blob: 5b0961bbbdd7875f0fc253f7024084b66bd1afab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2005 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Eric Veach)
// This file contains documentation of the various coordinate systems used
// throughout the library. Most importantly, S2 defines a framework for
// decomposing the unit sphere into a hierarchy of "cells". Each cell is a
// quadrilateral bounded by four geodesics. The top level of the hierarchy is
// obtained by projecting the six faces of a cube onto the unit sphere, and
// lower levels are obtained by subdividing each cell into four children
// recursively. Cells are numbered such that sequentially increasing cells
// follow a continuous space-filling curve over the entire sphere. The
// transformation is designed to make the cells at each level fairly uniform
// in size.
////////////////////////// S2Cell Decomposition /////////////////////////
// The following methods define the cube-to-sphere projection used by
// the S2Cell decomposition.
// In the process of converting a latitude-longitude pair to a 64-bit cell
// id, the following coordinate systems are used:
// (id)
// An S2CellId is a 64-bit encoding of a face and a Hilbert curve position
// on that face. The Hilbert curve position implicitly encodes both the
// position of a cell and its subdivision level (see s2cellid.h).
// (face, i, j)
// Leaf-cell coordinates. "i" and "j" are integers in the range
// [0,(2**30)-1] that identify a particular leaf cell on the given face.
// The (i, j) coordinate system is right-handed on each face, and the
// faces are oriented such that Hilbert curves connect continuously from
// one face to the next.
// (face, s, t)
// Cell-space coordinates. "s" and "t" are real numbers in the range
// [0,1] that identify a point on the given face. For example, the point
// (s, t) = (0.5, 0.5) corresponds to the center of the top-level face
// cell. This point is also a vertex of exactly four cells at each
// subdivision level greater than zero.
// (face, si, ti)
// Discrete cell-space coordinates. These are obtained by multiplying
// "s" and "t" by 2**31 and rounding to the nearest unsigned integer.
// Discrete coordinates lie in the range [0,2**31]. This coordinate
// system can represent the edge and center positions of all cells with
// no loss of precision (including non-leaf cells). In binary, each
// coordinate of a level-k cell center ends with a 1 followed by
// (30 - k) 0s. The coordinates of its edges end with (at least)
// (31 - k) 0s.
// (face, u, v)
// Cube-space coordinates in the range [-1,1]. To make the cells at each
// level more uniform in size after they are projected onto the sphere,
// we apply a nonlinear transformation of the form u=f(s), v=f(t).
// The (u, v) coordinates after this transformation give the actual
// coordinates on the cube face (modulo some 90 degree rotations) before
// it is projected onto the unit sphere.
// (face, u, v, w)
// Per-face coordinate frame. This is an extension of the (face, u, v)
// cube-space coordinates that adds a third axis "w" in the direction of
// the face normal. It is always a right-handed 3D coordinate system.
// Cube-space coordinates can be converted to this frame by setting w=1,
// while (u,v,w) coordinates can be projected onto the cube face by
// dividing by w, i.e. (face, u/w, v/w).
// (x, y, z)
// Direction vector (S2Point). Direction vectors are not necessarily unit
// length, and are often chosen to be points on the biunit cube
// [-1,+1]x[-1,+1]x[-1,+1]. They can be be normalized to obtain the
// corresponding point on the unit sphere.
// (lat, lng)
// Latitude and longitude (S2LatLng). Latitudes must be between -90 and
// 90 degrees inclusive, and longitudes must be between -180 and 180
// degrees inclusive.
// Note that the (i, j), (s, t), (si, ti), and (u, v) coordinate systems are
// right-handed on all six faces.
