blob: 011711d36c3968dc60d84e442d628555eef0efe0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/tracing/common/stack_unwinder_android.h"
#include <linux/futex.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "link.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/android/jni_generator/jni_generator_helper.h"
#include "base/debug/proc_maps_linux.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/trace_event/cfi_backtrace_android.h"
#include "libunwind.h"
using base::trace_event::CFIBacktraceAndroid;
using base::debug::MappedMemoryRegion;
namespace {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SamplingProfilerUnwindResult {
kFutexSignalFailed = 0,
kStackCopyFailed = 1,
kUnwindInitFailed = 2,
kHandlerUnwindFailed = 3,
kFirstFrameUnmapped = 4,
kMaxValue = kFirstFrameUnmapped,
void RecordUnwindResult(SamplingProfilerUnwindResult result) {
// Waitable event implementation with futex and without DCHECK(s), since signal
// handlers cannot allocate memory or use pthread api.
class AsyncSafeWaitableEvent {
AsyncSafeWaitableEvent() { base::subtle::Release_Store(&futex_, 0); }
~AsyncSafeWaitableEvent() {}
bool Wait() {
// futex() can wake up spuriously if this memory address was previously used
// for a pthread mutex. So, also check the condition.
while (true) {
int res = syscall(SYS_futex, &futex_, FUTEX_WAIT | FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG, 0,
nullptr, nullptr, 0);
if (base::subtle::Acquire_Load(&futex_) != 0)
return true;
if (res != 0)
return false;
void Signal() {
base::subtle::Release_Store(&futex_, 1);
syscall(SYS_futex, &futex_, FUTEX_WAKE | FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG, 1, nullptr,
nullptr, 0);
int futex_;
// Scoped signal event that calls Signal on the AsyncSafeWaitableEvent at
// destructor.
class ScopedEventSignaller {
ScopedEventSignaller(AsyncSafeWaitableEvent* event) : event_(event) {}
~ScopedEventSignaller() { event_->Signal(); }
AsyncSafeWaitableEvent* event_;
// Helper class to unwind stack. See Unwind() method for details.
class UnwindHelper {
UnwindHelper(bool use_libunwind,
const tracing::StackUnwinderAndroid* unwinder,
uintptr_t original_sp,
size_t stack_size,
base::NativeStackSampler::StackBuffer* stack_buffer,
const void** out_trace,
size_t max_depth)
: use_libunwind_(use_libunwind),
? reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_buffer->buffer())
: original_sp),
stack_segment_base_(initial_sp_ + stack_size),
depth_(0) {}
// Unwinds from given |cursor| readable by libunwind, and returns
// the number of frames added to the output. This function can unwind through
// android framework and then chrome functions. It cannot handle the cases
// when the chrome functions are called by android framework again, since we
// cannot create the right context for libunwind from chrome functions.
// TODO(ssid): This function should support unwinding from chrome to android
// libraries also.
size_t Unwind(uintptr_t original_sp,
unw_context_t* context,
const ucontext_t& signal_context,
base::NativeStackSampler::StackBuffer* stack_buffer) {
const uintptr_t new_stack_top = initial_sp_;
// Set the frame to the return frame from signal handler.
current_ip_ = signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_pc;
current_sp_ =
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_sp - original_sp + new_stack_top;
// Do not use libunwind if we stopped at chrome frame.
if (CFIBacktraceAndroid::is_chrome_address(current_ip_)) {
return cfi_unwinder_->Unwind(current_ip_, current_sp_,
out_trace_, max_depth_);
if (stack_buffer)
RewritePointersAndGetMarkers(stack_buffer, original_sp, stack_size_);
if (!GetUnwindCursorForStack(original_sp, signal_context, context)) {
return 0;
bool try_stack_search = true;
if (use_libunwind_)
if (CFIBacktraceAndroid::is_chrome_address(current_ip_)) {
// Continue unwinding CFI unwinder if we found stack frame from chrome
// library.
uintptr_t lr = 0;
unw_get_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_LR, &lr);
depth_ += cfi_unwinder_->Unwind(current_ip_, current_sp_, lr,
out_trace_ + depth_, max_depth_ - depth_);
try_stack_search = false;
if (depth_ >= max_depth_)
return depth_;
// Try unwinding the rest of frames from Jni markers on stack if present.
