blob: 194f3c9b10a4c0c1ea6c4c108a0808f04ec6d5af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/system/audio/audio_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_image_item.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display_observer.h"
namespace ash {
namespace system {
class TrayAudioDelegate;
namespace tray {
class VolumeView;
class TrayAudio : public TrayImageItem,
public AudioObserver,
public gfx::DisplayObserver {
TrayAudio(SystemTray* system_tray,
std::unique_ptr<system::TrayAudioDelegate> audio_delegate);
~TrayAudio() override;
static bool ShowAudioDeviceMenu();
// Overridden from gfx::DisplayObserver.
void OnDisplayAdded(const gfx::Display& new_display) override;
void OnDisplayRemoved(const gfx::Display& old_display) override;
void OnDisplayMetricsChanged(const gfx::Display& display,
uint32_t changed_metrics) override;
virtual void Update();
std::unique_ptr<system::TrayAudioDelegate> audio_delegate_;
tray::VolumeView* volume_view_;
// True if VolumeView should be created for accelerator pop up;
// Otherwise, it should be created for detailed view in ash tray bubble.
bool pop_up_volume_view_;
// Overridden from TrayImageItem.
bool GetInitialVisibility() override;
// Overridden from SystemTrayItem.
views::View* CreateDefaultView(user::LoginStatus status) override;
views::View* CreateDetailedView(user::LoginStatus status) override;
void DestroyDefaultView() override;
void DestroyDetailedView() override;
bool ShouldHideArrow() const override;
bool ShouldShowShelf() const override;
// Overridden from AudioObserver.
void OnOutputNodeVolumeChanged(uint64_t node_id, double volume) override;
void OnOutputMuteChanged(bool mute_on, bool system_adjust) override;
void OnAudioNodesChanged() override;
void OnActiveOutputNodeChanged() override;
void OnActiveInputNodeChanged() override;
void ChangeInternalSpeakerChannelMode();
} // namespace ash