blob: 6a67f754393928fe1ae15795dfc495c256fcf2ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_keys_listener_manager.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/media_keys_listener.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
namespace service_manager {
class Connector;
} // namespace service_manager
namespace content {
class HardwareKeyMediaController;
// Listens for media keys and decides which listeners receive which events. In
// particular, it owns one of its delegates (HardwareKeyMediaController), and
// only propagates to the HardwareKeyMediaController if no other delegates are
// listening to a particular media key.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaKeysListenerManagerImpl
: public MediaKeysListenerManager,
public ui::MediaKeysListener::Delegate {
explicit MediaKeysListenerManagerImpl(service_manager::Connector* connector);
~MediaKeysListenerManagerImpl() override;
// MediaKeysListenerManager implementation.
bool StartWatchingMediaKey(
ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
ui::MediaKeysListener::Delegate* delegate) override;
void StopWatchingMediaKey(ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
ui::MediaKeysListener::Delegate* delegate) override;
void DisableInternalMediaKeyHandling() override;
void EnableInternalMediaKeyHandling() override;
// ui::MediaKeysListener::Delegate:
void OnMediaKeysAccelerator(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) override;
HardwareKeyMediaController* hardware_key_media_controller_for_testing() {
return hardware_key_media_controller_.get();
void SetMediaKeysListenerForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<ui::MediaKeysListener> media_keys_listener) {
media_keys_listener_ = std::move(media_keys_listener);
// ListeningData tracks which delegates are listening to a particular key. We
// track the HardwareKeyMediaController separately from the other listeners as
// it is treated differently.
struct ListeningData {
// True if the HardwareKeyMediaController is listening for this key.
bool hardware_key_media_controller_listening;
// Contains non-HardwareKeyMediaController listeners.
base::ObserverList<ui::MediaKeysListener::Delegate> listeners;
// Creates/Starts any OS-specific services needed for listening to media keys.
void EnsureAuxiliaryServices();
void EnsureMediaKeysListener();
ListeningData* GetOrCreateListeningData(ui::KeyboardCode key_code);
// Starts/stops watching media keys based on the current state.
void UpdateKeyListening();
// True if we should listen for a key with the given listening data.
bool ShouldListenToKey(const ListeningData& listening_data) const;
// True if any delegates besides the HardwareKeyMediaController are listening
// to any media keys.
bool AnyDelegatesListening() const;
// True if the HardwareKeyMediaController is allowed to receive events.
bool CanHardwareKeyMediaControllerReceiveEvents() const;
base::flat_map<ui::KeyboardCode, std::unique_ptr<ListeningData>>
std::unique_ptr<ui::MediaKeysListener> media_keys_listener_;
std::unique_ptr<HardwareKeyMediaController> hardware_key_media_controller_;
// False if media key handling has been explicitly disabled by a call to
// |DisableInternalMediaKeyHandling()|.
bool media_key_handling_enabled_;
// True if auxiliary services have already been started.
bool auxiliary_services_started_;
} // namespace content