// This is to skip trying to unwind art frames which do not have unwind
// information.
for (const auto* const marker : jni_markers_) {
// Skip if we already walked past this marker.
if (current_sp_ > marker->sp)
depth_ += cfi_unwinder_->Unwind(marker->pc, marker->sp, /*lr=*/0,
out_trace_ + depth_, max_depth_ - depth_);
try_stack_search = false;
if (depth_ >= max_depth_)
// We tried all possible ways to unwind and failed. So, scan the stack to
// find all chrome addresses and add them to stack trace. This would give us
// a lot of false frames on the trace. The idea is to try to sanitize the
// trace on server side or try unwinding after each search. The current
// version just sends back all PCs until we figure out what is the best way
// to sanitize the stack trace.
if (try_stack_search)
if (depth_ == 0)
return depth_;
// Unwinds from the given context using libunwind.
void UnwindWithLibunwind() {
uintptr_t previous_sp = 0;
do {
unw_get_reg(&cursor_, UNW_REG_IP, &current_ip_);
unw_get_reg(&cursor_, UNW_REG_SP, &current_sp_);
DCHECK_GE(current_sp_, initial_sp_);
if (stack_segment_base_ > 0)
DCHECK_LT(current_sp_, stack_segment_base_);
// If SP and IP did not change from previous frame, then unwinding failed.
if (previous_sp == current_sp_ &&
current_ip_ == reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(out_trace_[depth_ - 1])) {
previous_sp = current_sp_;
// If address is in chrome library, then use CFI unwinder since chrome
// might not have EHABI unwind tables.
if (CFIBacktraceAndroid::is_chrome_address(current_ip_))
// Break if pc is not from any mapped region. Something went wrong while
// unwinding.
if (!unwinder_->IsAddressMapped(current_ip_))
// If it is chrome address, the cfi unwinder will include it.
out_trace_[depth_++] = reinterpret_cast<void*>(current_ip_);
} while (unw_step(&cursor_) && depth_ < max_depth_ - 1);
void ScanStackAndFillFrames() {
// Search from beginning of stack, in case unwinding obtained bad offsets.
uintptr_t* stack = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(initial_sp_);
// Add a nullptr to differentiate addresses found by unwinding and scanning.
out_trace_[depth_++] = nullptr;
while (depth_ < max_depth_ &&
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack) < stack_segment_base_) {
if (CFIBacktraceAndroid::is_chrome_address(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(*stack))) {
out_trace_[depth_++] = reinterpret_cast<void*>(*stack);
// Creates unwind cursor for the copied stack, which points to the function
// frame in which the sampled thread was stopped. We get information about
// this frame from signal context. Replaces registers in the context and
// cursor to point to the new stack's top function frame.
bool GetUnwindCursorForStack(uintptr_t original_sp,
const ucontext_t& signal_context,
unw_context_t* context) {
// Initialize an unwind cursor on copied stack.
if (unw_init_local(&cursor_, context) != 0)
return false;
// If we never copied stack, then no need to replace all the registers.
if (original_sp == initial_sp_)
return true;
// Reset the unwind cursor to previous function and continue with libunwind.
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_REG_SP, current_sp_); // 13
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R0,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r0, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R1,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r1, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R3,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r2, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R3,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r3, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R4,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r4, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R5,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r5, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R6,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r6, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R7,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r7, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R8,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r8, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R9,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r9, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R10,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_r10, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R11,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_fp, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_R12,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_ip, original_sp));
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_ARM_LR,
signal_context.uc_mcontext.arm_lr, original_sp));
// Setting the IP register might cause adjustments in SP register. So, this
// must be set after setting SP to the right value.
unw_set_reg(&cursor_, UNW_REG_IP, current_ip_); // 15
return true;
uintptr_t RewritePointerIfInOriginalStack(uintptr_t ptr_address,
uintptr_t sp) {
const uintptr_t new_stack_top = initial_sp_;
if (ptr_address >= sp && ptr_address < sp + stack_size_)
return ptr_address - sp + new_stack_top;
return ptr_address;
void RewritePointersAndGetMarkers(
base::NativeStackSampler::StackBuffer* stack_buffer,
uintptr_t original_sp,
size_t stack_size) {
uintptr_t* new_stack = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(stack_buffer->buffer());
constexpr uint32_t marker_l =
jni_generator::kJniStackMarkerValue & 0xFFFFFFFF;
constexpr uint32_t marker_r = jni_generator::kJniStackMarkerValue >> 32;
const uintptr_t new_stack_top =
const size_t ptrs_to_rewrite = stack_size / sizeof(uintptr_t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ptrs_to_rewrite; ++i) {
// Scanning needs to be fixed for 64 bit version.
