blob: 2bf5aee0cf51124b18d3084ff3176cb00f30f1fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/containers/linked_list.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
namespace net {
// This data structure implements the HTTP/2 stream priority tree defined in
// section 5.3 of RFC 7540:
// Streams can be added and removed, and dependencies between them defined.
// Streams constitute a tree rooted at stream ID 0: each stream has a single
// parent stream, and 0 or more child streams. Individual streams can be
// marked as ready to read/write, and then the whole structure can be queried
// to pick the next stream to read/write out of those that are ready.
// The StreamIdType type must be a POD that supports comparison (most
// likely, it will be a number).
namespace test {
template <typename StreamIdType>
class Http2PriorityWriteSchedulerPeer;
const unsigned int kHttp2RootStreamId = 0;
const int kHttp2DefaultStreamWeight = 16;
const int kHttp2MinStreamWeight = 1;
const int kHttp2MaxStreamWeight = 256;
template <typename StreamIdType>
class Http2PriorityWriteScheduler {
friend class test::Http2PriorityWriteSchedulerPeer<StreamIdType>;
// Return the number of streams currently in the tree.
int num_streams() const;
// Return true if the tree contains a stream with the given ID.
bool StreamRegistered(StreamIdType stream_id) const;
// Registers a new stream with the given weight and parent, adding it to the
// dependency tree. Non-exclusive streams simply get added below the parent
// stream. If exclusive = true, the stream becomes the parent's sole child
// and the parent's previous children become the children of the new
// stream. If the stream was already registered, logs DFATAL and does
// nothing. If the parent stream is not registered, logs DFATAL and uses the
// root stream as the parent.
void RegisterStream(StreamIdType stream_id,
StreamIdType parent_id,
int weight,
bool exclusive);
// Unregisters the given stream from the scheduler, removing it from the
// dependency tree. If the stream was not previously registered, logs DFATAL
// and does nothing.
void UnregisterStream(StreamIdType stream_id);
// Returns the weight value for the specified stream. If the stream is not
// registered, logs DFATAL and returns the lowest weight.
int GetStreamWeight(StreamIdType stream_id) const;
// Returns the stream ID for the parent of the given stream. If the stream
// isn't registered, logs DFATAL and returns the root stream ID (0).
StreamIdType GetStreamParent(StreamIdType stream_id) const;
// Returns stream IDs of the children of the given stream, if any. If the
// stream isn't registered, logs DFATAL and returns an empty vector.
std::vector<StreamIdType> GetStreamChildren(StreamIdType stream_id) const;
// Sets the weight of the given stream. If the stream isn't registered or is
// the root stream, logs DFATAL and does nothing.
void SetStreamWeight(StreamIdType stream_id, int weight);
// Sets the parent of the given stream. If the stream and/or parent aren't
// registered, logs DFATAL and does nothing. If the new parent is a
// descendant of the stream (i.e. this would have created a cycle) then the
// topology of the tree is rearranged as described in section 5.3.3 of RFC
// 7540:
void SetStreamParent(StreamIdType stream_id,
StreamIdType parent_id,
bool exclusive);
// Returns true if the stream parent_id has child_id in its children. If
// either parent or child stream aren't registered, logs DFATAL and returns
// false.
bool StreamHasChild(StreamIdType parent_id, StreamIdType child_id) const;
// Marks the stream as blocked or unblocked. If the stream is not registered,
// logs DFATAL and does nothing.
void MarkStreamBlocked(StreamIdType stream_id, bool blocked);
// Marks the stream as ready or not ready to write; i.e. whether there is
// buffered data for the associated stream. If the stream is not registered,
// logs DFATAL and does nothing.
void MarkStreamReady(StreamIdType stream_id, bool ready);
// Returns true iff the scheduler has one or more usable streams. A stream is
// usable if it has ready == true and blocked == false, and is not the direct
// or indirect child of another stream that itself has ready == true and
// blocked == false. (Note that the root stream always has ready == false.)
bool HasUsableStreams() const;
// If the scheduler has any usable streams, returns the ID of the next usable
// stream, in the process changing its ready state to false. If the scheduler
// does not have any usable streams, logs DFATAL and returns the root stream
// ID (0). If there are multiple usable streams, precedence is given to the
// one with the highest priority (thus preserving SPDY priority semantics),
// or, if there are multiple with the highest priority, the one with the
// lowest ordinal (ensuring round-robin ordering).
