blob: dabb2ce37090eeac8c1005dc59595ae35be3af44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/quic_stream_sequencer_buffer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_bug_tracker.h"
using std::min;
using std::string;
namespace net {
namespace {
string RangeDebugString(QuicStreamOffset start, QuicStreamOffset end) {
return string("[") + base::IntToString(start) + ", " +
base::IntToString(end) + ") ";
} // namespace
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Gap::Gap(QuicStreamOffset begin_offset,
QuicStreamOffset end_offset)
: begin_offset(begin_offset), end_offset(end_offset) {}
: length(1), timestamp(QuicTime::Zero()) {}
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::FrameInfo::FrameInfo(size_t length,
QuicTime timestamp)
: length(length), timestamp(timestamp) {}
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::QuicStreamSequencerBuffer(size_t max_capacity_bytes)
: max_buffer_capacity_bytes_(max_capacity_bytes),
ceil(static_cast<double>(max_capacity_bytes) / kBlockSizeBytes)),
blocks_(blocks_count_) {
QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::~QuicStreamSequencerBuffer() {
void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Clear() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks_count_; ++i) {
if (blocks_[i] != nullptr) {
num_bytes_buffered_ = 0;
// Reset gaps_ so that buffer is in a state as if all data before
// total_bytes_read_ has been consumed, and those after total_bytes_read_
// has never arrived.
gaps_ = std::list<Gap>(
1, Gap(total_bytes_read_, std::numeric_limits<QuicStreamOffset>::max())),
void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::RetireBlock(size_t idx) {
DCHECK(blocks_[idx] != nullptr);
delete blocks_[idx];
blocks_[idx] = nullptr;
DVLOG(1) << "Retired block with index: " << idx;
QuicErrorCode QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::OnStreamData(
QuicStreamOffset starting_offset,
base::StringPiece data,
QuicTime timestamp,
size_t* const bytes_buffered,
std::string* error_details) {
*bytes_buffered = 0;
QuicStreamOffset offset = starting_offset;
size_t size = data.size();
if (size == 0) {
*error_details = "Received empty stream frame without FIN.";
// Find the first gap not ending before |offset|. This gap maybe the gap to
// fill if the arriving frame doesn't overlaps with previous ones.
std::list<Gap>::iterator current_gap = gaps_.begin();
while (current_gap != gaps_.end() && current_gap->end_offset <= offset) {
DCHECK(current_gap != gaps_.end());
// "duplication": might duplicate with data alread filled,but also might
// overlap across different base::StringPiece objects already written.
// In both cases, don't write the data,
// and allow the caller of this method to handle the result.
if (offset < current_gap->begin_offset &&
offset + size <= current_gap->begin_offset) {
DVLOG(1) << "Duplicated data at offset: " << offset << " length: " << size;
if (offset < current_gap->begin_offset &&
offset + size > current_gap->begin_offset) {
// Beginning of new data overlaps data before current gap.
*error_details =
string("Beginning of received data overlaps with buffered data.\n") +
"New frame range " + RangeDebugString(offset, offset + size) +
"Currently received frames: " +
ReceivedFramesDebugString() +
"Current gaps: " +
GapsDebugString() + "\n";
if (offset + size > current_gap->end_offset) {
// End of new data overlaps with data after current gap.
*error_details =
"End of received data overlaps with buffered data.\n"
"New frame range " +
RangeDebugString(offset, offset + size) +
"Currently received frames: " +
ReceivedFramesDebugString() +
"Current gaps: " +
GapsDebugString() + "\n";
// Write beyond the current range this buffer is covering.
if (offset + size > total_bytes_read_ + max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) {
*error_details = "Received data beyond available range.";
size_t total_written = 0;
size_t source_remaining = size;
const char* source =;
// Write data block by block. If corresponding block has not created yet,
// create it first.