#ifndef S2_S2COORDS_H_
#define S2_S2COORDS_H_
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "s2/r2.h"
#include "s2/s2coords-internal.h"
#include "s2/s2point.h"
#include "s2/util/math/mathutil.h"
// S2 is a namespace for constants and simple utility functions that are used
// throughout the S2 library. The name "S2" is derived from the mathematical
// symbol for the two-dimensional unit sphere (note that the "2" refers to the
// dimension of the surface, not the space it is embedded in).
namespace S2 {
// This is the number of levels needed to specify a leaf cell. This
// constant is defined here so that the S2::Metric class and the conversion
// functions below can be implemented without including s2cellid.h. Please
// see s2cellid.h for other useful constants and conversion functions.
int const kMaxCellLevel = 30;
// The maximum index of a valid leaf cell plus one. The range of valid leaf
// cell indices is [0..kLimitIJ-1].
int const kLimitIJ = 1 << kMaxCellLevel; // == S2CellId::kMaxSize
// The maximum value of an si- or ti-coordinate. The range of valid (si,ti)
// values is [0..kMaxSiTi].
unsigned int const kMaxSiTi = 1U << (kMaxCellLevel + 1);
// Convert an s- or t-value to the corresponding u- or v-value. This is
// a non-linear transformation from [-1,1] to [-1,1] that attempts to
// make the cell sizes more uniform.
double STtoUV(double s);
// The inverse of the STtoUV transformation. Note that it is not always
// true that UVtoST(STtoUV(x)) == x due to numerical errors.
double UVtoST(double u);
// Convert the i- or j-index of a leaf cell to the minimum corresponding s-
// or t-value contained by that cell. The argument must be in the range
// [0..2**30], i.e. up to one position beyond the normal range of valid leaf
// cell indices.
double IJtoSTMin(int i);
// Return the i- or j-index of the leaf cell containing the given
// s- or t-value. If the argument is outside the range spanned by valid
// leaf cell indices, return the index of the closest valid leaf cell (i.e.,
// return values are clamped to the range of valid leaf cell indices).
int STtoIJ(double s);
// Convert an si- or ti-value to the corresponding s- or t-value.
double SiTitoST(unsigned int si);
// Return the si- or ti-coordinate that is nearest to the given s- or
// t-value. The result may be outside the range of valid (si,ti)-values.
unsigned int STtoSiTi(double s);
// Convert (face, u, v) coordinates to a direction vector (not
// necessarily unit length).
S2Point FaceUVtoXYZ(int face, double u, double v);
S2Point FaceUVtoXYZ(int face, R2Point const& uv);
// If the dot product of p with the given face normal is positive,
// set the corresponding u and v values (which may lie outside the range
// [-1,1]) and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool FaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, double* pu, double* pv);
bool FaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, R2Point* puv);
// Given a *valid* face for the given point p (meaning that dot product
// of p with the face normal is positive), return the corresponding
// u and v values (which may lie outside the range [-1,1]).
void ValidFaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, double* pu, double* pv);
void ValidFaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, R2Point* puv);
// Transform the given point P to the (u,v,w) coordinate frame of the given
// face (where the w-axis represents the face normal).
S2Point FaceXYZtoUVW(int face, S2Point const& p);
// Return the face containing the given direction vector. (For points on
// the boundary between faces, the result is arbitrary but repeatable.)
int GetFace(S2Point const& p);
// Convert a direction vector (not necessarily unit length) to
// (face, u, v) coordinates.
int XYZtoFaceUV(S2Point const& p, double* pu, double* pv);
int XYZtoFaceUV(S2Point const& p, R2Point* puv);
// Convert a direction vector (not necessarily unit length) to
// (face, si, ti) coordinates and, if p is exactly equal to the center of a
// cell, return the level of this cell (-1 otherwise).
int XYZtoFaceSiTi(S2Point const& p,
int* face,
unsigned int* si,
unsigned int* ti);
// Convert (face, si, ti) coordinates to a direction vector (not necessarily
// unit length).
S2Point FaceSiTitoXYZ(int face, unsigned int si, unsigned int ti);
// Return the right-handed normal (not necessarily unit length) for an
// edge in the direction of the positive v-axis at the given u-value on
// the given face. (This vector is perpendicular to the plane through
// the sphere origin that contains the given edge.)
S2Point GetUNorm(int face, double u);
// Return the right-handed normal (not necessarily unit length) for an
// edge in the direction of the positive u-axis at the given v-value on
// the given face.
S2Point GetVNorm(int face, double v);
// Return the unit-length normal, u-axis, or v-axis for the given face.
S2Point GetNorm(int face);
S2Point GetUAxis(int face);
S2Point GetVAxis(int face);
// Return the given axis of the given face (u=0, v=1, w=2).