StreamIdType PopNextUsableStream();
struct StreamInfo;
using StreamInfoVector = std::vector<StreamInfo*>;
using StreamInfoMap = std::unordered_map<StreamIdType, StreamInfo*>;
struct StreamInfo : public base::LinkNode<StreamInfo> {
// ID for this stream.
StreamIdType id;
// ID of parent stream.
StreamInfo* parent = nullptr;
// Weights can range between 1 and 256 (inclusive).
int weight = kHttp2DefaultStreamWeight;
// The total weight of this stream's direct descendants.
int total_child_weights = 0;
// Pointers to StreamInfos for children, if any.
StreamInfoVector children;
// Is the associated stream write-blocked?
bool blocked = false;
// Does the stream have data ready for writing?
bool ready = false;
// Whether the stream is currently present in scheduling_queue_.
bool scheduled = false;
// The scheduling priority of this stream. Streams with higher priority
// values are scheduled first.
float priority = 0;
// Ordinal value for this stream, used to ensure round-robin scheduling:
// among streams with the same scheduling priority, streams with lower
// ordinal are scheduled first. The ordinal is reset to a new, greater
// value when the stream is next inserted into scheduling_queue_.
int64_t ordinal = 0;
// Whether the stream ought to be in scheduling_queue_.
bool IsSchedulable() const { return ready && !blocked; }
// Whether this stream should be scheduled ahead of another stream.
bool SchedulesBefore(const StreamInfo& other) const {
return (priority != other.priority) ? priority > other.priority
: ordinal < other.ordinal;
static bool Remove(StreamInfoVector* stream_infos,
const StreamInfo* stream_info);
// Clamps weight to a value in [kHttp2MinStreamWeight,
// kHttp2MaxStreamWeight].
static int ClampWeight(int weight);
// Returns true iff any direct or transitive parent of the given stream is
// currently scheduled.
static bool HasScheduledAncestor(const StreamInfo& stream_info);
// Returns StreamInfo for the given stream, or nullptr if it isn't
// registered.
const StreamInfo* FindStream(StreamIdType stream_id) const;
StreamInfo* FindStream(StreamIdType stream_id);
// Update all priority values in the subtree rooted at the given stream, not
// including the stream itself. If this results in priority value changes for
// scheduled streams, those streams are rescheduled to ensure proper ordering
// of scheduling_queue_.
void UpdatePrioritiesUnder(StreamInfo* stream_info);
// Adds or removes stream from scheduling_queue_ according to whether it is
// schedulable. If stream is newly schedulable, assigns it the next
// (increasing) ordinal value.
void UpdateScheduling(StreamInfo* stream_info);
// Inserts stream into scheduling_queue_ at the appropriate location given
// its priority and ordinal. Time complexity is O(scheduling_queue.size()).
void Schedule(StreamInfo* stream_info);
// Removes stream from scheduling_queue_.
void Unschedule(StreamInfo* stream_info);
// Return true if all internal invariants hold (useful for unit tests).
// Unless there are bugs, this should always return true.
bool ValidateInvariantsForTests() const;
// Pointee owned by all_stream_infos_.
StreamInfo* root_stream_info_;
// Maps from stream IDs to StreamInfo objects.
