blob: 09127f3e3f8b893cdd436cbe4b97b35cc4903d29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/payments/local_card_migration_controller_observer.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/payments/local_card_migration_dialog_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
namespace autofill {
class LocalCardMigrationDialog;
// This per-tab controller is lazily initialized and owns a
// LocalCardMigrationDialog. It's also responsible for reshowing the original
// dialog that the migration dialog interrupted.
class LocalCardMigrationDialogControllerImpl
: public LocalCardMigrationDialogController,
public content::WebContentsObserver,
public content::WebContentsUserData<
LocalCardMigrationDialogControllerImpl> {
~LocalCardMigrationDialogControllerImpl() override;
void ShowOfferDialog(
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> legal_message,
const std::string& user_email,
const std::vector<MigratableCreditCard>& migratable_credit_cards,
// When migration is finished, update the credit card icon. Also passes
// |tip_message|, and |migratable_credit_cards| to controller.
void UpdateCreditCardIcon(
const base::string16& tip_message,
const std::vector<MigratableCreditCard>& migratable_credit_cards,
AutofillClient::MigrationDeleteCardCallback delete_local_card_callback);
// If the user clicks on the credit card icon in the omnibox, we show the
// feedback dialog containing the uploading results of the cards that the
// user selected to upload.
void ShowFeedbackDialog();
// If the user clicks on the credit card icon in the omnibox after the
// migration request failed due to some internal server errors, we show the
// error dialog containing an error message.
void ShowErrorDialog();
void AddObserver(LocalCardMigrationControllerObserver* observer);
// LocalCardMigrationDialogController:
LocalCardMigrationDialogState GetViewState() const override;
const std::vector<MigratableCreditCard>& GetCardList() const override;
const LegalMessageLines& GetLegalMessageLines() const override;
const base::string16& GetTipMessage() const override;
const std::string& GetUserEmail() const override;
void OnSaveButtonClicked(
const std::vector<std::string>& selected_cards_guids) override;
void OnCancelButtonClicked() override;
void OnDoneButtonClicked() override;
void OnViewCardsButtonClicked() override;
void OnLegalMessageLinkClicked(const GURL& url) override;
void DeleteCard(const std::string& deleted_card_guid) override;
void OnDialogClosed() override;
bool AllCardsInvalid() const override;
// Returns nullptr if no dialog is currently shown.
LocalCardMigrationDialog* local_card_migration_dialog_view() const;
explicit LocalCardMigrationDialogControllerImpl(
content::WebContents* web_contents);
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<
void OpenUrl(const GURL& url);
void UpdateLocalCardMigrationIcon();
// The dialog is showing cards of which the migration failed. We will show
// the "Almost done" dialog in this case.
bool HasFailedCard() const;
void NotifyMigrationNoLongerAvailable();
void NotifyMigrationStarted();
LocalCardMigrationDialog* local_card_migration_dialog_ = nullptr;
PrefService* pref_service_;
LocalCardMigrationDialogState view_state_;
LegalMessageLines legal_message_lines_;
// Invoked when the save button is clicked. Will return a vector containing
// GUIDs of cards that the user selected to upload.
AutofillClient::LocalCardMigrationCallback start_migrating_cards_callback_;
// Invoked when the trash can button in the action-requied dialog is clicked.
// Will pass a string of GUID of the card the user selected to delete from
// local storage to LocalCardMigrationManager.
AutofillClient::MigrationDeleteCardCallback delete_local_card_callback_;
// Local copy of the MigratableCreditCards vector passed from
// LocalCardMigrationManager. Used in constructing the
// LocalCardMigrationDialogView.
std::vector<MigratableCreditCard> migratable_credit_cards_;
// Timer used to measure the amount of time that the local card migration
// dialog is visible to users.
base::ElapsedTimer dialog_is_visible_duration_timer_;
// The message containing information from Google Payments. Shown in the
// feedback dialogs after migration process is finished.
base::string16 tip_message_;
// The user email shown in the dialogs.
std::string user_email_;
// Contains observer listening to user's interactions with the dialog. The
// observer is responsible for setting flow step upon these interactions.
} // namespace autofill