blob: 9a3dcec5b240aa51fa788079e3996df2ccf9535a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Internal implementation details for MultiToken. Only intended to be included
// from multi_token.h.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/types/token_type.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
namespace blink {
namespace internal {
// MultiTokenVariantCount
// Counts the number of token types.
template <typename... VariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenVariantCount;
// Recursive case.
template <typename FirstVariantType, typename... OtherVariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenVariantCount<FirstVariantType, OtherVariantTypes...> {
// Deliberately use uint32_t here so as not to incur an extra 4 bytes of
// overhead on 64-bit systems, as this is the same type used by the
// |variant_index_|.
static constexpr uint32_t kValue =
1 + MultiTokenVariantCount<OtherVariantTypes...>::kValue;
// Base case.
template <>
struct MultiTokenVariantCount<> {
static constexpr uint32_t kValue = 0;
// MultiTokenVariantIsTokenType
// Ensures if a QueryType is a a base::TokenType<>.
// Default case.
template <typename QueryType>
struct MultiTokenVariantIsTokenType {
static constexpr bool kValue = false;
// Specialization for base::TokenType<>.
template <typename TokenTypeTag>
struct MultiTokenVariantIsTokenType<::base::TokenType<TokenTypeTag>> {
static constexpr bool kValue = true;
// We expect an identical layout, which allows us to reinterpret_cast between
// types. The spec does not guarantee this, but sane compilers do. Thankfully
// we can check whether or not the compiler is sane (and if the behaviour is
// safe) at compile-time.
sizeof(::base::TokenType<TokenTypeTag>) ==
"base::TokenType must have the same sizeof as base::UnguessableToken");
alignof(::base::TokenType<TokenTypeTag>) ==
"base::TokenType must have the same alignof as base::UnguessableToken");
// MultiTokenAllVariantsAreTokenType
// Ensures that all variants are of type base::TokenType.
template <typename... VariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenAllVariantsAreTokenType;
// Recursive case.
template <typename FirstVariantType, typename... OtherVariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenAllVariantsAreTokenType<FirstVariantType,
OtherVariantTypes...> {
static constexpr bool kValue =
MultiTokenVariantIsTokenType<FirstVariantType>::kValue &&
// Base case.
template <>
struct MultiTokenAllVariantsAreTokenType<> {
static constexpr bool kValue = true;
// MultiTokenTypeRepeated
// Determines if a QueryType is repeated in a variadic list of types.
template <typename QueryType, typename... VariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenTypeRepeated;
// Recursive case.
template <typename QueryType,
typename FirstVariantType,
typename... OtherVariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenTypeRepeated<QueryType,
OtherVariantTypes...> {
static constexpr size_t kCount =
(std::is_same<QueryType, FirstVariantType>::value ? 1 : 0) +
MultiTokenTypeRepeated<QueryType, OtherVariantTypes...>::kCount;
static constexpr bool kValue = kCount > 1;
// Base case.
template <typename QueryType>
struct MultiTokenTypeRepeated<QueryType> {
static constexpr size_t kCount = 0;
static constexpr bool kValue = false;
// MultiTokenAnyTypeRepeated
// Determines if any type is repeated in a variadic list of types.
template <typename... VariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenAnyTypeRepeated;
// Recursive case.
template <typename FirstVariantType, typename... OtherVariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenAnyTypeRepeated<FirstVariantType, OtherVariantTypes...> {
static constexpr bool kValue =
OtherVariantTypes...>::kValue ||
// Base case.
template <>
struct MultiTokenAnyTypeRepeated<> {
static constexpr bool kValue = false;
// MultiTokenTypeIndex
// Returns the index of a QueryType from a variadic list of N types, or N if the
// QueryType is not found in the list.
template <typename QueryType, typename... VariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenTypeIndex;
// Recursive case.
template <typename QueryType,
typename FirstVariantType,
typename... OtherVariantTypes>
struct MultiTokenTypeIndex<QueryType, FirstVariantType, OtherVariantTypes...> {
static constexpr size_t kValue =
(std::is_same<QueryType, FirstVariantType>::value
? 0
: (1 +
MultiTokenTypeIndex<QueryType, OtherVariantTypes...>::kValue));
// Base case.
template <typename QueryType>
struct MultiTokenTypeIndex<QueryType> {
static constexpr size_t kValue = 0;
// MultiTokenBase
// Base class that brings helper structs into a single namespace for
// convenience.
template <typename... TokenVariants>
class MultiTokenBase {
// Ensures that no types are repeated, as that's non-sensical.
using AnyRepeated = internal::MultiTokenAnyTypeRepeated<TokenVariants...>;
static_assert(!AnyRepeated::kValue, "input types must not be repeated");
// Ensures that all variants are instances of base::TokenType.
using AllVariantsAreTokenType =
"input types must be instances of base::TokenType");
// Counts the number of variants.
using VariantCount = internal::MultiTokenVariantCount<TokenVariants...>;
// For determining the index of a type. Used to assign an integer ID to a
// type, as a kind of untyped enum.
template <typename QueryType>
struct TypeIndex
: public internal::MultiTokenTypeIndex<QueryType, TokenVariants...> {};
// For determining if a type is valid for this variant. Useful in enable_if
// statements.
template <typename QueryType>
struct ValidType {
static constexpr bool kValue =
TypeIndex<QueryType>::kValue != VariantCount::kValue;
// Helper comparator. Compares underlying types using only < and == to
// return -1, 0, or 1 depending on their relative values.
template <typename InputType>
static int CompareImpl(const InputType& lhs, const InputType& rhs) {
if (lhs < rhs)
return -1;
if (lhs == rhs)
return 0;
DCHECK(rhs < lhs);
return 1;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace blink