blob: 380e4970f5e554f0d90c7aabe130f900057d3ad1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env vpython
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join, basename
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from core import oauth_api
from core import path_util
from core import upload_results_to_perf_dashboard
from core import results_merger
from pylib.utils import logdog_helper
except ImportError:
# Until we are migrated to LUCI, we will be utilizing a hard
# coded master name based on what is passed in in the build properties.
# See for more details.
path_util.GetChromiumSrcDir(), 'tools', 'perf', 'core',
JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'
def _GetMachineGroup(build_properties):
machine_group = None
if build_properties.get('perf_dashboard_machine_group', False):
# Once luci migration is complete this will exist as a property
# in the build properties
machine_group = build_properties['perf_dashboard_machine_group']
mastername_mapping = {}
with open(MACHINE_GROUP_JSON_FILE) as fp:
mastername_mapping = json.load(fp)
legacy_mastername = build_properties['mastername']
if mastername_mapping.get(legacy_mastername):
machine_group = mastername_mapping[legacy_mastername]
if not machine_group:
raise ValueError(
'Must set perf_dashboard_machine_group or have a valid '
'mapping in '
'See for more details')
return machine_group
def _upload_perf_results(json_to_upload, name, configuration_name,
build_properties, oauth_file, output_json_file):
"""Upload the contents of result JSON(s) to the perf dashboard."""
args= [
'--buildername', build_properties['buildername'],
'--buildnumber', build_properties['buildnumber'],
'--name', name,
'--configuration-name', configuration_name,
'--results-file', json_to_upload,
'--results-url', RESULTS_URL,
'--got-revision-cp', build_properties['got_revision_cp'],
'--got-v8-revision', build_properties['got_v8_revision'],
'--got-webrtc-revision', build_properties['got_webrtc_revision'],
'--oauth-token-file', oauth_file,
'--output-json-file', output_json_file,
'--perf-dashboard-machine-group', _GetMachineGroup(build_properties)
if build_properties.get('git_revision'):
if _is_histogram(json_to_upload):
return upload_results_to_perf_dashboard.main(args)
def _is_histogram(json_file):
with open(json_file) as f:
data = json.load(f)
return isinstance(data, list)
return False
def _merge_json_output(output_json, jsons_to_merge, extra_links):
"""Merges the contents of one or more results JSONs.
output_json: A path to a JSON file to which the merged results should be
jsons_to_merge: A list of JSON files that should be merged.
extra_links: a (key, value) map in which keys are the human-readable strings
which describe the data, and value is logdog url that contain the data.
begin_time = time.time()
merged_results = results_merger.merge_test_results(jsons_to_merge)
# Only append the perf results links if present
if extra_links:
merged_results['links'] = extra_links
with open(output_json, 'w') as f:
json.dump(merged_results, f)
end_time = time.time()
print_duration('Merging json test results', begin_time, end_time)
return 0
def _handle_perf_json_test_results(
benchmark_directory_map, test_results_list):
begin_time = time.time()
benchmark_enabled_map = {}
for benchmark_name, directories in benchmark_directory_map.iteritems():
for directory in directories:
# Obtain the test name we are running
is_ref = '.reference' in benchmark_name
enabled = True
with open(join(directory, 'test_results.json')) as json_data:
json_results = json.load(json_data)
if not json_results:
# Output is null meaning the test didn't produce any results.
# Want to output an error and continue loading the rest of the
# test results.
print 'No results produced for %s, skipping upload' % directory
if json_results.get('version') == 3:
# Non-telemetry tests don't have written json results but
# if they are executing then they are enabled and will generate
# chartjson results.
if not bool(json_results.get('tests')):
enabled = False
if not is_ref:
# We don't need to upload reference build data to the
# flakiness dashboard since we don't monitor the ref build
if not enabled:
# We don't upload disabled benchmarks or tests that are run
# as a smoke test
print 'Benchmark %s disabled' % benchmark_name
benchmark_enabled_map[benchmark_name] = enabled
end_time = time.time()
print_duration('Analyzing perf json test results', begin_time, end_time)
return benchmark_enabled_map
def _generate_unique_logdog_filename(name_prefix):
return name_prefix + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
def _handle_perf_logs(benchmark_directory_map, extra_links):
""" Upload benchmark logs to logdog and add a page entry for them. """
begin_time = time.time()
benchmark_logs_links = {}
for benchmark_name, directories in benchmark_directory_map.iteritems():
for directory in directories:
with open(join(directory, 'benchmark_log.txt')) as f:
uploaded_link = logdog_helper.text(
if benchmark_name in benchmark_logs_links.keys():
benchmark_logs_links[benchmark_name] = [uploaded_link]
logdog_file_name = _generate_unique_logdog_filename('Benchmarks_Logs')
logdog_stream = logdog_helper.text(
logdog_file_name, json.dumps(benchmark_logs_links, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')),
extra_links['Benchmarks logs'] = logdog_stream
end_time = time.time()
print_duration('Generating perf log streams', begin_time, end_time)
def _handle_benchmarks_shard_map(benchmarks_shard_map_file, extra_links):
begin_time = time.time()
with open(benchmarks_shard_map_file) as f:
benchmarks_shard_data = json.load(f)
logdog_file_name = _generate_unique_logdog_filename('Benchmarks_Shard_Map')
logdog_stream = logdog_helper.text(
logdog_file_name, json.dumps(benchmarks_shard_data, sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')),
extra_links['Benchmarks shard map'] = logdog_stream
end_time = time.time()
print_duration('Generating benchmark shard map stream', begin_time, end_time)
def _get_benchmark_name(directory):
return basename(directory).replace(" benchmark", "")
def process_perf_results(output_json, configuration_name,
build_properties, task_output_dir,
"""Process perf results.
