blob: 26d4dc3cc294c8b0dd18babf15af2057c8984fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/frame_selection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_br.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_ruby_run.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/api/line_layout_ruby_text.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/hit_test_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/abstract_inline_text_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/line/ellipsis_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/inline_text_box_painter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/character_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_cache.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/paint_controller.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsInlineTextBox : public InlineBox {
unsigned variables[1];
uint16_t variables2[2];
void* pointers[2];
static_assert(sizeof(InlineTextBox) == sizeof(SameSizeAsInlineTextBox),
"InlineTextBox should stay small");
typedef WTF::HashMap<const InlineTextBox*, LayoutRect> InlineTextBoxOverflowMap;
static InlineTextBoxOverflowMap* g_text_boxes_with_overflow;
void InlineTextBox::Destroy() {
if (!KnownToHaveNoOverflow() && g_text_boxes_with_overflow)
void InlineTextBox::OffsetRun(int delta) {
start_ += delta;
void InlineTextBox::MarkDirty() {
len_ = 0;
start_ = 0;
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::LogicalOverflowRect() const {
if (KnownToHaveNoOverflow() || !g_text_boxes_with_overflow)
return LogicalFrameRect();
const auto& it = g_text_boxes_with_overflow->find(this);
if (it != g_text_boxes_with_overflow->end())
return it->value;
return LogicalFrameRect();
void InlineTextBox::SetLogicalOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& rect) {
DCHECK(rect != LogicalFrameRect());
if (!g_text_boxes_with_overflow)
g_text_boxes_with_overflow = new InlineTextBoxOverflowMap;
g_text_boxes_with_overflow->Set(this, rect);
void InlineTextBox::Move(const LayoutSize& delta) {
if (!KnownToHaveNoOverflow() && g_text_boxes_with_overflow) {
const auto& it = g_text_boxes_with_overflow->find(this);
if (it != g_text_boxes_with_overflow->end())
it->value.Move(IsHorizontal() ? delta : delta.TransposedSize());
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::BaselinePosition(FontBaseline baseline_type) const {
if (!IsText() || !Parent())
return LayoutUnit();
if (Parent()->GetLineLayoutItem() == GetLineLayoutItem().Parent())
return Parent()->BaselinePosition(baseline_type);
return LineLayoutBoxModel(GetLineLayoutItem().Parent())
.BaselinePosition(baseline_type, IsFirstLineStyle(),
IsHorizontal() ? kHorizontalLine : kVerticalLine,
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::LineHeight() const {
if (!IsText() || !GetLineLayoutItem().Parent())
return LayoutUnit();
if (GetLineLayoutItem().IsBR()) {
return LayoutUnit(
if (Parent()->GetLineLayoutItem() == GetLineLayoutItem().Parent())
return Parent()->LineHeight();
return LineLayoutBoxModel(GetLineLayoutItem().Parent())
IsHorizontal() ? kHorizontalLine : kVerticalLine,
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::OffsetTo(FontVerticalPositionType position_type,
FontBaseline baseline_type) const {
if (IsText() &&
(position_type == FontVerticalPositionType::TopOfEmHeight ||
position_type == FontVerticalPositionType::BottomOfEmHeight)) {
const Font& font = GetLineLayoutItem().Style(IsFirstLineStyle())->GetFont();
if (const SimpleFontData* font_data = font.PrimaryFont()) {
return font_data->GetFontMetrics().Ascent(baseline_type) -
font_data->VerticalPosition(position_type, baseline_type);
switch (position_type) {
case FontVerticalPositionType::TextTop:
case FontVerticalPositionType::TopOfEmHeight:
return LayoutUnit();
case FontVerticalPositionType::TextBottom:
case FontVerticalPositionType::BottomOfEmHeight:
return LogicalHeight();
return LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::VerticalPosition(
FontVerticalPositionType position_type,
FontBaseline baseline_type) const {
return LogicalTop() + OffsetTo(position_type, baseline_type);
// Compute if selection includes end of the InlineTextBox.