S2Point GetUVWAxis(int face, int axis);
// With respect to the (u,v,w) coordinate system of a given face, return the
// face that lies in the given direction (negative=0, positive=1) of the
// given axis (u=0, v=1, w=2). For example, GetUVWFace(4, 0, 1) returns the
// face that is adjacent to face 4 in the positive u-axis direction.
int GetUVWFace(int face, int axis, int direction);
////////////////// Implementation details follow ////////////////////
// We have implemented three different projections from cell-space (s,t) to
// cube-space (u,v): linear, quadratic, and tangent. They have the following
// tradeoffs:
// Linear - This is the fastest transformation, but also produces the least
// uniform cell sizes. Cell areas vary by a factor of about 5.2, with the
// largest cells at the center of each face and the smallest cells in
// the corners.
// Tangent - Transforming the coordinates via atan() makes the cell sizes
// more uniform. The areas vary by a maximum ratio of 1.4 as opposed to a
// maximum ratio of 5.2. However, each call to atan() is about as expensive
// as all of the other calculations combined when converting from points to
// cell ids, i.e. it reduces performance by a factor of 3.
// Quadratic - This is an approximation of the tangent projection that
// is much faster and produces cells that are almost as uniform in size.
// It is about 3 times faster than the tangent projection for converting
// cell ids to points or vice versa. Cell areas vary by a maximum ratio of
// about 2.1.
// Here is a table comparing the cell uniformity using each projection. "Area
// ratio" is the maximum ratio over all subdivision levels of the largest cell
// area to the smallest cell area at that level, "edge ratio" is the maximum
// ratio of the longest edge of any cell to the shortest edge of any cell at
// the same level, and "diag ratio" is the ratio of the longest diagonal of
// any cell to the shortest diagonal of any cell at the same level. "ToPoint"
// and "FromPoint" are the times in microseconds required to convert cell ids
// to and from points (unit vectors) respectively. "ToPointRaw" is the time
// to convert to a non-unit-length vector, which is all that is needed for
// some purposes.
// Area Edge Diag ToPointRaw ToPoint FromPoint
// Ratio Ratio Ratio (microseconds)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Linear: 5.200 2.117 2.959 0.020 0.087 0.085
// Tangent: 1.414 1.414 1.704 0.237 0.299 0.258
// Quadratic: 2.082 1.802 1.932 0.033 0.096 0.108
// The worst-case cell aspect ratios are about the same with all three
// projections. The maximum ratio of the longest edge to the shortest edge
// within the same cell is about 1.4 and the maximum ratio of the diagonals
// within the same cell is about 1.7.
// This data was produced using s2cell_test and s2cellid_test.
inline double STtoUV(double s) {
return 2 * s - 1;
inline double UVtoST(double u) {
return 0.5 * (u + 1);
inline double STtoUV(double s) {
// Unfortunately, tan(M_PI_4) is slightly less than 1.0. This isn't due to
// a flaw in the implementation of tan(), it's because the derivative of
// tan(x) at x=pi/4 is 2, and it happens that the two adjacent floating
// point numbers on either side of the infinite-precision value of pi/4 have
// tangents that are slightly below and slightly above 1.0 when rounded to
// the nearest double-precision result.
s = std::tan(M_PI_2 * s - M_PI_4);
return s + (1.0 / (GG_LONGLONG(1) << 53)) * s;
inline double UVtoST(double u) {
volatile double a = std::atan(u);
return (2 * M_1_PI) * (a + M_PI_4);
inline double STtoUV(double s) {
if (s >= 0.5)
return (1 / 3.) * (4 * s * s - 1);
return (1 / 3.) * (1 - 4 * (1 - s) * (1 - s));
inline double UVtoST(double u) {
if (u >= 0)
return 0.5 * std::sqrt(1 + 3 * u);
return 1 - 0.5 * std::sqrt(1 - 3 * u);
#error Unknown value for S2_PROJECTION
inline double IJtoSTMin(int i) {
DCHECK(i >= 0 && i <= kLimitIJ);
return (1.0 / kLimitIJ) * i;
inline int STtoIJ(double s) {
return std::max(
0, std::min(kLimitIJ - 1, MathUtil::FastIntRound(kLimitIJ * s - 0.5)));
inline double SiTitoST(unsigned int si) {
DCHECK(si >= 0 && si <= kMaxSiTi);
return (1.0 / kMaxSiTi) * si;
inline unsigned int STtoSiTi(double s) {
// kMaxSiTi == 2^31, so the result doesn't fit in an int32_t when s == 1.