// Stop when all data are written or reaches the logical end of the buffer.
while (source_remaining > 0) {
const size_t write_block_num = GetBlockIndex(offset);
const size_t write_block_offset = GetInBlockOffset(offset);
DCHECK_GT(blocks_count_, write_block_num);
size_t block_capacity = GetBlockCapacity(write_block_num);
size_t bytes_avail = block_capacity - write_block_offset;
// If this write meets the upper boundary of the buffer,
// reduce the available free bytes.
if (offset + bytes_avail > total_bytes_read_ + max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) {
bytes_avail = total_bytes_read_ + max_buffer_capacity_bytes_ - offset;
if (blocks_[write_block_num] == nullptr) {
// TODO(danzh): Investigate if using a freelist would improve performance.
// Same as RetireBlock().
blocks_[write_block_num] = new BufferBlock();
const size_t bytes_to_copy = min<size_t>(bytes_avail, source_remaining);
char* dest = blocks_[write_block_num]->buffer + write_block_offset;
DVLOG(1) << "Write at offset: " << offset << " length: " << bytes_to_copy;
memcpy(dest, source, bytes_to_copy);
source += bytes_to_copy;
source_remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
offset += bytes_to_copy;
total_written += bytes_to_copy;
DCHECK_GT(total_written, 0u);
*bytes_buffered = total_written;
UpdateGapList(current_gap, starting_offset, total_written);
std::make_pair(starting_offset, FrameInfo(size, timestamp)));
num_bytes_buffered_ += total_written;
inline void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::UpdateGapList(
std::list<Gap>::iterator gap_with_new_data_written,
QuicStreamOffset start_offset,
size_t bytes_written) {
if (gap_with_new_data_written->begin_offset == start_offset &&
gap_with_new_data_written->end_offset > start_offset + bytes_written) {
// New data has been written into the left part of the buffer.
gap_with_new_data_written->begin_offset = start_offset + bytes_written;
} else if (gap_with_new_data_written->begin_offset < start_offset &&
gap_with_new_data_written->end_offset ==
start_offset + bytes_written) {
// New data has been written into the right part of the buffer.
gap_with_new_data_written->end_offset = start_offset;
} else if (gap_with_new_data_written->begin_offset < start_offset &&
gap_with_new_data_written->end_offset >
start_offset + bytes_written) {
// New data has been written into the middle of the buffer.
auto current = gap_with_new_data_written++;
QuicStreamOffset current_end = current->end_offset;
current->end_offset = start_offset;
Gap(start_offset + bytes_written, current_end));
} else if (gap_with_new_data_written->begin_offset == start_offset &&
gap_with_new_data_written->end_offset ==
start_offset + bytes_written) {
// This gap has been filled with new data. So it's no longer a gap.
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Readv(const iovec* dest_iov,
size_t dest_count) {
size_t bytes_read = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dest_count && ReadableBytes() > 0; ++i) {
char* dest = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest_iov[i].iov_base);
size_t dest_remaining = dest_iov[i].iov_len;
while (dest_remaining > 0 && ReadableBytes() > 0) {
size_t block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
size_t start_offset_in_block = ReadOffset();
size_t block_capacity = GetBlockCapacity(block_idx);
size_t bytes_available_in_block =
min<size_t>(ReadableBytes(), block_capacity - start_offset_in_block);
size_t bytes_to_copy =
min<size_t>(bytes_available_in_block, dest_remaining);
DCHECK_GT(bytes_to_copy, 0u);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BufferBlock*>(nullptr), blocks_[block_idx]);
memcpy(dest, blocks_[block_idx]->buffer + start_offset_in_block,
dest += bytes_to_copy;
dest_remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
num_bytes_buffered_ -= bytes_to_copy;
total_bytes_read_ += bytes_to_copy;
bytes_read += bytes_to_copy;
// Retire the block if all the data is read out
// and no other data is stored in this block.
if (bytes_to_copy == bytes_available_in_block) {
if (bytes_read > 0) {
return bytes_read;
int QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetReadableRegions(struct iovec* iov,
int iov_count) const {
DCHECK(iov != nullptr);
DCHECK_GT(iov_count, 0);
if (ReadableBytes() == 0) {
iov[0].iov_base = nullptr;
iov[0].iov_len = 0;
return 0;
size_t start_block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
QuicStreamOffset readable_offset_end = gaps_.front().begin_offset - 1;
DCHECK_GE(readable_offset_end + 1, total_bytes_read_);
size_t end_block_offset = GetInBlockOffset(readable_offset_end);
size_t end_block_idx = GetBlockIndex(readable_offset_end);
// If readable region is within one block, deal with it seperately.