bool InlineTextBox::IsBoxEndIncludedInSelection() const {
const LayoutTextSelectionStatus& status =
if (status.IsEmpty())
return false;
if (status.start == status.end)
return false;
const unsigned box_end = IsLineBreak() ? Start() : Start() + Len();
if (status.start > box_end || status.end < box_end)
return false;
if (status.end > box_end)
return true;
// status.end == box_end
return status.include_end == SelectionIncludeEnd::kInclude;
bool InlineTextBox::IsSelected() const {
const LayoutTextSelectionStatus& status =
if (status.IsEmpty())
return false;
if (Start() < status.end && status.start < Start() + Len())
return true;
return IsBoxEndIncludedInSelection();
bool InlineTextBox::HasWrappedSelectionNewline() const {
if (!IsBoxEndIncludedInSelection())
return false;
// Checking last leaf child can be slow, so we make sure to do this
// only after checking selection state.
if (Root().LastLeafChild() != this)
return false;
// It's possible to have mixed LTR/RTL on a single line, and we only
// want to paint a newline when we're the last leaf child and we make
// sure there isn't a differently-directioned box following us.
bool is_ltr = IsLeftToRightDirection();
if ((!is_ltr && Root().FirstSelectedBox() != this) ||
(is_ltr && Root().LastSelectedBox() != this))
return false;
// If we're the last inline text box in containing block, our containing block
// is inline, and the selection continues into that block, then rely on the
// next inline text box (if any) to paint a wrapped new line as needed.
if (NextForSameLayoutObject())
return true;
auto root_block = Root().Block();
if (root_block.IsInline() && root_block.InlineBoxWrapper()) {
const InlineBox* next_root =
is_ltr ? root_block.InlineBoxWrapper()->NextOnLine()
: root_block.InlineBoxWrapper()->PrevOnLine();
if (next_root)
return false;
return true;
float InlineTextBox::NewlineSpaceWidth() const {
const ComputedStyle& style_to_use =
return style_to_use.GetFont().SpaceWidth();
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::LocalSelectionRect(
int start_pos,
int end_pos,
bool consider_current_selection) const {
int s_pos = std::max(start_pos - start_, 0);
int e_pos = std::min(end_pos - start_, (int)len_);
if (s_pos > e_pos)
return LayoutRect();
FontCachePurgePreventer font_cache_purge_preventer;
LayoutUnit sel_top = Root().SelectionTop();
LayoutUnit sel_height = Root().SelectionHeight();
const ComputedStyle& style_to_use =
const Font& font = style_to_use.GetFont();
StringBuilder characters_with_hyphen;
bool respect_hyphen = e_pos == len_ && HasHyphen();
TextRun text_run = ConstructTextRun(
style_to_use, respect_hyphen ? &characters_with_hyphen : nullptr);
LayoutPoint starting_point = LayoutPoint(LogicalLeft(), sel_top);
LayoutRect r;
if (s_pos || e_pos != static_cast<int>(len_)) {
r = LayoutRect(EnclosingIntRect(
font.SelectionRectForText(text_run, FloatPoint(starting_point),
sel_height.ToInt(), s_pos, e_pos)));
} else {
// Avoid computing the font width when the entire line box is selected as an
// optimization.
r = LayoutRect(EnclosingIntRect(
LayoutRect(starting_point, LayoutSize(logical_width_, sel_height))));
LayoutUnit logical_width = r.Width();
if (r.X() > LogicalRight())
logical_width = LayoutUnit();
else if (r.MaxX() > LogicalRight())
logical_width = LogicalRight() - r.X();
LayoutPoint top_point;
LayoutUnit width;
LayoutUnit height;
if (IsHorizontal()) {
top_point = LayoutPoint(r.X(), sel_top);
width = logical_width;
height = sel_height;
if (consider_current_selection && HasWrappedSelectionNewline()) {
if (!IsLeftToRightDirection())
top_point.SetX(LayoutUnit(top_point.X() - NewlineSpaceWidth()));
width += NewlineSpaceWidth();
} else {
top_point = LayoutPoint(sel_top, r.X());
width = sel_height;
height = logical_width;
// TODO(wkorman): RTL text embedded in top-to-bottom text can create
// bottom-to-top situations. Add tests and ensure we handle correctly.
if (consider_current_selection && HasWrappedSelectionNewline())
height += NewlineSpaceWidth();
return LayoutRect(top_point, LayoutSize(width, height));
void InlineTextBox::DeleteLine() {
void InlineTextBox::ExtractLine() {
if (Extracted())
void InlineTextBox::AttachLine() {
if (!Extracted())
void InlineTextBox::SetTruncation(uint16_t truncation) {
if (truncation == truncation_)
truncation_ = truncation;
void InlineTextBox::ClearTruncation() {
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::PlaceEllipsisBox(bool flow_is_ltr,
LayoutUnit visible_left_edge,
LayoutUnit visible_right_edge,
LayoutUnit ellipsis_width,
LayoutUnit& truncated_width,
InlineBox** found_box,
LayoutUnit logical_left_offset) {
if (*found_box) {
return LayoutUnit(-1);
// Criteria for full truncation:
// LTR: the left edge of the ellipsis is to the left of our text run.