Consists of merging the json-test-format output, uploading the perf test
output (chartjson and histogram), and store the benchmark logs in logdog.
Each directory in the task_output_dir represents one benchmark
that was run. Within this directory, there is a subdirectory with the name
of the benchmark that was run. In that subdirectory, there is a
perftest-output.json file containing the performance results in histogram
or dashboard json format and an output.json file containing the json test
results for the benchmark.
begin_time = time.time()
return_code = 0
directory_list = [
f for f in listdir(task_output_dir)
if not isfile(join(task_output_dir, f))
benchmark_directory_list = []
benchmarks_shard_map_file = None
for directory in directory_list:
for f in listdir(join(task_output_dir, directory)):
path = join(task_output_dir, directory, f)
if path.endswith('benchmarks_shard_map.json'):
benchmarks_shard_map_file = path
# Now create a map of benchmark name to the list of directories
# the lists were written to.
benchmark_directory_map = {}
for directory in benchmark_directory_list:
benchmark_name = _get_benchmark_name(directory)
if benchmark_name in benchmark_directory_map.keys():
benchmark_directory_map[benchmark_name] = [directory]
test_results_list = []
build_properties = json.loads(build_properties)
if not configuration_name:
# we are deprecating perf-id
configuration_name = build_properties['buildername']
extra_links = {}
# First, upload benchmarks shard map to logdog and add a page
# entry for it in extra_links.
if benchmarks_shard_map_file:
_handle_benchmarks_shard_map(benchmarks_shard_map_file, extra_links)
# Second, upload all the benchmark logs to logdog and add a page entry for
# those links in extra_links.
_handle_perf_logs(benchmark_directory_map, extra_links)
# Then try to obtain the list of json test results to merge
# and determine the status of each benchmark.
benchmark_enabled_map = _handle_perf_json_test_results(
benchmark_directory_map, test_results_list)
if not smoke_test_mode:
return_code = _handle_perf_results(
benchmark_enabled_map, benchmark_directory_map,
configuration_name, build_properties, service_account_file,
except Exception:
logging.exception('Error handling perf results jsons')
return_code = 1
# Finally, merge all test results json, add the extra links and write out to
# output location
_merge_json_output(output_json, test_results_list, extra_links)
end_time = time.time()
print_duration('Total process_perf_results', begin_time, end_time)
return return_code
def _merge_chartjson_results(chartjson_dicts):
merged_results = chartjson_dicts[0]
for chartjson_dict in chartjson_dicts[1:]:
for key in chartjson_dict:
if key == 'charts':
for add_key in chartjson_dict[key]:
merged_results[key][add_key] = chartjson_dict[key][add_key]
return merged_results
def _merge_histogram_results(histogram_lists):
merged_results = []
for histogram_list in histogram_lists:
merged_results += histogram_list
return merged_results
def _merge_perf_results(benchmark_name, results_filename, directories):
begin_time = time.time()
collected_results = []
for directory in directories:
filename = join(directory, 'perf_results.json')
with open(filename) as pf:
# Assuming that multiple shards will only be chartjson or histogram set
# Non-telemetry benchmarks only ever run on one shard
merged_results = []
if isinstance(collected_results[0], dict):
merged_results = _merge_chartjson_results(collected_results)
elif isinstance(collected_results[0], list):
merged_results =_merge_histogram_results(collected_results)
with open(results_filename, 'w') as rf:
json.dump(merged_results, rf)
end_time = time.time()
print_duration(('%s results merging' % (benchmark_name)),
begin_time, end_time)
def _upload_individual(
benchmark_name, directories, configuration_name,
build_properties, output_json_file, service_account_file):
tmpfile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
upload_begin_time = time.time()
# There are potentially multiple directores with results, re-write and
# merge them if necessary
results_filename = None
if len(directories) > 1:
merge_perf_dir = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(tmpfile_dir), benchmark_name)
if not os.path.exists(merge_perf_dir):
results_filename = os.path.join(
merge_perf_dir, 'merged_perf_results.json')
_merge_perf_results(benchmark_name, results_filename, directories)
# It was only written to one shard, use that shards data
results_filename = join(directories[0], 'perf_results.json')
print 'Uploading perf results from %s benchmark' % benchmark_name
# We generate an oauth token for every benchmark upload in the event
# the token could time out, see
with oauth_api.with_access_token(
service_account_file, ('%s_tok' % benchmark_name),
token_expiration_in_minutes=30) as oauth_file:
with open(output_json_file, 'w') as oj:
upload_fail = _upload_perf_results(
benchmark_name, configuration_name, build_properties,
oauth_file, oj)
upload_end_time = time.time()
print_duration(('%s upload time' % (benchmark_name)),
upload_begin_time, upload_end_time)
return (benchmark_name, upload_fail)
def _upload_individual_benchmark(params):
return _upload_individual(*params)
except Exception:
benchmark_name = params[0]
upload_fail = True
logging.exception('Error uploading perf result of %s' % benchmark_name)
return benchmark_name, upload_fail
def _handle_perf_results(
benchmark_enabled_map, benchmark_directory_map, configuration_name,
build_properties, service_account_file, extra_links):
Upload perf results to the perf dashboard.