StreamInfoMap all_stream_infos_;
STLValueDeleter<StreamInfoMap> all_stream_infos_deleter_;
// Queue containing all streams that are ready and unblocked, ordered with
// streams of higher priority before streams of lower priority, and, among
// streams of equal priority, streams with lower ordinal before those with
// higher ordinal. Note that not all streams in scheduling_queue_ are
// necessarily usable: some may have ancestor stream(s) that are ready and
// unblocked. In these situations the occluded child streams are left in the
// queue, to reduce churn.
base::LinkedList<StreamInfo> scheduling_queue_;
// Ordinal value to assign to next node inserted into
// scheduling_queue_. Incremented after each insertion.
int64_t next_ordinal_ = 0;
template <typename StreamIdType>
: all_stream_infos_deleter_(&all_stream_infos_) {
root_stream_info_ = new StreamInfo();
root_stream_info_->id = kHttp2RootStreamId;
root_stream_info_->weight = kHttp2DefaultStreamWeight;
root_stream_info_->parent = nullptr;
root_stream_info_->priority = 1.0;
root_stream_info_->ready = true;
all_stream_infos_[kHttp2RootStreamId] = root_stream_info_;
template <typename StreamIdType>
int Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::num_streams() const {
return all_stream_infos_.size();
template <typename StreamIdType>
bool Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::StreamRegistered(
StreamIdType stream_id) const {
return ContainsKey(all_stream_infos_, stream_id);
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::RegisterStream(
StreamIdType stream_id,
StreamIdType parent_id,
int weight,
bool exclusive) {
if (StreamRegistered(stream_id)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " already registered";
weight = ClampWeight(weight);
StreamInfo* parent = FindStream(parent_id);
if (parent == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Parent stream " << parent_id << " not registered";
parent = root_stream_info_;
StreamInfo* new_stream_info = new StreamInfo;
new_stream_info->id = stream_id;
new_stream_info->weight = weight;
new_stream_info->parent = parent;
all_stream_infos_[stream_id] = new_stream_info;
if (exclusive) {
// Move the parent's current children below the new stream.
using std::swap;
swap(new_stream_info->children, parent->children);
new_stream_info->total_child_weights = parent->total_child_weights;
// Update each child's parent.
for (StreamInfo* child : new_stream_info->children) {
child->parent = new_stream_info;
// Clear parent's old child data.
parent->total_child_weights = 0;
// Add new stream to parent.
parent->total_child_weights += weight;
// Update all priorities under parent, since addition of a stream affects
// sibling priorities as well.
// Stream starts with ready == false, so no need to schedule it yet.
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::UnregisterStream(
StreamIdType stream_id) {
if (stream_id == kHttp2RootStreamId) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot unregister root stream";
// Remove the stream from table.
typename StreamInfoMap::iterator it = all_stream_infos_.find(stream_id);
if (it == all_stream_infos_.end()) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
scoped_ptr<StreamInfo> stream_info(std::move(it->second));
// If scheduled, unschedule.
if (stream_info->scheduled) {
StreamInfo* parent = stream_info->parent;
// Remove the stream from parent's child list.
Remove(&parent->children, stream_info.get());
parent->total_child_weights -= stream_info->weight;
// Move the stream's children to the parent's child list.
// Update each child's parent and weight.
for (StreamInfo* child : stream_info->children) {
child->parent = parent;
// Divide the removed stream's weight among its children, rounding to the
// nearest valid weight.
float float_weight = stream_info->weight *
static_cast<float>(child->weight) /
int new_weight = floor(float_weight + 0.5);
if (new_weight == 0) {
new_weight = 1;
child->weight = new_weight;
parent->total_child_weights += child->weight;
template <typename StreamIdType>
int Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::GetStreamWeight(
StreamIdType stream_id) const {
const StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
return kHttp2MinStreamWeight;
return stream_info->weight;
template <typename StreamIdType>
StreamIdType Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::GetStreamParent(
StreamIdType stream_id) const {
const StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
return kHttp2RootStreamId;
if (stream_info->parent == nullptr) { // root stream
return kHttp2RootStreamId;
return stream_info->parent->id;
template <typename StreamIdType>
std::vector<StreamIdType> Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<
StreamIdType>::GetStreamChildren(StreamIdType stream_id) const {
std::vector<StreamIdType> child_vec;
const StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
} else {
for (StreamInfo* child : stream_info->children) {
return child_vec;
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::SetStreamWeight(
StreamIdType stream_id,
int weight) {
if (stream_id == kHttp2RootStreamId) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot set weight of root stream";
StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
weight = ClampWeight(weight);
if (weight == stream_info->weight) {
if (stream_info->parent != nullptr) {
stream_info->parent->total_child_weights += (weight - stream_info->weight);
stream_info->weight = weight;
// Change in weight also affects sibling priorities.
