blob: 287311f9806b301f8e894b5ec5e953038875fcd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_math_expression_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_primitive_value.h"
namespace blink {
// Numeric values that involve math functions (calc(), min(), max(), etc). This
// is the equivalence of CSS Typed OM's |CSSMathValue| in the |CSSValue| class
// hierarchy.
class CORE_EXPORT CSSMathFunctionValue : public CSSPrimitiveValue {
static CSSMathFunctionValue* Create(const Length&, float zoom);
static CSSMathFunctionValue* Create(const CSSMathExpressionNode*,
ValueRange = kValueRangeAll);
CSSMathFunctionValue(const CSSMathExpressionNode* expression,
ValueRange range);
const CSSMathExpressionNode* ExpressionNode() const { return expression_; }
scoped_refptr<const CalculationValue> ToCalcValue(
const CSSToLengthConversionData& conversion_data) const;
bool MayHaveRelativeUnit() const;
CalculationCategory Category() const { return expression_->Category(); }
bool IsAngle() const { return Category() == kCalcAngle; }
bool IsLength() const { return Category() == kCalcLength; }
bool IsNumber() const { return Category() == kCalcNumber; }
bool IsPercentage() const { return Category() == kCalcPercent; }
bool IsTime() const { return Category() == kCalcTime; }
bool IsPx() const;
bool IsInt() const { return expression_->IsInteger(); }
bool IsNegative() const { return expression_->DoubleValue() < 0; }
ValueRange PermittedValueRange() const {
return IsNonNegative() ? kValueRangeNonNegative : kValueRangeAll;
// When |false|, comparisons between percentage values can be resolved without
// providing a reference value (e.g., min(10%, 20%) == 10%). When |true|, the
// result depends on the sign of the reference value (e.g., when referring to
// a negative value, min(10%, 20%) == 20%).
// Note: 'background-position' property allows negative reference values.
bool AllowsNegativePercentageReference() const {
return allows_negative_percentage_reference_;
void SetAllowsNegativePercentageReference() {
// TODO( So far, 'background-position' is the only
// property that allows resolving a percentage against a negative value. If
// we have more of such properties, we should instead pass an additional
// argument to ask the parser to set this flag when constructing |this|.
allows_negative_percentage_reference_ = true;
bool IsZero() const;
bool IsComputationallyIndependent() const;
// TODO( The semantics of this function is still not very
// clear. Do not add new callers before further refactoring and cleanups.
// |DoubleValue()| can be called only when the the math expression can be
// resolved into a single numeric value *without any type conversion* (e.g.,
// between px and em). Otherwise, it hits a DCHECK.
double DoubleValue() const;
double ComputeSeconds() const;
double ComputeDegrees() const;
double ComputeLengthPx(
const CSSToLengthConversionData& conversion_data) const;
bool AccumulateLengthArray(CSSLengthArray& length_array,
double multiplier) const;
Length ConvertToLength(
const CSSToLengthConversionData& conversion_data) const;
void AccumulateLengthUnitTypes(LengthTypeFlags& types) const {
String CustomCSSText() const;
bool Equals(const CSSMathFunctionValue& other) const;
bool HasComparisons() const { return expression_->HasComparisons(); }
void TraceAfterDispatch(blink::Visitor* visitor) const;
bool IsNonNegative() const { return is_non_negative_math_function_; }
double ClampToPermittedRange(double) const;
Member<const CSSMathExpressionNode> expression_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CSSMathFunctionValue> {
static bool AllowFrom(const CSSValue& value) {
return value.IsMathFunctionValue();
} // namespace blink