This method also upload the perf results to logdog and augment it to
0 if this upload to perf dashboard succesfully, 1 otherwise.
begin_time = time.time()
tmpfile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('outputresults')
# Upload all eligible benchmarks to the perf dashboard
results_dict = {}
invocations = []
for benchmark_name, directories in benchmark_directory_map.iteritems():
if not benchmark_enabled_map.get(benchmark_name, False):
# Create a place to write the perf results that you will write out to
# logdog.
output_json_file = os.path.join(
tmpfile_dir, (str(uuid.uuid4()) + benchmark_name))
results_dict[benchmark_name] = output_json_file
benchmark_name, directories, configuration_name,
build_properties, output_json_file, service_account_file))
# Kick off the uploads in mutliple processes
cpus = mp.cpu_count()
pool = mp.Pool(cpus)
async_result = pool.map_async(
_upload_individual_benchmark, invocations)
results = async_result.get(timeout=2000)
except mp.TimeoutError:
logging.error('Failed uploading benchmarks to perf dashboard in parallel')
results = []
for benchmark_name in benchmark_directory_map:
results.append((benchmark_name, False))
# Keep a mapping of benchmarks to their upload results
benchmark_upload_result_map = {}
for r in results:
benchmark_upload_result_map[r[0]] = bool(r[1])
logdog_dict = {}
upload_failures_counter = 0
logdog_stream = None
logdog_label = 'Results Dashboard'
for benchmark_name, output_file in results_dict.iteritems():
failure = benchmark_upload_result_map[benchmark_name]
if failure:
upload_failures_counter += 1
is_reference = '.reference' in benchmark_name
benchmark_name, output_file,
configuration_name, build_properties, logdog_dict,
is_reference, failure)
logdog_file_name = _generate_unique_logdog_filename('Results_Dashboard_')
logdog_stream = logdog_helper.text(logdog_file_name,
json.dumps(dict(logdog_dict), sort_keys=True,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')),
if upload_failures_counter > 0:
logdog_label += ('Upload Failure (%s benchmark upload failures)' %
extra_links[logdog_label] = logdog_stream
end_time = time.time()
print_duration('Uploading results to perf dashboard', begin_time, end_time)
if upload_failures_counter > 0:
return 1
return 0
def _write_perf_data_to_logfile(benchmark_name, output_file,
configuration_name, build_properties,
logdog_dict, is_ref, upload_failure):
viewer_url = None
# logdog file to write perf results to
if os.path.exists(output_file):
output_json_file = logdog_helper.open_text(benchmark_name)
with open(output_file) as f:
results = json.load(f)
json.dump(results, output_json_file,
indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
except ValueError:
print ('Error parsing perf results JSON for benchmark %s' %
viewer_url = output_json_file.get_viewer_url()
print ("Perf results JSON file doesn't exist for benchmark %s" %
base_benchmark_name = benchmark_name.replace('.reference', '')
if base_benchmark_name not in logdog_dict:
logdog_dict[base_benchmark_name] = {}
# add links for the perf results and the dashboard url to
# the logs section of buildbot
if is_ref:
logdog_dict[base_benchmark_name]['perf_results_ref'] = viewer_url
if upload_failure:
logdog_dict[base_benchmark_name]['ref_upload_failed'] = 'True'
logdog_dict[base_benchmark_name]['dashboard_url'] = (
configuration_name, RESULTS_URL,
logdog_dict[base_benchmark_name]['perf_results'] = viewer_url
if upload_failure:
logdog_dict[base_benchmark_name]['upload_failed'] = 'True'
def print_duration(step, start, end):
print 'Duration of %s: %d seconds' % (step, end-start)
def main():
""" See collect_task.collect_task for more on the merge script API. """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# configuration-name (previously perf-id) is the name of bot the tests run on
# For example, buildbot-test is the name of the obbs_fyi bot
# configuration-name and results-url are set in the json file which is going
# away tools/perf/core/
parser.add_argument('--configuration-name', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--service-account-file', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--build-properties', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--summary-json', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--task-output-dir', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-json', required=True,
parser.add_argument('json_files', nargs='*', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--smoke-test-mode', action='store_true',
help='This test should be run in smoke test mode'
' meaning it does not upload to the perf dashboard')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.service_account_file and not args.smoke_test_mode:
raise Exception(
'Service account file must be specificed for dashboard upload')
return process_perf_results(
args.output_json, args.configuration_name,
args.build_properties, args.task_output_dir,
if __name__ == '__main__':