blob: 6fe53a1e6df8f9e966f8737e9e048297dce5bb5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/arc/common/arc_bridge.mojom.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
} // namespace base
namespace arc {
class ArcBridgeBootstrap;
// The Chrome-side service that handles ARC instances and ARC bridge creation.
// This service handles the lifetime of ARC instances and sets up the
// communication channel (the ARC bridge) used to send and receive messages.
class ArcBridgeService : public ArcBridgeHost {
// The possible states of the bridge. In the normal flow, the state changes
// in the following sequence:
// PrerequisitesChanged() ->
// OnConnectionEstablished() ->
// The ArcBridgeBootstrap state machine can be thought of being substates of
// ArcBridgeService's CONNECTING state.
// *
// StopInstance() ->
// OnStopped() ->
enum class State {
// ARC is not currently running.
// The request to connect has been sent.
// The instance has started, and the bridge is fully established.
// The ARC instance has finished initializing and is now ready for user
// interaction.
// The ARC instance has started shutting down.
// Notifies life cycle events of ArcBridgeService.
class Observer {
// Called whenever the state of the bridge has changed.
virtual void OnStateChanged(State state) {}
// Called whenever ARC's availability has changed for this system.
virtual void OnAvailableChanged(bool available) {}
// Called whenever the ARC app interface state changes.
virtual void OnAppInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnAppInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC audio interface state changes.
virtual void OnAudioInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnAudioInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC auth interface state changes.
virtual void OnAuthInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnAuthInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever ARC Bluetooth instance is ready.
virtual void OnBluetoothInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnBluetoothInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC clipboard interface state changes.
virtual void OnClipboardInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnClipboardInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC crash collector interface state changes.
virtual void OnCrashCollectorInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnCrashCollectorInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC IME interface state changes.
virtual void OnImeInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnImeInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC input interface state changes.
virtual void OnInputInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnInputInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC intent helper interface state changes.
virtual void OnIntentHelperInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnIntentHelperInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC notification interface state changes.
virtual void OnNotificationsInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnNotificationsInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC net interface state changes.
virtual void OnNetInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnNetInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC policy interface state changes.
virtual void OnPolicyInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnPolicyInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC power interface state changes.
virtual void OnPowerInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnPowerInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC process interface state changes.
virtual void OnProcessInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnProcessInstanceClosed() {}
// Called whenever the ARC video interface state changes.
virtual void OnVideoInstanceReady() {}
virtual void OnVideoInstanceClosed() {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
~ArcBridgeService() override;
// Gets the global instance of the ARC Bridge Service. This can only be
// called on the thread that this class was created on.
static ArcBridgeService* Get();
// Return true if ARC has been enabled through a commandline
// switch.
static bool GetEnabled(const base::CommandLine* command_line);
// SetDetectedAvailability() should be called once CheckArcAvailability() on
// the session_manager is called. This can only be called on the thread that
// this class was created on.
virtual void SetDetectedAvailability(bool availability) = 0;
// HandleStartup() should be called upon profile startup. This will only
// launch an instance if the instance service is available and it is enabled.
// This can only be called on the thread that this class was created on.
virtual void HandleStartup() = 0;
// Shutdown() should be called when the browser is shutting down. This can
// only be called on the thread that this class was created on.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
// Adds or removes observers. This can only be called on the thread that this
// class was created on.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Gets the Mojo interface for all the instance services. This will return
// nullptr if that particular service is not ready yet. Use an Observer if
// you want to be notified when this is ready. This can only be called on the
// thread that this class was created on.
