blob: a40a557383ad996b10879997ab888beff572b0bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/window_positioner.h"
#include "ash/screen_util.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/shell_delegate.h"
#include "ash/wm/mru_window_tracker.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_positioning_utils.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/window_animations.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/window_util.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// When a window gets opened in default mode and the screen is less than or
// equal to this width, the window opens with show state maximized.
const int kForceMaximizeWidthLimit = 1366;
// The time in milliseconds which should be used to visually move a window
// through an automatic "intelligent" window management option.
const int kWindowAutoMoveDurationMS = 125;
// If set to true all window repositioning actions will be ignored. Set through
// WindowPositioner::SetIgnoreActivations().
static bool disable_auto_positioning = false;
// If set to true, by default the first window in ASH will be maximized.
static bool maximize_first_window = false;
// Check if any management should be performed (with a given |window|).
bool UseAutoWindowManager(const aura::Window* window) {
if (disable_auto_positioning)
return false;
const wm::WindowState* window_state = wm::GetWindowState(window);
return !window_state->is_dragged() &&
// Check if a given |window| can be managed. This includes that its
// state is not minimized/maximized/fullscreen/the user has changed
// its size by hand already. It furthermore checks for the
// WindowIsManaged status.
bool WindowPositionCanBeManaged(const aura::Window* window) {
if (disable_auto_positioning)
return false;
const wm::WindowState* window_state = wm::GetWindowState(window);
return window_state->GetWindowPositionManaged() &&
!window_state->IsMinimized() && !window_state->IsMaximized() &&
!window_state->IsFullscreen() && !window_state->IsPinned() &&
// Move the given |bounds| on the available |work_area| in the direction
// indicated by |move_right|. If |move_right| is true, the rectangle gets moved
// to the right edge, otherwise to the left one.
bool MoveRectToOneSide(const gfx::Rect& work_area,
bool move_right,
gfx::Rect* bounds) {
if (move_right) {
if (work_area.right() > bounds->right()) {
bounds->set_x(work_area.right() - bounds->width());
return true;
} else {
if (work_area.x() < bounds->x()) {
return true;
return false;
// Move a |window| to new |bounds|. Animate if desired by user.
// Moves the transient children of the |window| as well by the same |offset| as
// the parent |window|.
void SetBoundsAndOffsetTransientChildren(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const gfx::Rect& work_area,
const gfx::Vector2d& offset) {
aura::Window::Windows transient_children = ::wm::GetTransientChildren(window);
for (auto* transient_child : transient_children) {
gfx::Rect child_bounds = transient_child->bounds();
gfx::Rect new_child_bounds = child_bounds + offset;
if ((child_bounds.x() <= work_area.x() &&
new_child_bounds.x() <= work_area.x()) ||
(child_bounds.right() >= work_area.right() &&
new_child_bounds.right() >= work_area.right())) {
if (new_child_bounds.right() > work_area.right())
new_child_bounds.set_x(work_area.right() - bounds.width());
else if (new_child_bounds.x() < work_area.x())
SetBoundsAndOffsetTransientChildren(transient_child, new_child_bounds,
work_area, offset);
if (::wm::WindowAnimationsDisabled(window)) {
ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings(window->layer()->GetAnimator());
// Move a |window| to new |bounds|. Animate if desired by user.
// Note: The function will do nothing if the bounds did not change.
void SetBoundsAnimated(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const gfx::Rect& work_area) {
gfx::Rect old_bounds = window->GetTargetBounds();
if (bounds == old_bounds)
gfx::Vector2d offset(bounds.origin() - old_bounds.origin());
SetBoundsAndOffsetTransientChildren(window, bounds, work_area, offset);
// Move |window| into the center of the screen - or restore it to the previous
// position.
void AutoPlaceSingleWindow(aura::Window* window, bool animated) {
gfx::Rect work_area = screen_util::GetDisplayWorkAreaBoundsInParent(window);
gfx::Rect bounds = window->bounds();
const base::Optional<gfx::Rect> user_defined_area =
if (user_defined_area) {
bounds = *user_defined_area;
wm::AdjustBoundsToEnsureMinimumWindowVisibility(work_area, &bounds);
} else {
// Center the window (only in x).