// RTL: the right edge of the ellipsis is to the right of our text run.
LayoutUnit adjusted_logical_left = logical_left_offset + LogicalLeft();
// For LTR this is the left edge of the box, for RTL, the right edge in parent
// coordinates.
LayoutUnit ellipsis_x = flow_is_ltr ? visible_right_edge - ellipsis_width
: visible_left_edge + ellipsis_width;
bool ltr_full_truncation = flow_is_ltr && ellipsis_x <= adjusted_logical_left;
bool rtl_full_truncation =
!flow_is_ltr && ellipsis_x > adjusted_logical_left + LogicalWidth();
if (ltr_full_truncation || rtl_full_truncation) {
// Too far. Just set full truncation, but return -1 and let the ellipsis
// just be placed at the edge of the box.
*found_box = this;
return LayoutUnit(-1);
bool ltr_ellipsis_within_box =
flow_is_ltr && ellipsis_x < adjusted_logical_left + LogicalWidth();
bool rtl_ellipsis_within_box =
!flow_is_ltr && ellipsis_x > adjusted_logical_left;
if (ltr_ellipsis_within_box || rtl_ellipsis_within_box) {
*found_box = this;
// OffsetForPosition() expects the position relative to the root box.
ellipsis_x -= logical_left_offset;
// We measure the text using the second half of the previous character and
// the first half of the current one when the text is rtl. This gives a
// more accurate position in rtl text.
// TODO( This doesn't always give the best results.
bool ltr = IsLeftToRightDirection();
int offset = OffsetForPosition(ellipsis_x,
ltr ? OnlyFullGlyphs : IncludePartialGlyphs,
// Full truncation is only necessary when we're flowing left-to-right.
if (flow_is_ltr && offset == 0 && ltr == flow_is_ltr) {
// No characters should be laid out. Set ourselves to full truncation and
// place the ellipsis at the min of our start and the ellipsis edge.
truncated_width += ellipsis_width;
return std::min(ellipsis_x, LogicalLeft());
// When the text's direction doesn't match the flow's direction we can
// choose an offset that starts outside the visible box: compensate for that
// if necessary.
if (flow_is_ltr != ltr && LogicalLeft() < 0 && offset >= start_ &&
PositionForOffset(offset) < LogicalLeft().Abs())
// Set the truncation index on the text run.
// If we got here that means that we were only partially truncated and we
// need to return the pixel offset at which to place the ellipsis. Where the
// text and its flow have opposite directions then our offset into the text
// is at the start of the part that will be visible.
LayoutUnit width_of_visible_text(GetLineLayoutItem().Width(
ltr == flow_is_ltr ? start_ : start_ + offset,
ltr == flow_is_ltr ? offset : len_ - offset, TextPos(),
flow_is_ltr ? TextDirection::kLtr : TextDirection::kRtl,
IsFirstLineStyle(), nullptr, nullptr, Expansion()));
// The ellipsis needs to be placed just after the last visible character.
// Where "after" is defined by the flow directionality, not the inline
// box directionality.
// e.g. In the case of an LTR inline box truncated in an RTL flow then we
// can have a situation such as |Hello| -> |...He|
truncated_width += width_of_visible_text + ellipsis_width;
if (flow_is_ltr)
return LogicalLeft() + width_of_visible_text;
LayoutUnit result = LogicalRight() - width_of_visible_text - ellipsis_width;
return result;
truncated_width += LogicalWidth();
return LayoutUnit(-1);
bool InlineTextBox::IsLineBreak() const {
return GetLineLayoutItem().IsBR() ||
(GetLineLayoutItem().StyleRef().PreserveNewline() && Len() == 1 &&
GetLineLayoutItem().GetText().length() > Start() &&
(*GetLineLayoutItem().GetText().Impl())[Start()] == '\n');
bool InlineTextBox::NodeAtPoint(HitTestResult& result,
const HitTestLocation& hit_test_location,
const PhysicalOffset& accumulated_offset,
LayoutUnit /* lineTop */,
LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/) {
if (IsLineBreak() || truncation_ == kCFullTruncation)
return false;
PhysicalOffset box_origin = PhysicalLocation();
box_origin += accumulated_offset;
PhysicalRect rect(box_origin, Size());
if (VisibleToHitTestRequest(result.GetHitTestRequest()) &&
hit_test_location.Intersects(rect)) {
result, hit_test_location.Point() - accumulated_offset);
if (result.AddNodeToListBasedTestResult(GetLineLayoutItem().GetNode(),
rect) == kStopHitTesting)
return true;
return false;
bool InlineTextBox::GetEmphasisMarkPosition(
const ComputedStyle& style,
TextEmphasisPosition& emphasis_position) const {
// This function returns true if there are text emphasis marks and they are
// suppressed by ruby text.