DCHECK_EQ(4u, sizeof(uintptr_t));
if (i < ptrs_to_rewrite - 1 && new_stack[i] == marker_l &&
new_stack[i + 1] == marker_r) {
// Note: JniJavaCallContext::sp will be replaced with offset below.
const tracing::StackUnwinderAndroid::JniMarker* marker =
reinterpret_cast<const tracing::StackUnwinderAndroid::JniMarker*>(
new_stack + i);
DCHECK_EQ(jni_generator::kJniStackMarkerValue, marker->marker);
if (marker->sp >= original_sp &&
marker->sp < original_sp + stack_size &&
CFIBacktraceAndroid::is_chrome_address(marker->pc)) {
} else {
// Unwind can use address on the stack. So, replace them as well. See
// EHABI #7.5.4 table 3.
if (new_stack[i] >= original_sp &&
new_stack[i] < original_sp + stack_size) {
new_stack[i] = new_stack[i] - original_sp + new_stack_top;
// If false then only chrome unwinder and stack scanning are used to unwind.
const bool use_libunwind_;
CFIBacktraceAndroid* cfi_unwinder_; // not const because of cache
const tracing::StackUnwinderAndroid* unwinder_;
// Set to the stack pointer of the copied stack in case of unwinding other
// thread. Otherwise stack pointer of the unwind method.
const uintptr_t initial_sp_;
// The end of stack segment, till which we scan for frames.
const uintptr_t stack_segment_base_;
// The size of the stack segment copied, |stack_segment_base_| -
// |initial_sp_|.
const size_t stack_size_;
// Maximum depth of frames to unwind.
const size_t max_depth_;
// Current libunwind cursor.
unw_cursor_t cursor_;
// The current value of stack pointer and instruction pointer while unwinding.
uintptr_t current_sp_;
uintptr_t current_ip_;
// A list of JNI markers on stack found by scanning.
std::vector<const tracing::StackUnwinderAndroid::JniMarker*> jni_markers_;
// Output stack trace and depth:
const void** out_trace_;
size_t depth_ = 0;
// Struct to store the arguments to the signal handler.
struct HandlerParams {
const tracing::StackUnwinderAndroid* unwinder;
// The event is signalled when signal handler is done executing.
AsyncSafeWaitableEvent* event;
// Return values:
// Successfully copied the stack segment.
bool* success;
// The register context of the thread used by libunwind.
unw_context_t* context;
// The value of Stack pointer of the thread.
uintptr_t* sp;
// The context of the return function from signal context.
ucontext_t* ucontext;
// Buffer to copy the stack segment.
base::NativeStackSampler::StackBuffer* stack_buffer;
size_t* stack_size;
// Argument passed to the ThreadSignalHandler() from the sampling thread to the
// sampled (stopped) thread. This value is set just before sending kill signal
// to the thread and reset when handler is done.
base::subtle::AtomicWord g_handler_params;
// The signal handler is called on the stopped thread as an additional stack
// frame. This relies on no alternate sigaltstack() being set. This function
// skips the handler frame on stack and unwinds the rest of the stack frames.
// This function should use async-safe functions only. The only call that could
// allocate memory on heap would be the cache in cfi unwinder. We need to ensure
// that AllocateCacheForCurrentThread() is called on the stopped thread before
// trying to get stack trace from the thread. See
static void ThreadSignalHandler(int n, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* sigcontext) {
HandlerParams* params = reinterpret_cast<HandlerParams*>(
ScopedEventSignaller e(params->event);
*params->success = false;
uintptr_t sp = 0;
if (unw_getcontext(params->context) != 0)
asm volatile("mov %0, sp" : "=r"(sp));
*params->sp = sp;
memcpy(params->ucontext, sigcontext, sizeof(ucontext_t));
uintptr_t stack_base_addr = params->unwinder->GetEndAddressOfRegion(sp);
*params->stack_size = stack_base_addr - sp;
if (stack_base_addr == 0 ||
*params->stack_size > params->stack_buffer->size())
memcpy(params->stack_buffer->buffer(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(sp),
*params->success = true;
// ARM EXIDX table contains addresses in sorted order with unwind data, each of
// 32 bits.
struct FakeExidx {
uintptr_t pc;
uintptr_t index_data;
} // namespace
extern "C" {
_Unwind_Ptr __real_dl_unwind_find_exidx(_Unwind_Ptr, int*);
// Override the default |dl_unwind_find_exidx| function used by libunwind to
// give a fake unwind table just for the handler function. Otherwise call the
// original function. Libunwind marks the cursor invalid if it finds even one
// frame without unwind info. Mocking the info keeps the unwind cursor valid
// after unwind_init_local() within ThreadSignalHandler().
__attribute__((visibility("default"), noinline)) _Unwind_Ptr
__wrap_dl_unwind_find_exidx(_Unwind_Ptr pc, int* length) {
if (!CFIBacktraceAndroid::is_chrome_address(pc)) {
return __real_dl_unwind_find_exidx(pc, length);
// Fake exidx table that is passed to libunwind to work with chrome functions.