bounds.set_x(work_area.x() + (work_area.width() - bounds.width()) / 2);
if (animated)
SetBoundsAnimated(window, bounds, work_area);
// Get the first open (non minimized) window which is on the screen defined.
aura::Window* GetReferenceWindow(const aura::Window* root_window,
const aura::Window* exclude,
bool* single_window) {
if (single_window)
*single_window = true;
// Get the active window.
aura::Window* active = wm::GetActiveWindow();
if (active && active->GetRootWindow() != root_window)
active = NULL;
// Get a list of all windows.
const aura::Window::Windows windows =
if (windows.empty())
return nullptr;
int index = 0;
// Find the index of the current active window.
if (active)
index = std::find(windows.begin(), windows.end(), active) - windows.begin();
// Scan the cycle list backwards to see which is the second topmost window
// (and so on). Note that we might cycle a few indices twice if there is no
// suitable window. However - since the list is fairly small this should be
// very fast anyways.
aura::Window* found = nullptr;
for (int i = index + windows.size(); i >= 0; i--) {
aura::Window* window = windows[i % windows.size()];
while (::wm::GetTransientParent(window))
window = ::wm::GetTransientParent(window);
if (window != exclude &&
window->type() == aura::client::WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL &&
window->GetRootWindow() == root_window && window->TargetVisibility() &&
wm::GetWindowState(window)->GetWindowPositionManaged()) {
if (found && found != window) {
// no need to check !single_window because the function must have
// been already returned in the "if (!single_window)" below.
*single_window = false;
return found;
found = window;
// If there is no need to check single window, return now.
if (!single_window)
return found;
return found;
} // namespace
// static
int WindowPositioner::GetForceMaximizedWidthLimit() {
return kForceMaximizeWidthLimit;
// static
void WindowPositioner::GetBoundsAndShowStateForNewWindow(
const aura::Window* new_window,
bool is_saved_bounds,
ui::WindowShowState show_state_in,
gfx::Rect* bounds_in_out,
ui::WindowShowState* show_state_out) {
// Always open new window in the target display.
aura::Window* target = Shell::GetRootWindowForNewWindows();
aura::Window* top_window = GetReferenceWindow(target, nullptr, nullptr);
// Our window should not have any impact if we are already on top.
if (top_window == new_window)
top_window = nullptr;
// If there is no valid other window we take and adjust the passed coordinates
// and show state.
if (!top_window) {
gfx::Rect work_area = display::Screen::GetScreen()
// Use adjusted saved bounds, if there is one.
if (is_saved_bounds)
if (show_state_in == ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT) {
const bool maximize_first_window_on_first_run =
// We want to always open maximized on "small screens" or when policy
// tells us to.
const bool set_maximized =
maximize_first_window ||
((work_area.width() <= GetForceMaximizedWidthLimit() ||
maximize_first_window_on_first_run) &&
(!new_window || !wm::GetWindowState(new_window)->IsFullscreen()));
if (set_maximized)
*show_state_out = ui::SHOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED;
wm::WindowState* top_window_state = wm::GetWindowState(top_window);
bool maximized = top_window_state->IsMaximized();
// We ignore the saved show state, but look instead for the top level
// window's show state.
if (show_state_in == ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT) {
*show_state_out =
if (maximized || top_window_state->IsFullscreen()) {
bool has_restore_bounds = top_window_state->HasRestoreBounds();
if (has_restore_bounds) {
// For a maximized/fullscreen window ignore the real bounds of
// the top level window and use its restore bounds
// instead. Offset the bounds to prevent the windows from
// overlapping exactly when restored.
*bounds_in_out = top_window_state->GetRestoreBoundsInScreen() +
gfx::Vector2d(kFirstPopupOffset, kFirstPopupOffset);
if (is_saved_bounds || has_restore_bounds) {
gfx::Rect work_area = display::Screen::GetScreen()
// Use adjusted saved bounds or restore bounds, if there is one.
// Use the size of the other window. The window's bound will be rearranged
// in ash::WorkspaceLayoutManager using this location.