AppInstance* app_instance() { return app_ptr_.get(); }
AudioInstance* audio_instance() { return audio_ptr_.get(); }
AuthInstance* auth_instance() { return auth_ptr_.get(); }
BluetoothInstance* bluetooth_instance() { return bluetooth_ptr_.get(); }
ClipboardInstance* clipboard_instance() { return clipboard_ptr_.get(); }
CrashCollectorInstance* crash_collector_instance() {
return crash_collector_ptr_.get();
ImeInstance* ime_instance() { return ime_ptr_.get(); }
InputInstance* input_instance() { return input_ptr_.get(); }
IntentHelperInstance* intent_helper_instance() {
return intent_helper_ptr_.get();
NetInstance* net_instance() { return net_ptr_.get(); }
NotificationsInstance* notifications_instance() {
return notifications_ptr_.get();
PolicyInstance* policy_instance() { return policy_ptr_.get(); }
PowerInstance* power_instance() { return power_ptr_.get(); }
ProcessInstance* process_instance() { return process_ptr_.get(); }
VideoInstance* video_instance() { return video_ptr_.get(); }
int32_t app_version() const { return app_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t audio_version() const { return audio_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t bluetooth_version() const { return bluetooth_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t auth_version() const { return auth_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t clipboard_version() const { return clipboard_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t crash_collector_version() const {
return crash_collector_ptr_.version();
int32_t ime_version() const { return ime_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t input_version() const { return input_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t intent_helper_version() const { return intent_helper_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t net_version() const { return net_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t notifications_version() const { return notifications_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t policy_version() const { return policy_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t power_version() const { return power_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t process_version() const { return process_ptr_.version(); }
int32_t video_version() const { return video_ptr_.version(); }
// ArcHost:
void OnAppInstanceReady(AppInstancePtr app_ptr) override;
void OnAudioInstanceReady(AudioInstancePtr audio_ptr) override;
void OnAuthInstanceReady(AuthInstancePtr auth_ptr) override;
void OnBluetoothInstanceReady(BluetoothInstancePtr bluetooth_ptr) override;
void OnClipboardInstanceReady(ClipboardInstancePtr clipboard_ptr) override;
void OnCrashCollectorInstanceReady(
CrashCollectorInstancePtr crash_collector_ptr) override;
void OnImeInstanceReady(ImeInstancePtr ime_ptr) override;
void OnInputInstanceReady(InputInstancePtr input_ptr) override;
void OnIntentHelperInstanceReady(
IntentHelperInstancePtr intent_helper_ptr) override;
void OnNetInstanceReady(NetInstancePtr net_ptr) override;
void OnNotificationsInstanceReady(
NotificationsInstancePtr notifications_ptr) override;
void OnPolicyInstanceReady(PolicyInstancePtr policy_ptr) override;
void OnPowerInstanceReady(PowerInstancePtr power_ptr) override;
void OnProcessInstanceReady(ProcessInstancePtr process_ptr) override;
void OnVideoInstanceReady(VideoInstancePtr video_ptr) override;
// Gets the current state of the bridge service.
State state() const { return state_; }
// Gets if ARC is available in this system.
bool available() const { return available_; }
// Changes the current state and notifies all observers.
void SetState(State state);
// Changes the current availability and notifies all observers.
void SetAvailable(bool availability);
base::ObserverList<Observer>& observer_list() { return observer_list_; }
bool CalledOnValidThread();
// Closes all Mojo channels.
void CloseAllChannels();
friend class ArcBridgeTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ArcBridgeTest, Prerequisites);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ArcBridgeTest, ShutdownMidStartup);
// Called when one of the individual channels is closed.
void CloseAppChannel();
void CloseAudioChannel();
void CloseAuthChannel();
void CloseBluetoothChannel();
void CloseClipboardChannel();
void CloseCrashCollectorChannel();
void CloseImeChannel();
void CloseInputChannel();
void CloseIntentHelperChannel();
void CloseNetChannel();
void CloseNotificationsChannel();
void ClosePolicyChannel();
void ClosePowerChannel();
void CloseProcessChannel();
void CloseVideoChannel();
// Callbacks for QueryVersion.
void OnAppVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnAudioVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnAuthVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnBluetoothVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnClipboardVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnCrashCollectorVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnImeVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnInputVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnIntentHelperVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnNetVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnNotificationsVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnPolicyVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnPowerVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnProcessVersionReady(int32_t version);
void OnVideoVersionReady(int32_t version);
// Mojo interfaces.
AppInstancePtr app_ptr_;
AudioInstancePtr audio_ptr_;
AuthInstancePtr auth_ptr_;
BluetoothInstancePtr bluetooth_ptr_;
ClipboardInstancePtr clipboard_ptr_;
CrashCollectorInstancePtr crash_collector_ptr_;
ImeInstancePtr ime_ptr_;
InputInstancePtr input_ptr_;
IntentHelperInstancePtr intent_helper_ptr_;
NetInstancePtr net_ptr_;
NotificationsInstancePtr notifications_ptr_;
PolicyInstancePtr policy_ptr_;
PowerInstancePtr power_ptr_;
ProcessInstancePtr process_ptr_;
VideoInstancePtr video_ptr_;
// Temporary Mojo interfaces. After a Mojo interface pointer has been
// received from the other endpoint, we still need to asynchronously query
// its version. While that is going on, we should still return nullptr on
// the xxx_instance() functions.
// To keep the xxx_instance() functions being trivial, store the instance
// pointer in a temporary variable to avoid losing its reference.
AppInstancePtr temporary_app_ptr_;
AudioInstancePtr temporary_audio_ptr_;
AuthInstancePtr temporary_auth_ptr_;
BluetoothInstancePtr temporary_bluetooth_ptr_;
ClipboardInstancePtr temporary_clipboard_ptr_;
CrashCollectorInstancePtr temporary_crash_collector_ptr_;
ImeInstancePtr temporary_ime_ptr_;
InputInstancePtr temporary_input_ptr_;
IntentHelperInstancePtr temporary_intent_helper_ptr_;
NetInstancePtr temporary_net_ptr_;
NotificationsInstancePtr temporary_notifications_ptr_;
PolicyInstancePtr temporary_policy_ptr_;
PowerInstancePtr temporary_power_ptr_;
ProcessInstancePtr temporary_process_ptr_;
VideoInstancePtr temporary_video_ptr_;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// If the ARC instance service is available.
bool available_;
// The current state of the bridge.
ArcBridgeService::State state_;
// WeakPtrFactory to use callbacks.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcBridgeService> weak_factory_;
} // namespace arc