if (start_block_idx == end_block_idx && ReadOffset() <= end_block_offset) {
iov[0].iov_base = blocks_[start_block_idx]->buffer + ReadOffset();
iov[0].iov_len = ReadableBytes();
DVLOG(1) << "Got only a single block with index: " << start_block_idx;
return 1;
// Get first block
iov[0].iov_base = blocks_[start_block_idx]->buffer + ReadOffset();
iov[0].iov_len = GetBlockCapacity(start_block_idx) - ReadOffset();
DVLOG(1) << "Got first block " << start_block_idx << " with len "
<< iov[0].iov_len;
DCHECK_GT(readable_offset_end + 1, total_bytes_read_ + iov[0].iov_len)
<< "there should be more available data";
// Get readable regions of the rest blocks till either 2nd to last block
// before gap is met or |iov| is filled. For these blocks, one whole block is
// a region.
int iov_used = 1;
size_t block_idx = (start_block_idx + iov_used) % blocks_count_;
while (block_idx != end_block_idx && iov_used < iov_count) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BufferBlock*>(nullptr), blocks_[block_idx]);
iov[iov_used].iov_base = blocks_[block_idx]->buffer;
iov[iov_used].iov_len = GetBlockCapacity(block_idx);
DVLOG(1) << "Got block with index: " << block_idx;
block_idx = (start_block_idx + iov_used) % blocks_count_;
// Deal with last block if |iov| can hold more.
if (iov_used < iov_count) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BufferBlock*>(nullptr), blocks_[block_idx]);
iov[iov_used].iov_base = blocks_[end_block_idx]->buffer;
iov[iov_used].iov_len = end_block_offset + 1;
DVLOG(1) << "Got last block with index: " << end_block_idx;
return iov_used;
bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetReadableRegion(iovec* iov,
QuicTime* timestamp) const {
if (ReadableBytes() == 0) {
iov[0].iov_base = nullptr;
iov[0].iov_len = 0;
return false;
size_t start_block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
iov->iov_base = blocks_[start_block_idx]->buffer + ReadOffset();
size_t readable_bytes_in_block = min<size_t>(
GetBlockCapacity(start_block_idx) - ReadOffset(), ReadableBytes());
size_t region_len = 0;
auto iter = frame_arrival_time_map_.begin();
*timestamp = iter->second.timestamp;
DVLOG(1) << "Readable bytes in block: " << readable_bytes_in_block;
for (; iter != frame_arrival_time_map_.end() &&
region_len + iter->second.length <= readable_bytes_in_block;
++iter) {
if (iter->second.timestamp != *timestamp) {
// If reaches a frame arrive at another timestamp, stop expanding current
// region.
DVLOG(1) << "Meet frame with different timestamp.";
region_len += iter->second.length;
DVLOG(1) << "Added bytes to region: " << iter->second.length;
if (iter == frame_arrival_time_map_.end() ||
iter->second.timestamp == *timestamp) {
// If encountered the end of readable bytes before reaching a different
// timestamp.
DVLOG(1) << "Got all readable bytes in first block.";
region_len = readable_bytes_in_block;
iov->iov_len = region_len;
return true;
bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::MarkConsumed(size_t bytes_used) {
if (bytes_used > ReadableBytes()) {
return false;
size_t bytes_to_consume = bytes_used;
while (bytes_to_consume > 0) {
size_t block_idx = NextBlockToRead();
size_t offset_in_block = ReadOffset();
size_t bytes_available = min<size_t>(
ReadableBytes(), GetBlockCapacity(block_idx) - offset_in_block);
size_t bytes_read = min<size_t>(bytes_to_consume, bytes_available);
total_bytes_read_ += bytes_read;
num_bytes_buffered_ -= bytes_read;
bytes_to_consume -= bytes_read;
// If advanced to the end of current block and end of buffer hasn't wrapped
// to this block yet.