*bounds_in_out = top_window->GetBoundsInScreen();
// static
void WindowPositioner::RearrangeVisibleWindowOnHideOrRemove(
const aura::Window* removed_window) {
if (!UseAutoWindowManager(removed_window))
// Find a single open browser window.
bool single_window;
aura::Window* other_shown_window = GetReferenceWindow(
removed_window->GetRootWindow(), removed_window, &single_window);
if (!other_shown_window || !single_window ||
AutoPlaceSingleWindow(other_shown_window, true);
// static
bool WindowPositioner::DisableAutoPositioning(bool ignore) {
bool old_state = disable_auto_positioning;
disable_auto_positioning = ignore;
return old_state;
// static
void WindowPositioner::RearrangeVisibleWindowOnShow(
aura::Window* added_window) {
wm::WindowState* added_window_state = wm::GetWindowState(added_window);
if (!added_window->TargetVisibility())
if (!UseAutoWindowManager(added_window) ||
added_window_state->bounds_changed_by_user()) {
if (added_window_state->minimum_visibility()) {
// Guarantee minimum visibility within the work area.
gfx::Rect work_area =
gfx::Rect bounds = added_window->bounds();
gfx::Rect new_bounds = bounds;
wm::AdjustBoundsToEnsureMinimumWindowVisibility(work_area, &new_bounds);
if (new_bounds != bounds)
// Find a single open managed window.
bool single_window;
aura::Window* other_shown_window = GetReferenceWindow(
added_window->GetRootWindow(), added_window, &single_window);
if (!other_shown_window) {
// It could be that this window is the first window joining the workspace.
if (!WindowPositionCanBeManaged(added_window) || other_shown_window)
// Since we might be going from 0 to 1 window, we have to arrange the new
// window to a good default.
AutoPlaceSingleWindow(added_window, false);
gfx::Rect other_bounds = other_shown_window->bounds();
gfx::Rect work_area =
bool move_other_right =
other_bounds.CenterPoint().x() > work_area.x() + work_area.width() / 2;
// Push the other window to the size only if there are two windows left.
if (single_window) {
// When going from one to two windows both windows loose their
// "positioned by user" flags.
wm::WindowState* other_window_state =
if (WindowPositionCanBeManaged(other_shown_window)) {
// Don't override pre auto managed bounds as the current bounds
// may not be original.
if (!other_window_state->pre_auto_manage_window_bounds())
// Push away the other window after remembering its current position.
if (MoveRectToOneSide(work_area, move_other_right, &other_bounds))
SetBoundsAnimated(other_shown_window, other_bounds, work_area);
// Remember the current location of the window if it's new and push
// it also to the opposite location if needed. Since it is just
// being shown, we do not need to animate it.
gfx::Rect added_bounds = added_window->bounds();
if (!added_window_state->pre_auto_manage_window_bounds())
if (MoveRectToOneSide(work_area, !move_other_right, &added_bounds))
WindowPositioner::WindowPositioner() = default;
WindowPositioner::~WindowPositioner() = default;
gfx::Rect WindowPositioner::GetPopupPosition(const gfx::Size& popup_size) {
if (!has_last_popup_position_) {
// Start with the initial offset.
// NOTE: This should probably move into NormalPopupPosition() but is here to
// match historical behavior.
last_popup_position_x_ = kFirstPopupOffset;
last_popup_position_y_ = kFirstPopupOffset;
has_last_popup_position_ = true;
// We handle the Multi monitor support by retrieving the active window's
// work area.
aura::Window* window = wm::GetActiveWindow();
const gfx::Rect work_area =
window && window->IsVisible()
? display::Screen::GetScreen()
: display::Screen::GetScreen()->GetPrimaryDisplay().work_area();
// If the popup would span the entire display, position it at top-left.
if ((popup_size.width() + kFirstPopupOffset >= work_area.width()) ||
(popup_size.height() + kFirstPopupOffset >= work_area.height())) {
return AlignPopupPosition(gfx::Rect(popup_size), work_area);
const gfx::Rect result = SmartPopupPosition(popup_size, work_area);
if (!result.IsEmpty())
return AlignPopupPosition(result, work_area);
return NormalPopupPosition(popup_size, work_area);
// static
void WindowPositioner::SetMaximizeFirstWindow(bool maximize) {
maximize_first_window = maximize;
gfx::Rect WindowPositioner::NormalPopupPosition(const gfx::Size& popup_size,
const gfx::Rect& work_area) {
int w = popup_size.width();
int h = popup_size.height();
// Note: The 'last_popup_position' is checked and kept relative to the
// screen size. The offsetting will be done in the last step when the
// target rectangle gets returned.