return static_cast<unsigned int>(MathUtil::FastInt64Round(s * kMaxSiTi));
inline S2Point FaceUVtoXYZ(int face, double u, double v) {
switch (face) {
case 0:
return S2Point(1, u, v);
case 1:
return S2Point(-u, 1, v);
case 2:
return S2Point(-u, -v, 1);
case 3:
return S2Point(-1, -v, -u);
case 4:
return S2Point(v, -1, -u);
return S2Point(v, u, -1);
inline S2Point FaceUVtoXYZ(int face, R2Point const& uv) {
return FaceUVtoXYZ(face, uv[0], uv[1]);
inline void ValidFaceXYZtoUV(int face,
S2Point const& p,
double* pu,
double* pv) {
DCHECK_GT(p.DotProd(GetNorm(face)), 0);
switch (face) {
case 0:
*pu = p[1] / p[0];
*pv = p[2] / p[0];
case 1:
*pu = -p[0] / p[1];
*pv = p[2] / p[1];
case 2:
*pu = -p[0] / p[2];
*pv = -p[1] / p[2];
case 3:
*pu = p[2] / p[0];
*pv = p[1] / p[0];
case 4:
*pu = p[2] / p[1];
*pv = -p[0] / p[1];
*pu = -p[1] / p[2];
*pv = -p[0] / p[2];
inline void ValidFaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, R2Point* puv) {
ValidFaceXYZtoUV(face, p, &(*puv)[0], &(*puv)[1]);
inline int GetFace(S2Point const& p) {
int face = p.LargestAbsComponent();
if (p[face] < 0)
face += 3;
return face;
inline int XYZtoFaceUV(S2Point const& p, double* pu, double* pv) {
int face = GetFace(p);
ValidFaceXYZtoUV(face, p, pu, pv);
return face;
inline int XYZtoFaceUV(S2Point const& p, R2Point* puv) {
return XYZtoFaceUV(p, &(*puv)[0], &(*puv)[1]);
inline bool FaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, double* pu, double* pv) {
if (face < 3) {
if (p[face] <= 0)
return false;
} else {
if (p[face - 3] >= 0)
return false;
ValidFaceXYZtoUV(face, p, pu, pv);
return true;
inline bool FaceXYZtoUV(int face, S2Point const& p, R2Point* puv) {
return FaceXYZtoUV(face, p, &(*puv)[0], &(*puv)[1]);
inline S2Point GetUNorm(int face, double u) {
switch (face) {
case 0:
return S2Point(u, -1, 0);
case 1:
return S2Point(1, u, 0);
case 2:
return S2Point(1, 0, u);
case 3:
return S2Point(-u, 0, 1);
case 4:
return S2Point(0, -u, 1);
return S2Point(0, -1, -u);
inline S2Point GetVNorm(int face, double v) {
switch (face) {
case 0:
return S2Point(-v, 0, 1);
case 1:
return S2Point(0, -v, 1);
case 2:
return S2Point(0, -1, -v);
case 3:
return S2Point(v, -1, 0);
case 4:
return S2Point(1, v, 0);
return S2Point(1, 0, v);
inline S2Point GetNorm(int face) {
return GetUVWAxis(face, 2);
inline S2Point GetUAxis(int face) {
return GetUVWAxis(face, 0);
inline S2Point GetVAxis(int face) {
return GetUVWAxis(face, 1);
inline S2Point GetUVWAxis(int face, int axis) {
double const* p = internal::kFaceUVWAxes[face][axis];
return S2Point(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
inline int GetUVWFace(int face, int axis, int direction) {
DCHECK(face >= 0 && face <= 5);
DCHECK(axis >= 0 && axis <= 2);
DCHECK(direction >= 0 && direction <= 1);
return internal::kFaceUVWFaces[face][axis][direction];
} // namespace S2
#endif // S2_S2COORDS_H_