blob: 7745e57a942da59661fe995c2c4c711dbf828150 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 2
module crosapi.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/image/mojom/image.mojom";
// Information about an app. See components/services/app_service/
// This struct is used to transport App data between lacros-chrome and
// ash-chrome. It is intended to be the minimal subset of apps::mojom::App
// required for this purpose, and exists to allow apps::mojom::App to not have
// to be versioned.
// See components/services/app_service/public/mojom/types.mojom for details
// for the structs in this file.
struct App {
AppType app_type;
string app_id;
// The fields above are mandatory. Everything else below is optional.
Readiness readiness;
string? name;
string? short_name;
// An optional, publisher-specific ID for this app, e.g. for Android apps,
// this field contains the Android package name, and for web apps, it
// contains the start URL.
string? publisher_id;
string? description;
string? version;
array<string> additional_search_terms;
IconKey? icon_key;
mojo_base.mojom.Time? last_launch_time;
mojo_base.mojom.Time? install_time;
// Whether the app was installed by sync, policy or as a default app.
InstallSource install_source;
OptionalBool recommendable;
OptionalBool searchable;
OptionalBool show_in_launcher;
OptionalBool show_in_shelf;
OptionalBool show_in_search;
OptionalBool show_in_management;
// Whether the app icon should add the notification badging.
OptionalBool has_badge;
// Paused apps cannot be launched, and any running apps that become paused
// will be stopped. This is independent of whether or not the app is ready to
// be launched (defined by the Readiness field).
OptionalBool paused;
// This vector stores all the intent filters defined in this app. Each
// intent filter defines a matching criteria for whether an intent can
// be handled by this app. One app can have multiple intent filters.
array<IntentFilter> intent_filters;
// The types of apps available in the registry.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum AppType {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kArc, // Android app.
kWeb, // Web app.
kSystemWeb, // System web app.
kStandaloneBrowserExtension, // Extension based app.
// Whether an app is ready to launch, i.e. installed.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Readiness {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kReady, // Installed and launchable.
kDisabledByBlocklist, // Disabled by SafeBrowsing.
kDisabledByPolicy, // Disabled by admin policy.
kDisabledByUser, // Disabled by explicit user action.
kTerminated, // Renderer process crashed.
// Removed apps are purged from the registry cache and have their
// associated memory freed. Subscribers are not notified of removed
// apps, so publishers must set the app as uninstalled before
// removing it.
[MinVersion=1] kUninstalledByMigration,
// How the app was installed.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum InstallSource {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kSystem, // Installed with the system and is considered a part of the OS.
kPolicy, // Installed by policy.
kOem, // Installed by an OEM.
kDefault, // Preinstalled by default, but is not considered a system app.
kSync, // Installed by sync.
kUser, // Installed by user action.
// Augments a bool to include an 'unknown' value.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum OptionalBool {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
struct IconKey {
// A timeline value for icons that do not change.
const uint64 kDoesNotChangeOverTime = 0;
// A monotonically increasing number so that, after an icon update, a new
// IconKey, one that is different in terms of field-by-field equality, can be
// broadcast by a Publisher.
// The exact value of the number isn't important, only that newer IconKey's
// (those that were created more recently) have a larger timeline than older
// IconKey's.
// This is, in some sense, *a* version number, but the field is not called
// "version", to avoid any possible confusion that it encodes *the* app's
// version number, e.g. the "2.3.5" in "FooBar version 2.3.5 is installed".
// For example, if an app is disabled for some reason (so that its icon is
// grayed out), this would result in a different timeline even though the
// app's version is unchanged.
uint64 timeline;
// A bitmask of icon post-processing effects, such as desaturation to gray
// and rounding the corners.
// The mask enum apps::IconEffects is defined in
// chrome/browser/apps/app_service/app_icon_factory.h and will remain
// stable.
uint32 icon_effects;
// The intent filter matching condition types.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum ConditionType {
[Default] kScheme, // Matches the URL scheme (e.g. https, tel).
kHost, // Matches the URL host (e.g.
kPattern, // Matches the URL pattern (e.g. /abc/*).
kAction, // Matches the action type (e.g. view, send).
kMimeType, // Matches the data mime type (e.g. image/jpeg).
// The pattern match type for intent filter pattern condition.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum PatternMatchType {
[Default] kNone = 0,
// For pattern type of condition, the value match will be based on the pattern
// match type. If the match_type is kNone, then an exact match with the value
// will be required.
struct ConditionValue {
string value;
PatternMatchType match_type; // This will be None for non pattern conditions.
// The condition for an intent filter. It matches if the intent contains this
// condition type and the corresponding value matches with any of the
// condition_values.
struct Condition {
ConditionType condition_type;
array<ConditionValue> condition_values;
// An intent filter is defined by an app, and contains a list of conditions that
// an intent needs to match. If all conditions match, then this intent filter
// matches against an intent.
struct IntentFilter {
array<Condition> conditions;
// Activity which registered this filter. We only fill this field for ARC
// share intent filters.
string? activity_name;
// The label shown to the user for this activity.
string? activity_label;
// What caused the app to be uninstalled.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum UninstallSource {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kAppList, // Uninstall by the user from the App List (Launcher)
kAppManagement, // Uninstall by the user from the App Management page
kShelf, // Uninstall by the user from the Shelf
kMigration, // Uninstall by app migration.
// Information about whether an app is accessing some capability, e.g. camera,
// microphone.
struct CapabilityAccess {
string app_id;
// Whether the app is accessing camera.
OptionalBool camera;
// Whether the app is accessing microphone.
OptionalBool microphone;
[Stable, Extensible]
enum IconType {
// Sentinel value used in error cases.
[Default] kUnknown,
// Icon as an uncompressed gfx::ImageSkia with no standard Chrome OS mask.
// Icon as compressed bytes in PNG format with no standard Chrome OS mask.
// Icon as an uncompressed gfx::ImageSkia with the standard Chrome OS mask
// applied. This is the default suggested icon type.
// The icon value for each app.
struct IconValue {
// The icon format and whether it uses Chrome OS mask.
IconType icon_type;
// The uncompressed icon data in gfx::ImageSkia format.
gfx.mojom.ImageSkia? uncompressed;
// The compressed icon data in PNG format.
array<uint8>? compressed;
// Whether this icon data is a placeholder icon.
bool is_placeholder_icon;
// MenuItems are used to populate context menus.
struct MenuItems {
array<MenuItem> items@0;
// The context menu model for each app. For web apps currently it's the info
// for shortcut items.
struct MenuItem {
string label@0; // The string label, may be empty.
gfx.mojom.ImageSkia? image@1; // The image icon, may be null.