// 0x80000000 has high bit set to 1. This means the unwind data is inline and
// not in exception table (section 5 EHABI). 0 on the second high byte causes
// a 0 proceedure to be lsda. But this is never executed since the pc and sp
// will be overridden, before calling unw_step.
static const FakeExidx chrome_exidx_data[] = {
{CFIBacktraceAndroid::executable_start_addr(), 0x80000000},
{CFIBacktraceAndroid::executable_end_addr(), 0x80000000}};
*length = sizeof(chrome_exidx_data);
return reinterpret_cast<_Unwind_Ptr>(chrome_exidx_data);
} // extern "C"
namespace tracing {
// static
// Disable usage of libunwind till crbug/888434 if fixed.
const bool StackUnwinderAndroid::kUseLibunwind = false;
StackUnwinderAndroid::StackUnwinderAndroid() {}
StackUnwinderAndroid::~StackUnwinderAndroid() {}
void StackUnwinderAndroid::Initialize() {
is_initialized_ = true;
// Ensure Chrome unwinder is initialized.
// Parses /proc/self/maps.
std::string contents;
if (!base::debug::ReadProcMaps(&contents))
std::vector<base::debug::MappedMemoryRegion> regions;
if (!base::debug::ParseProcMaps(contents, &regions))
// Remove any regions mapped to art java code, so that unwinder doesn't try to
// walk past java frames. Walking java frames causes crashes, crbug/888434.
base::EraseIf(regions, [](const base::debug::MappedMemoryRegion& region) {
return region.path.empty() ||
base::EndsWith(region.path, ".art", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::EndsWith(region.path, ".oat", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::EndsWith(region.path, ".jar", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) ||
base::EndsWith(region.path, ".vdex", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
std::sort(regions.begin(), regions.end(),
[](const MappedMemoryRegion& a, const MappedMemoryRegion& b) {
return a.start < b.start;
size_t StackUnwinderAndroid::TraceStack(const void** out_trace,
size_t max_depth) const {
uintptr_t sp = 0;
ucontext_t sigcontext = {};
unw_context_t context;
if (unw_getcontext(&context) != 0)
return 0;
asm volatile("mov %0, sp" : "=r"(sp));
// If unwind goes beyond 4MB from top of stack, we stop.
const size_t kMaxStackSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
UnwindHelper helper(/*use_libunwind=*/true, this, sp, kMaxStackSize, nullptr,
out_trace, max_depth);
return helper.Unwind(sp, &context, sigcontext, nullptr);
size_t StackUnwinderAndroid::TraceStack(
base::PlatformThreadId tid,
base::NativeStackSampler::StackBuffer* stack_buffer,
const void** out_trace,
size_t max_depth) const {
// Stops the thread with given tid with a signal handler. The signal handler
// copies the stack of the thread and returns. This function tries to unwind
// stack frames from the copied stack.
size_t stack_size;
unw_context_t context;
uintptr_t sp = 0;
ucontext_t signal_context = {};
if (!SuspendThreadAndRecordStack(tid, stack_buffer, &sp, &stack_size,
&context, &signal_context)) {
return 0;
UnwindHelper helper(kUseLibunwind, this, sp, stack_size, stack_buffer,
out_trace, max_depth);
return helper.Unwind(sp, &context, signal_context, stack_buffer);
uintptr_t StackUnwinderAndroid::GetEndAddressOfRegion(uintptr_t addr) const {
auto it =
std::upper_bound(regions_.begin(), regions_.end(), addr,
[](uintptr_t addr, const MappedMemoryRegion& region) {
return addr < region.start;
if (it == regions_.begin())
return 0;
if (it->end > addr)
return it->end;
return 0;
bool StackUnwinderAndroid::IsAddressMapped(uintptr_t pc) const {
// TODO(ssid): We only need to check regions which are file mapped.
return GetEndAddressOfRegion(pc) != 0;
bool StackUnwinderAndroid::SuspendThreadAndRecordStack(
base::PlatformThreadId tid,
base::NativeStackSampler::StackBuffer* stack_buffer,
uintptr_t* sp,
size_t* stack_size,
unw_context_t* context,
ucontext_t* signal_context) const {
AsyncSafeWaitableEvent wait_event;
bool copied = false;
HandlerParams params = {this, &wait_event, &copied, context,
sp, signal_context, stack_buffer, stack_size};
// Change the signal handler for the thread to unwind function, which should
// execute on the stack so that we will be able to unwind.
struct sigaction act;
struct sigaction oact;
memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act));
act.sa_sigaction = ThreadSignalHandler;
act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
// SIGURG is chosen here because we observe no crashes with this signal and
// neither Chrome or the AOSP sets up a special handler for this signal.
if (!sigaction(SIGURG, &act, &oact)) {
// Android renderer process knows the pid of the process. This might need to
// be fixed for use on Linux.
static const int kPid = getpid();
if (tgkill(kPid, tid, SIGURG) != 0) {
return false;
bool finished_waiting = wait_event.Wait();
bool changed = sigaction(SIGURG, &oact, &act) == 0;
if (!finished_waiting) {
return false;
base::subtle::Release_Store(&g_handler_params, 0);
return copied;
} // namespace tracing