAuth::ChooseBestChallenge().
int score() const {
return score_;
HttpAuth::Target target() const {
return target_;
// Returns true if the authentication scheme does not send the username and
// password in the clear.
bool encrypts_identity() const {
return (properties_ & ENCRYPTS_IDENTITY) != 0;
// Returns true if the authentication scheme is connection-based, for
// example, NTLM. A connection-based authentication scheme does not support
// preemptive authentication, and must use the same handler object
// throughout the life of an HTTP transaction.
bool is_connection_based() const {
return (properties_ & IS_CONNECTION_BASED) != 0;
// Returns true if the response to the current authentication challenge
// requires an identity.
// TODO(wtc): Find a better way to handle a multi-round challenge-response
// sequence used by a connection-based authentication scheme.
virtual bool NeedsIdentity() { return true; }
// Returns true if this is the final round of the authentication sequence.
// For Basic and Digest, the method always returns true because they are
// single-round schemes.
virtual bool IsFinalRound() { return true; }
// Returns whether the default credentials may be used for the |origin| passed
// into |InitFromChallenge|. If true, the user does not need to be prompted
// for username and password to establish credentials.
// NOTE: SSO is a potential security risk.
// TODO(cbentzel): Add a pointer to Firefox documentation about risk.
virtual bool AllowsDefaultCredentials() { return false; }
// Returns whether the canonical DNS name for the origin host needs to be
// resolved. The Negotiate auth scheme typically uses the canonical DNS
// name when constructing the Kerberos SPN.
virtual bool NeedsCanonicalName() { return false; }
// TODO(cbentzel): Separate providing credentials from generating the
// authentication token in the API.
// Generates an authentication token.
// The return value is an error code. If the code is not |OK|, the value of
// |*auth_token| is unspecified.
// |auth_token| is a return value and must be non-NULL.
virtual int GenerateAuthToken(const std::wstring& username,
const std::wstring& password,
const HttpRequestInfo* request,
const ProxyInfo* proxy,
std::string* auth_token) = 0;
// Generates an authentication token using default credentials.
// The return value is an error code. If the code is not |OK|, the value of
// |*auth_token| is unspecified.
// |auth_token| is a return value and must be non-NULL.
// This should only be called if |SupportsDefaultCredentials| returns true.
virtual int GenerateDefaultAuthToken(const HttpRequestInfo* request,
const ProxyInfo* proxy,
std::string* auth_token) = 0;
// Resolves the canonical name for the |origin_| host. The canonical
// name is used by the Negotiate scheme to generate a valid Kerberos
// SPN.
// The return value is a net error code.
virtual int ResolveCanonicalName(HostResolver* host_resolver,
CompletionCallback* callback,
const BoundNetLog& net_log);
enum Property {
friend class base::RefCounted<HttpAuthHandler>;
virtual ~HttpAuthHandler() { }
// Initializes the handler using a challenge issued by a server.
// |challenge| must be non-NULL and have already tokenized the
// authentication scheme, but none of the tokens occuring after the
// authentication scheme.
// Implementations are expcted to initialize the following members:
// scheme_, realm_, score_, properties_
virtual bool Init(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge) = 0;
// The lowercase auth-scheme {"basic", "digest", "ntlm", "negotiate"}
std::string scheme_;
// The realm. Used by "basic" and "digest".
std::string realm_;
// The {scheme, host, port} for the authentication target. Used by "ntlm"
// and "negotiate" to construct the service principal name.
GURL origin_;
// The score for this challenge. Higher numbers are better.
int score_;
// Whether this authentication request is for a proxy server, or an
// origin server.
HttpAuth::Target target_;
// A bitmask of the properties of the authentication scheme.
int properties_;
} // namespace net