blob: 8c49d247c3447bd33893ee8400abcfc4ebf4e3be [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Copy files to a directory with the option to clear directory first.
# Variables:
# dest_path - directory to copy files to.
# src_files - optional, a list of files to copy without changing name.
# clear - optional, if set, clear directory before copying files.
# renaming_sources - optional, a list of files to copy and rename.
# renaming_destinations - optional, a list of new file names corresponding to
# renaming_sources.
# Exmaple
# {
# 'target_name': 'copy_assets',
# 'type': 'none',
# 'variables': {
# 'dest_path': 'apk/assets/path',
# 'src_files': ['path1/fr.pak'],
# 'clear': 1,
# # path2/old1 and path3/old2 will be copied to apk/assets/path and
# # renamed to new1, new2 respectly.
# 'renaming_sources': ['path2/old1', 'path3/old2'],
# 'renaming_destinations': ['new1', 'new2'],
# },
# 'includes': [ '../build/android/copy_ex.gypi' ],
# },
'variables': {
'clear%': 0,
'src_files%': [],
'renaming_sources%': [],
'renaming_destinations%': [],
'actions': [{
'action_name': '<(_target_name)_copy_ex',
'variables': {
'local_inputs': [],
'dest_files': [],
'conditions': [
['clear == 1', {
'additional_args': ['--clear'],
['src_files != []', {
'additional_args': ['--files', '<(src_files)'],
'local_inputs': ['<@(src_files)'],
# src_files will be used to generate destination files path for
# outputs.
'dest_files': ['<@(src_files)'],
['renaming_sources != []', {
'additional_args': [
'--renaming-sources', '<(renaming_sources)',
'--renaming-destinations', '<(renaming_destinations)'
'local_inputs': ['<@(renaming_sources)'],
'dest_files': ['<@(renaming_destinations)'],
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'<!@pymod_do_main(generate_copy_ex_outputs --dest-path <(dest_path) --src-files <(dest_files))',
'action': [
'python', '<(DEPTH)/build/android/gyp/',
'--dest', '<(dest_path)',