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::SetStreamParent(
StreamIdType stream_id,
StreamIdType parent_id,
bool exclusive) {
if (stream_id == kHttp2RootStreamId) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot set parent of root stream";
if (stream_id == parent_id) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot set stream to be its own parent";
StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
StreamInfo* new_parent = FindStream(parent_id);
if (new_parent == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Parent stream " << parent_id << " not registered";
// If the new parent is already the stream's parent, we're done.
if (stream_info->parent == new_parent) {
// Next, check to see if the new parent is currently a descendant
// of the stream.
StreamInfo* last = new_parent->parent;
bool cycle_exists = false;
while (last != nullptr) {
if (last == stream_info) {
cycle_exists = true;
last = last->parent;
if (cycle_exists) {
// The new parent moves to the level of the current stream.
SetStreamParent(parent_id, stream_info->parent->id, false);
// Remove stream from old parent's child list.
StreamInfo* old_parent = stream_info->parent;
Remove(&old_parent->children, stream_info);
old_parent->total_child_weights -= stream_info->weight;
if (exclusive) {
// Move the new parent's current children below the current stream.
for (StreamInfo* child : new_parent->children) {
child->parent = stream_info;
stream_info->total_child_weights += new_parent->total_child_weights;
// Clear new parent's old child data.
new_parent->total_child_weights = 0;
// Make the change.
stream_info->parent = new_parent;
new_parent->total_child_weights += stream_info->weight;
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::MarkStreamBlocked(
StreamIdType stream_id,
bool blocked) {
if (stream_id == kHttp2RootStreamId) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot mark root stream blocked or unblocked";
StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
stream_info->blocked = blocked;
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::MarkStreamReady(
StreamIdType stream_id,
bool ready) {
if (stream_id == kHttp2RootStreamId) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot mark root stream ready or unready";
StreamInfo* stream_info = FindStream(stream_id);
if (stream_info == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream " << stream_id << " not registered";
stream_info->ready = ready;
template <typename StreamIdType>
bool Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::Remove(
StreamInfoVector* stream_infos,
const StreamInfo* stream_info) {
for (typename StreamInfoVector::iterator it = stream_infos->begin();
it != stream_infos->end(); ++it) {
if (*it == stream_info) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename StreamIdType>
int Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::ClampWeight(int weight) {
if (weight < kHttp2MinStreamWeight) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Invalid weight: " << weight;
return kHttp2MinStreamWeight;
if (weight > kHttp2MaxStreamWeight) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Invalid weight: " << weight;
return kHttp2MaxStreamWeight;
return weight;
template <typename StreamIdType>
bool Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::HasScheduledAncestor(
const StreamInfo& stream_info) {
for (const StreamInfo* parent = stream_info.parent; parent != nullptr;
parent = parent->parent) {
if (parent->scheduled) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename StreamIdType>
const typename Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::StreamInfo*
StreamIdType stream_id) const {
typename StreamInfoMap::const_iterator it = all_stream_infos_.find(stream_id);
return it == all_stream_infos_.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
template <typename StreamIdType>
typename Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::StreamInfo*
Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::FindStream(StreamIdType stream_id) {
typename StreamInfoMap::iterator it = all_stream_infos_.find(stream_id);
return it == all_stream_infos_.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::UpdatePrioritiesUnder(
StreamInfo* stream_info) {
for (StreamInfo* child : stream_info->children) {
child->priority = stream_info->priority *
(static_cast<float>(child->weight) /
if (child->scheduled) {
// Reposition in scheduling_queue_. Use post-order for scheduling, to
// benefit from the fact that children have priority <= parent priority.
