blob: 0519d391e4b25734c09c6453dcfa398e1d3964da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/input/scrollbar_animation_controller.h"
namespace cc {
class LayerImpl;
// Scrollbar animation that partially fades and thins after an idle delay,
// and reacts to mouse movements.
class CC_EXPORT ScrollbarAnimationControllerThinning
: public ScrollbarAnimationController {
static scoped_ptr<ScrollbarAnimationControllerThinning> Create(
int scroll_layer_id,
ScrollbarAnimationControllerClient* client,
base::TimeDelta delay_before_starting,
base::TimeDelta resize_delay_before_starting,
base::TimeDelta duration);
~ScrollbarAnimationControllerThinning() override;
void set_mouse_move_distance_for_test(float distance) {
mouse_move_distance_to_trigger_animation_ = distance;
bool mouse_is_over_scrollbar() const { return mouse_is_over_scrollbar_; }
bool mouse_is_near_scrollbar() const { return mouse_is_near_scrollbar_; }
void DidScrollUpdate(bool on_resize) override;
void DidMouseMoveOffScrollbar() override;
void DidMouseMoveNear(float distance) override;
int scroll_layer_id,
ScrollbarAnimationControllerClient* client,
base::TimeDelta delay_before_starting,
base::TimeDelta resize_delay_before_starting,
base::TimeDelta duration);
void RunAnimationFrame(float progress) override;
// Describes whether the current animation should INCREASE (darken / thicken)
// a bar or DECREASE it (lighten / thin).
enum AnimationChange { NONE, INCREASE, DECREASE };
float OpacityAtAnimationProgress(float progress);
float ThumbThicknessScaleAtAnimationProgress(float progress);
float AdjustScale(float new_value,
float current_value,
AnimationChange animation_change);
void ApplyOpacityAndThumbThicknessScale(float opacity,
float thumb_thickness_scale);
bool mouse_is_over_scrollbar_;
bool mouse_is_near_scrollbar_;
// Are we narrowing or thickening the bars.
AnimationChange thickness_change_;
// Are we darkening or lightening the bars.
AnimationChange opacity_change_;
// How close should the mouse be to the scrollbar before we thicken it.
float mouse_move_distance_to_trigger_animation_;
} // namespace cc