if (style.GetTextEmphasisMark() == TextEmphasisMark::kNone)
return false;
emphasis_position = style.GetTextEmphasisPosition();
// Ruby text is always over, so it cannot suppress emphasis marks under.
if (style.GetTextEmphasisLineLogicalSide() != LineLogicalSide::kOver)
return true;
LineLayoutBox containing_block = GetLineLayoutItem().ContainingBlock();
// This text is not inside a ruby base, so it does not have ruby text over it.
if (!containing_block.IsRubyBase())
return true;
// Cannot get the ruby text.
if (!containing_block.Parent().IsRubyRun())
return true;
LineLayoutRubyText ruby_text =
// The emphasis marks over are suppressed only if there is a ruby text box and
// it not empty.
return !ruby_text || !ruby_text.FirstLineBox();
void InlineTextBox::Paint(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset,
LayoutUnit /*lineTop*/,
LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/) const {
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).Paint(paint_info, paint_offset);
if (GetLineLayoutItem().ContainsOnlyWhitespaceOrNbsp() !=
OnlyWhitespaceOrNbsp::kYes) {
void InlineTextBox::SelectionStartEnd(int& s_pos, int& e_pos) const {
const LayoutTextSelectionStatus& status =
s_pos = std::max(static_cast<int>(status.start) - start_, 0);
e_pos = std::min(static_cast<int>(status.end) - start_, (int)len_);
void InlineTextBox::PaintDocumentMarker(GraphicsContext& pt,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const DocumentMarker& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font,
bool grammar) const {
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).PaintDocumentMarker(pt, box_origin, marker, style,
font, grammar);
void InlineTextBox::PaintTextMarkerForeground(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const TextMarkerBase& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font) const {
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).PaintTextMarkerForeground(paint_info, box_origin,
marker, style, font);
void InlineTextBox::PaintTextMarkerBackground(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& box_origin,
const TextMarkerBase& marker,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const Font& font) const {
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).PaintTextMarkerBackground(paint_info, box_origin,
marker, style, font);
int InlineTextBox::CaretMinOffset() const {
return start_;
int InlineTextBox::CaretMaxOffset() const {
return start_ + len_;
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::TextPos() const {
// When computing the width of a text run, LayoutBlock::
// computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine() doesn't include the actual offset
// from the containing block edge in its measurement. textPos() should be
// consistent so the text are laid out in the same width.
if (LogicalLeft() == 0)
return LayoutUnit();
return LogicalLeft() - Root().LogicalLeft();
int InlineTextBox::OffsetForPosition(LayoutUnit line_offset,
IncludePartialGlyphsOption partial_glyphs,
BreakGlyphsOption break_glyphs) const {
if (IsLineBreak())
return 0;
if (line_offset - LogicalLeft() > LogicalWidth())
return IsLeftToRightDirection() ? Len() : 0;
if (line_offset - LogicalLeft() < 0)
return IsLeftToRightDirection() ? 0 : Len();
LineLayoutText text = GetLineLayoutItem();
const ComputedStyle& style = text.StyleRef(IsFirstLineStyle());
const Font& font = style.GetFont();
return font.OffsetForPosition(ConstructTextRun(style),
(line_offset - LogicalLeft()).ToFloat(),
partial_glyphs, break_glyphs);
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::PositionForOffset(int offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, start_);
DCHECK_LE(offset, start_ + len_);
if (IsLineBreak())
return LogicalLeft();
LineLayoutText text = GetLineLayoutItem();
const ComputedStyle& style_to_use = text.StyleRef(IsFirstLineStyle());
const Font& font = style_to_use.GetFont();
int from = !IsLeftToRightDirection() ? offset - start_ : 0;
int to = !IsLeftToRightDirection() ? len_ : offset - start_;
// FIXME: Do we need to add rightBearing here?