} else {
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::UpdateScheduling(
StreamInfo* stream_info) {
if (stream_info->IsSchedulable() != stream_info->scheduled) {
if (stream_info->scheduled) {
} else {
stream_info->ordinal = next_ordinal_++;
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::Schedule(
StreamInfo* stream_info) {
for (base::LinkNode<StreamInfo>* s = scheduling_queue_.head();
s != scheduling_queue_.end(); s = s->next()) {
if (stream_info->SchedulesBefore(*s->value())) {
stream_info->scheduled = true;
if (!stream_info->scheduled) {
stream_info->scheduled = true;
template <typename StreamIdType>
void Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::Unschedule(
StreamInfo* stream_info) {
stream_info->scheduled = false;
template <typename StreamIdType>
bool Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::StreamHasChild(
StreamIdType parent_id,
StreamIdType child_id) const {
const StreamInfo* parent = FindStream(parent_id);
if (parent == nullptr) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Parent stream " << parent_id << " not registered";
return false;
if (!StreamRegistered(child_id)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Child stream " << child_id << " not registered";
return false;
auto found = std::find_if(parent->children.begin(), parent->children.end(),
[child_id](StreamInfo* stream_info) {
return stream_info->id == child_id;
return found != parent->children.end();
template <typename StreamIdType>
bool Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::HasUsableStreams() const {
// Even though not every stream in scheduling queue is guaranteed to be
// usable (since children are occluded by parents), the presence of any
// streams guarantees at least one is usable.
return !scheduling_queue_.empty();
template <typename StreamIdType>
StreamIdType Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::PopNextUsableStream() {
for (base::LinkNode<StreamInfo>* s = scheduling_queue_.head();
s != scheduling_queue_.end(); s = s->next()) {
StreamInfo* stream_info = s->value();
if (!HasScheduledAncestor(*stream_info)) {
stream_info->ready = false;
return stream_info->id;
LOG(DFATAL) << "No usable streams";
return kHttp2RootStreamId;
template <typename StreamIdType>
bool Http2PriorityWriteScheduler<StreamIdType>::ValidateInvariantsForTests()
const {
int total_streams = 0;
int streams_visited = 0;
// Iterate through all streams in the map.
for (const auto& kv : all_stream_infos_) {
const StreamInfo& stream_info = *kv.second;
// All streams except the root should have a parent, and should appear in
// the children of that parent.
if ( != kHttp2RootStreamId &&
!StreamHasChild(stream_info.parent->id, {
DLOG(INFO) << "Parent stream " << stream_info.parent->id
<< " is not registered, or does not list stream "
<< << " as its child.";
return false;
if (!stream_info.children.empty()) {
int total_child_weights = 0;
// Iterate through the stream's children.
for (StreamInfo* child : stream_info.children) {
// Each stream in the list should exist and should have this stream
// set as its parent.
if (!StreamRegistered(child->id) || != GetStreamParent(child->id)) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Child stream " << child->id << " is not registered, "
<< "or does not list " <<
<< " as its parent.";
return false;
total_child_weights += child->weight;
// Verify that total_child_weights is correct.
if (total_child_weights != stream_info.total_child_weights) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Child weight totals do not agree. For stream "
<< << " total_child_weights has value "
<< stream_info.total_child_weights << ", expected "
<< total_child_weights;
return false;
// Make sure num_streams reflects the total number of streams the map
// contains.
if (total_streams != num_streams()) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Map contains incorrect number of streams.";
return false;
// Validate the validation function; we should have visited each stream twice
// (except for the root)
DCHECK(streams_visited == 2 * num_streams() - 1);
return true;
} // namespace net