if (bytes_available == bytes_read) {
if (bytes_used > 0) {
return true;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::FlushBufferedFrames() {
size_t prev_total_bytes_read = total_bytes_read_;
total_bytes_read_ = gaps_.back().begin_offset;
return total_bytes_read_ - prev_total_bytes_read;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReadableBytes() const {
return gaps_.front().begin_offset - total_bytes_read_;
bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::HasBytesToRead() const {
return ReadableBytes() > 0;
QuicStreamOffset QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::BytesConsumed() const {
return total_bytes_read_;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::BytesBuffered() const {
return num_bytes_buffered_;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetBlockIndex(QuicStreamOffset offset) const {
return (offset % max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) / kBlockSizeBytes;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetInBlockOffset(
QuicStreamOffset offset) const {
return (offset % max_buffer_capacity_bytes_) % kBlockSizeBytes;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReadOffset() const {
return GetInBlockOffset(total_bytes_read_);
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::NextBlockToRead() const {
return GetBlockIndex(total_bytes_read_);
void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::RetireBlockIfEmpty(size_t block_index) {
DCHECK(ReadableBytes() == 0 || GetInBlockOffset(total_bytes_read_) == 0)
<< "RetireBlockIfEmpty() should only be called when advancing to next "
" or a gap has been reached.";
// If the whole buffer becomes empty, the last piece of data has been read.
if (Empty()) {
// Check where the logical end of this buffer is.
// Not empty if the end of circular buffer has been wrapped to this block.
if (GetBlockIndex(gaps_.back().begin_offset - 1) == block_index) {
// Read index remains in this block, which means a gap has been reached.
if (NextBlockToRead() == block_index) {
Gap first_gap = gaps_.front();
DCHECK(first_gap.begin_offset == total_bytes_read_);
// Check where the next piece data is.
// Not empty if next piece of data is still in this chunk.
bool gap_extends_to_infinity =
(first_gap.end_offset != std::numeric_limits<QuicStreamOffset>::max());
bool gap_ends_in_this_block =
(GetBlockIndex(first_gap.end_offset) == block_index);
if (gap_extends_to_infinity || gap_ends_in_this_block) {
bool QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::Empty() const {
return gaps_.size() == 1 && gaps_.front().begin_offset == total_bytes_read_;
size_t QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GetBlockCapacity(size_t block_index) const {
if ((block_index + 1) == blocks_count_) {
size_t result = max_buffer_capacity_bytes_ % kBlockSizeBytes;
if (result == 0) { // whole block
result = kBlockSizeBytes;
return result;
} else {
return kBlockSizeBytes;
void QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::UpdateFrameArrivalMap(QuicStreamOffset offset) {
// Get the frame before which all frames should be removed.
auto next_frame = frame_arrival_time_map_.upper_bound(offset);
DCHECK(next_frame != frame_arrival_time_map_.begin());
auto iter = frame_arrival_time_map_.begin();
while (iter != next_frame) {
auto erased = *iter;
iter = frame_arrival_time_map_.erase(iter);
DVLOG(1) << "Removed FrameInfo with offset: " << erased.first
<< " and length: " << erased.second.length;
if (erased.first + erased.second.length > offset) {
// If last frame is partially read out, update this FrameInfo and insert
// it back.
auto updated = std::make_pair(
offset, FrameInfo(erased.first + erased.second.length - offset,
DVLOG(1) << "Inserted FrameInfo with offset: " << updated.first
<< " and length: " << updated.second.length;
string QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::GapsDebugString() {
string current_gaps_string;
for (const Gap& gap : gaps_) {
QuicStreamOffset current_gap_begin = gap.begin_offset;
QuicStreamOffset current_gap_end = gap.end_offset;
current_gaps_string += RangeDebugString(current_gap_begin, current_gap_end);
return current_gaps_string;
string QuicStreamSequencerBuffer::ReceivedFramesDebugString() {
string current_frames_string;
for (auto it : frame_arrival_time_map_) {
QuicStreamOffset current_frame_begin_offset = it.first;
QuicStreamOffset current_frame_end_offset =
it.second.length + current_frame_begin_offset;
current_frames_string +=
RangeDebugString(current_frame_begin_offset, current_frame_end_offset);
return current_frames_string;
} // namespace net