bool reset = false;
if (last_popup_position_y_ + h > work_area.height() ||
last_popup_position_x_ + w > work_area.width()) {
// Popup does not fit on screen. Reset to next diagonal row.
last_popup_position_x_ -=
last_popup_position_y_ - kFirstPopupOffset - kNextPopupOffset;
last_popup_position_y_ = kFirstPopupOffset;
reset = true;
if (last_popup_position_x_ + w > work_area.width()) {
// Start again over.
last_popup_position_x_ = kFirstPopupOffset;
last_popup_position_y_ = kFirstPopupOffset;
reset = true;
int x = last_popup_position_x_;
int y = last_popup_position_y_;
if (!reset) {
last_popup_position_x_ += kNextPopupOffset;
last_popup_position_y_ += kNextPopupOffset;
return gfx::Rect(x + work_area.x(), y + work_area.y(), w, h);
// static
gfx::Rect WindowPositioner::SmartPopupPosition(const gfx::Size& popup_size,
const gfx::Rect& work_area) {
const aura::Window::Windows windows =
std::vector<const gfx::Rect*> regions;
// Process the window list and check if we can bail immediately.
for (size_t i = 0; i < windows.size(); i++) {
// We only include opaque and visible windows.
if (windows[i] && windows[i]->IsVisible() && windows[i]->layer() &&
(windows[i]->layer()->fills_bounds_opaquely() ||
windows[i]->layer()->GetTargetOpacity() == 1.0)) {
wm::WindowState* window_state = wm::GetWindowState(windows[i]);
// When any window is maximized we cannot find any free space.
if (window_state->IsMaximizedOrFullscreenOrPinned())
return gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (window_state->IsNormalOrSnapped())
if (regions.empty())
return gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
int w = popup_size.width();
int h = popup_size.height();
int x_end = work_area.width() / 2;
int x, x_increment;
// We parse for a proper location on the screen. We do this in two runs:
// The first run will start from the left, parsing down, skipping any
// overlapping windows it will encounter until the popup's height can not
// be served anymore. Then the next grid position to the right will be
// taken, and the same cycle starts again. This will be repeated until we
// hit the middle of the screen (or we find a suitable location).
// In the second run we parse beginning from the right corner downwards and
// then to the left.
// When no location was found, an empty rectangle will be returned.
for (int run = 0; run < 2; run++) {
if (run == 0) { // First run: Start left, parse right till mid screen.
x = 0;
x_increment = kNextPopupOffset;
} else { // Second run: Start right, parse left till mid screen.
x = work_area.width() - w;
x_increment = -kNextPopupOffset;
// Note: The passing (x,y,w,h) window is always relative to the work area's
// origin.
for (; x_increment > 0 ? (x < x_end) : (x > x_end); x += x_increment) {
int y = 0;
while (y + h <= work_area.height()) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) {
if (regions[i]->Intersects(
gfx::Rect(x + work_area.x(), y + work_area.y(), w, h))) {
y = regions[i]->bottom() - work_area.y();
if (i >= regions.size())
return gfx::Rect(x + work_area.x(), y + work_area.y(), w, h);
return gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
// static
gfx::Rect WindowPositioner::AlignPopupPosition(const gfx::Rect& pos,
const gfx::Rect& work_area) {
int x = pos.x() - (pos.x() - work_area.x()) % kPopupGridSize;
int y = pos.y() - (pos.y() - work_area.y()) % kPopupGridSize;
int w = pos.width();
int h = pos.height();
// If the alignment was pushing the window out of the screen, we ignore the
// alignment for that call.
if (abs(pos.right() - work_area.right()) < kPopupGridSize)
x = work_area.right() - w;
if (abs(pos.bottom() - work_area.bottom()) < kPopupGridSize)
y = work_area.bottom() - h;
return gfx::Rect(x, y, w, h);
} // namespace ash