blob: fb2fa416c43ac9cb8b1a2e62ee4346ad90daa754 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/login/login_handler.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace {
const char kHttpUrl[] = "";
const char kBasicAuthScheme[] = "Basic";
const char kFooRealm[] = "Foo";
const char kInsecureProxy[] = "Your connection to this site is not private";
enum TargetType { PROXY, SERVER };
const struct TestCase {
const char* const request_url;
struct {
TargetType target_type;
const char* const scheme;
const char* const realm;
const char* const challenger;
} auth_info;
struct {
const char* const authority;
const char* const explanation;
const char* const signon_realm;
} expected;
} kTestCases[]{
// Insecure proxy
{PROXY, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, ""},
{"The proxy", kInsecureProxy, ""}},
// Insecure proxy on non-standard port
{PROXY, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, ""},
{"The proxy", kInsecureProxy,
// Secure proxy
{PROXY, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, ""},
{"The proxy", "", ""}},
// Secure proxy on non-standard port
{PROXY, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, ""},
{"The proxy", "", ""}},
// localhost
{PROXY, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, "http://localhost:7323"},
{"The proxy http://localhost:7323", "", "localhost:7323/Foo"}},
// Secure server
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
// URL uses default port.
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
// URL uses non-default port.
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
// URL has no trailing slash.
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
// username:password
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
// query
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
// reference
{SERVER, kBasicAuthScheme, kFooRealm, nullptr},
{"", "", ""}},
base::string16 ExpectedAuthority(bool is_proxy, const char* prefix) {
base::string16 str = base::ASCIIToUTF16(prefix);
// Proxies and Android have additional surrounding text. Otherwise, only the
// host URL is shown.
bool extra_text = is_proxy;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
extra_text = true;
if (extra_text)
str += base::ASCIIToUTF16(" requires a username and password.");
return str;
} // namespace
TEST(LoginHandlerTest, DialogStringsAndRealm) {
for (const auto& test_case : kTestCases) {
net::AuthChallengeInfo auth_info;
GURL request_url(test_case.request_url);
auth_info.is_proxy = test_case.auth_info.target_type == PROXY;
auth_info.scheme = test_case.auth_info.scheme;
auth_info.realm = test_case.auth_info.realm;
auth_info.challenger = url::Origin::Create(
test_case.auth_info.challenger ? GURL(test_case.auth_info.challenger)
: request_url);
<< "request_url:" << test_case.request_url
<< " auth_info: { is_proxy:" << auth_info.is_proxy
<< " scheme:'" << auth_info.scheme << "' realm:'"
<< auth_info.realm << "' challenger:'"
<< auth_info.challenger.Serialize() << "' }");
base::string16 authority;
base::string16 explanation;
LoginHandler::GetDialogStrings(request_url, auth_info, &authority,
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedAuthority(test_case.auth_info.target_type == PROXY,
LoginHandler::GetSignonRealm(request_url, auth_info).c_str());