return LayoutUnit(font.SelectionRectForText(
FloatPoint(LogicalLeft().ToInt(), 0), 0, from, to)
bool InlineTextBox::ContainsCaretOffset(int offset) const {
// Offsets before the box are never "in".
if (offset < start_)
return false;
int past_end = start_ + len_;
// Offsets inside the box (not at either edge) are always "in".
if (offset < past_end)
return true;
// Offsets outside the box are always "out".
if (offset > past_end)
return false;
// Offsets at the end are "out" for line breaks (they are on the next line).
if (IsLineBreak())
return false;
// Offsets at the end are "in" for normal boxes (but the caller has to check
// affinity).
return true;
void InlineTextBox::CharacterWidths(Vector<float>& widths) const {
if (!len_)
FontCachePurgePreventer font_cache_purge_preventer;
const ComputedStyle& style_to_use =
const Font& font = style_to_use.GetFont();
TextRun text_run = ConstructTextRun(style_to_use);
Vector<CharacterRange> ranges = font.IndividualCharacterRanges(text_run);
DCHECK_EQ(ranges.size(), len_);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++)
widths[i] = ranges[i].Width();
TextRun InlineTextBox::ConstructTextRun(
const ComputedStyle& style,
StringBuilder* characters_with_hyphen) const {
String string = GetLineLayoutItem().GetText();
unsigned start_pos = Start();
unsigned length = Len();
// Ensure |this| is in sync with the corresponding LayoutText. Checking here
// has less binary size/perf impact than in StringView().
CHECK_LE(start_pos, string.length());
CHECK_LE(length, string.length() - start_pos);
return ConstructTextRun(style, StringView(string, start_pos, length),
GetLineLayoutItem().TextLength() - start_pos,
TextRun InlineTextBox::ConstructTextRun(
const ComputedStyle& style,
StringView string,
int maximum_length,
StringBuilder* characters_with_hyphen) const {
if (characters_with_hyphen) {
const AtomicString& hyphen_string = style.HyphenString();
characters_with_hyphen->ReserveCapacity(string.length() +
string = characters_with_hyphen->ToString();
maximum_length = string.length();
DCHECK_GE(maximum_length, static_cast<int>(string.length()));
TextRun run(string, TextPos().ToFloat(), Expansion(), GetExpansionBehavior(),
DirOverride() || style.RtlOrdering() == EOrder::kVisual);
run.SetTabSize(!style.CollapseWhiteSpace(), style.GetTabSize());
// Propagate the maximum length of the characters buffer to the TextRun, even
// when we're only processing a substring.
DCHECK_GE(run.CharactersLength(), run.length());
return run;
TextRun InlineTextBox::ConstructTextRunForInspector(
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
return InlineTextBox::ConstructTextRun(style);
const char* InlineTextBox::BoxName() const {
return "InlineTextBox";
String InlineTextBox::DebugName() const {
return String(BoxName()) + " '" + GetText() + "'";
String InlineTextBox::GetText() const {
return GetLineLayoutItem().GetText().Substring(Start(), Len());
void InlineTextBox::DumpBox(StringBuilder& string_inlinetextbox) const {
String value = GetText();
value.Replace('\\', "\\\\");
value.Replace('\n', "\\n");
string_inlinetextbox.AppendFormat("%s %p", BoxName(), this);
while (string_inlinetextbox.length() < kShowTreeCharacterOffset)
string_inlinetextbox.Append(' ');
const LineLayoutText obj = GetLineLayoutItem();
string_inlinetextbox.AppendFormat("\t%s %p", obj.GetName(),
const int kLayoutObjectCharacterOffset = 75;
while (string_inlinetextbox.length() < kLayoutObjectCharacterOffset)
string_inlinetextbox.Append(' ');
string_inlinetextbox.AppendFormat("(%d,%d) \"%s\"", Start(), Start() + Len(),
void InlineTextBox::ManuallySetStartLenAndLogicalWidth(
unsigned start,
unsigned len,
LayoutUnit logical_width) {
DCHECK_EQ(Root().FirstChild(), this);
DCHECK_EQ(Root().FirstChild(), Root().LastChild());
start_ = start;
len_ = len;
if (!KnownToHaveNoOverflow() && g_text_boxes_with_overflow)
} // namespace blink