blob: 726c682b485f45471c5caa03b1f0a627fc8aecd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/scheduler_lock.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/sequence.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/sequence_sort_key.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
// A PriorityQueue holds Sequences of Tasks. This class is thread-safe.
class BASE_EXPORT PriorityQueue {
// An immutable struct combining a Sequence and the sort key that determines
// its position in a PriorityQueue.
struct BASE_EXPORT SequenceAndSortKey {
// Constructs a null SequenceAndSortKey.
// Constructs a SequenceAndSortKey with the given |sequence| and |sort_key|.
SequenceAndSortKey(scoped_refptr<Sequence> sequence,
const SequenceSortKey& sort_key);
// Returns true if this is a null SequenceAndSortKey.
bool is_null() const { return !sequence; }
const scoped_refptr<Sequence> sequence;
const SequenceSortKey sort_key;
// A Transaction can perform multiple operations atomically on a
// PriorityQueue. While a Transaction is alive, it is guaranteed that nothing
// else will access the PriorityQueue.
// A WorkerThread needs to be able to Peek sequences from both its
// PriorityQueues (single-threaded and shared) and then Pop the sequence with
// the highest priority. If the Peek and the Pop are done through the same
// Transaction, it is guaranteed that the PriorityQueue hasn't changed between
// the 2 operations.
class BASE_EXPORT Transaction : public NonThreadSafe {
// Inserts |sequence_and_sort_key| in the PriorityQueue. Each call to this
// method will result in one invocation of the wake up callback when the
// Transaction is destroyed.
void Push(std::unique_ptr<SequenceAndSortKey> sequence_and_sort_key);
// Inserts |sequence_and_sort_key| in the PriorityQueue without invoking the
// wake up callback.
void PushNoWakeUp(
std::unique_ptr<SequenceAndSortKey> sequence_and_sort_key);
// Returns the SequenceAndSortKey with the highest priority or a null
// SequenceAndSortKey if the PriorityQueue is empty. The reference becomes
// invalid the next time that a Sequence is popped from the PriorityQueue.
const SequenceAndSortKey& Peek() const;
// Removes the SequenceAndSortKey with the highest priority from the
// PriorityQueue. Cannot be called on an empty PriorityQueue.
void Pop();
friend class PriorityQueue;
explicit Transaction(PriorityQueue* outer_queue);
// Holds the lock of |outer_queue_| for most of the lifetime of this
// Transaction. Using a scoped_ptr allows the destructor to release the lock
// before performing internal operations which have to be done outside of
// its scope.
std::unique_ptr<AutoSchedulerLock> auto_lock_;
PriorityQueue* const outer_queue_;
// Number of times that the wake up callback should be invoked when this
// Transaction is destroyed.
size_t num_wake_ups_ = 0;
// |wake_up_callback| is a non-null callback invoked when a Transaction is
// done for each call to Push() on the Transaction.
explicit PriorityQueue(const Closure& wake_up_callback);
// |wake_up_callback| is a non-null callback invoked when a Transaction is
// done for each call to Push() on the Transaction.
// |predecessor_priority_queue| is a PriorityQueue for which a thread is
// allowed to have an active Transaction when it creates a Transaction for
// this PriorityQueue.
PriorityQueue(const Closure& wake_up_callback,
const PriorityQueue* predecessor_priority_queue);
// Begins a Transaction. This method cannot be called on a thread which has an
// active Transaction unless the last Transaction created on the thread was
// for the allowed predecessor specified in the constructor of this
// PriorityQueue.
std::unique_ptr<Transaction> BeginTransaction();
struct SequenceAndSortKeyComparator {
bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr<SequenceAndSortKey>& left,
const std::unique_ptr<SequenceAndSortKey>& right) const {
return left->sort_key < right->sort_key;
using ContainerType =
// Synchronizes access to |container_|.
SchedulerLock container_lock_;
ContainerType container_;
const Closure wake_up_callback_;
// A null SequenceAndSortKey returned by Peek() when the PriorityQueue is
// empty.
const SequenceAndSortKey empty_sequence_and_sort_key_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base