blob: 2fc9e653f6f4d8601a250f8ea37c9510d126bc22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
using base::StringPiece;
namespace net {
// The QuicStreamSequencer uses an implementation of this interface to store
// received data.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicStreamSequencerBufferInterface {
virtual ~QuicStreamSequencerBufferInterface() {}
// Free the space used to buffer data.
virtual void Clear() = 0;
// Returns true if there is nothing to read in this buffer.
virtual bool Empty() const = 0;
// Called to buffer new data received for this stream. If the data was
// successfully buffered, returns QUIC_NO_ERROR and stores the number of
// bytes buffered in |bytes_buffered|. Returns an error otherwise.
// |timestamp| is the time the data arrived.
virtual QuicErrorCode OnStreamData(QuicStreamOffset offset,
StringPiece data,
QuicTime timestamp,
size_t* bytes_buffered) = 0;
// Reads from this buffer into given iovec array, up to number of iov_len
// iovec objects and returns the number of bytes read.
virtual size_t Readv(const struct iovec* iov, size_t iov_len) = 0;
// Returns the readable region of valid data in iovec format. The readable
// region is the buffer region where there is valid data not yet read by
// client.
// Returns the number of iovec entries in |iov| which were populated.
// If the region is empty, one iovec entry with 0 length
// is returned, and the function returns 0. If there are more readable
// regions than iov_size, the function only processes the first
// iov_size of them.
virtual int GetReadableRegions(struct iovec* iov, int iov_len) const = 0;
// Fills in one iovec with data which all arrived at the same time from the
// next readable region.
// Populates |timestamp| with the time that this data arrived.
// Returns false if there is no readable region available.
virtual bool GetReadableRegion(iovec* iov, QuicTime* timestamp) const = 0;
// Called after GetReadableRegions() to free up |bytes_used| space if these
// bytes are processed.
// Pre-requisite: bytes_used <= available bytes to read.
virtual bool MarkConsumed(size_t bytes_used) = 0;
// Deletes and records as consumed any buffered data and clear the buffer.
// (To be called only after sequencer's StopReading has been called.)
virtual size_t FlushBufferedFrames() = 0;
// Whether there are bytes can be read out.
virtual bool HasBytesToRead() const = 0;
// Count how many bytes have been consumed (read out of buffer).
virtual QuicStreamOffset BytesConsumed() const = 0;
// Count how many bytes are in buffer at this moment.
virtual size_t BytesBuffered() const = 0;
} // namespace net