blob: 607f37bc0f95e9cc67000223a0f3d18a4dda2d82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/types/id_type.h"
namespace autofill {
struct FormData;
struct FormFieldData;
namespace internal {
using FormSignatureType = ::base::IdTypeU64<class FormSignatureMarker>;
using FieldSignatureType = ::base::IdTypeU32<class FieldSignatureMarker>;
} // namespace internal
// The below strong aliases are defined as subclasses instead of typedefs in
// order to avoid having to define out-of-line constructors in all structs that
// contain signatures.
class FormSignature : public internal::FormSignatureType {
using internal::FormSignatureType::IdType;
class FieldSignature : public internal::FieldSignatureType {
using internal::FieldSignatureType::IdType;
// Calculates form signature based on |form_data|.
FormSignature CalculateFormSignature(const FormData& form_data);
// Calculates field signature based on |field_name| and |field_type|.
FieldSignature CalculateFieldSignatureByNameAndType(
base::StringPiece16 field_name,
base::StringPiece field_type);
// Calculates field signature based on |field_data|. This function is a proxy to
// |CalculateFieldSignatureByNameAndType|.
FieldSignature CalculateFieldSignatureForField(const FormFieldData& field_data);
// Returns 64-bit hash of the string.
uint64_t StrToHash64Bit(base::StringPiece str);
// Returns 32-bit hash of the string.
uint32_t StrToHash32Bit(base::StringPiece str);
// Reduce FieldSignature space (in UKM) to a small range for privacy reasons.
int64_t HashFormSignature(autofill::FormSignature form_signature);
// Reduce FieldSignature space (in UKM) to a small range for privacy reasons.
int64_t HashFieldSignature(autofill::FieldSignature field_signature);
} // namespace autofill