blob: 7c1c24894e5a843a32532506663a98af1b16ace6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/task_scheduler/task_tracker.h"
#include <limits>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/debug/task_annotator.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_token.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
namespace {
const char kQueueFunctionName[] = "base::PostTask";
// This name conveys that a Task is run by the task scheduler without revealing
// its implementation details.
const char kRunFunctionName[] = "TaskSchedulerRunTask";
// Upper bound for the
// TaskScheduler.BlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown histogram.
const HistogramBase::Sample kMaxBlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown = 1000;
void RecordNumBlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown(
HistogramBase::Sample value) {
"TaskScheduler.BlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown", value, 1,
kMaxBlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown, 50);
} // namespace
// Atomic internal state used by TaskTracker. Sequential consistency shouldn't
// be assumed from these calls (i.e. a thread reading
// |HasShutdownStarted() == true| isn't guaranteed to see all writes made before
// |StartShutdown()| on the thread that invoked it).
class TaskTracker::State {
State() = default;
// Sets a flag indicating that shutdown has started. Returns true if there are
// tasks blocking shutdown. Can only be called once.
bool StartShutdown() {
const auto new_value =
subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&bits_, kShutdownHasStartedMask);
// Check that the "shutdown has started" bit isn't zero. This would happen
// if it was incremented twice.
DCHECK(new_value & kShutdownHasStartedMask);
const auto num_tasks_blocking_shutdown =
new_value >> kNumTasksBlockingShutdownBitOffset;
return num_tasks_blocking_shutdown != 0;
// Returns true if shutdown has started.
bool HasShutdownStarted() const {
return subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&bits_) & kShutdownHasStartedMask;
// Returns true if there are tasks blocking shutdown.
bool AreTasksBlockingShutdown() const {
const auto num_tasks_blocking_shutdown =
subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&bits_) >> kNumTasksBlockingShutdownBitOffset;
DCHECK_GE(num_tasks_blocking_shutdown, 0);
return num_tasks_blocking_shutdown != 0;
// Increments the number of tasks blocking shutdown. Returns true if shutdown
// has started.
bool IncrementNumTasksBlockingShutdown() {
// Verify that no overflow will occur.
const auto num_tasks_blocking_shutdown =
subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&bits_) >> kNumTasksBlockingShutdownBitOffset;
std::numeric_limits<subtle::Atomic32>::max() -
const auto new_bits = subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(
&bits_, kNumTasksBlockingShutdownIncrement);
return new_bits & kShutdownHasStartedMask;
// Decrements the number of tasks blocking shutdown. Returns true if shutdown
// has started and the number of tasks blocking shutdown becomes zero.
bool DecrementNumTasksBlockingShutdown() {
const auto new_bits = subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(
&bits_, -kNumTasksBlockingShutdownIncrement);
const bool shutdown_has_started = new_bits & kShutdownHasStartedMask;
const auto num_tasks_blocking_shutdown =
new_bits >> kNumTasksBlockingShutdownBitOffset;
DCHECK_GE(num_tasks_blocking_shutdown, 0);
return shutdown_has_started && num_tasks_blocking_shutdown == 0;
static constexpr subtle::Atomic32 kShutdownHasStartedMask = 1;
static constexpr subtle::Atomic32 kNumTasksBlockingShutdownBitOffset = 1;
static constexpr subtle::Atomic32 kNumTasksBlockingShutdownIncrement =
1 << kNumTasksBlockingShutdownBitOffset;
// The LSB indicates whether shutdown has started. The other bits count the
// number of tasks blocking shutdown.
// No barriers are required to read/write |bits_| as this class is only used
// as an atomic state checker, it doesn't provide sequential consistency
// guarantees w.r.t. external state. Sequencing of the TaskTracker::State
// operations themselves is guaranteed by the AtomicIncrement RMW (read-
// modify-write) semantics however. For example, if two threads are racing to
// call IncrementNumTasksBlockingShutdown() and StartShutdown() respectively,
// either the first thread will win and the StartShutdown() call will see the
// blocking task or the second thread will win and
// IncrementNumTasksBlockingShutdown() will know that shutdown has started.
subtle::Atomic32 bits_ = 0;
TaskTracker::TaskTracker() : state_(new State) {}
TaskTracker::~TaskTracker() = default;
void TaskTracker::Shutdown() {
AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(shutdown_lock_);
// This method can only be called once.
new WaitableEvent(WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
const bool tasks_are_blocking_shutdown = state_->StartShutdown();
// From now, if a thread causes the number of tasks blocking shutdown to
// become zero, it will call OnBlockingShutdownTasksComplete().
if (!tasks_are_blocking_shutdown) {
// If another thread posts a BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task at this moment, it will
// block until this method releases |shutdown_lock_|. Then, it will fail
// DCHECK(!shutdown_event_->IsSignaled()). This is the desired behavior
// because posting a BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task when TaskTracker::Shutdown() has
// started and no tasks are blocking shutdown isn't allowed.
// It is safe to access |shutdown_event_| without holding |lock_| because the
// pointer never changes after being set above.
AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(shutdown_lock_);
// Record TaskScheduler.BlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown if less than
// |kMaxBlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown| BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks were
// posted during shutdown. Otherwise, the histogram has already been
// recorded in BeforePostTask().
if (num_block_shutdown_tasks_posted_during_shutdown_ <
kMaxBlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown) {
bool TaskTracker::WillPostTask(const Task* task) {
if (!BeforePostTask(task->traits.shutdown_behavior()))
return false;
debug::TaskAnnotator task_annotator;
task_annotator.DidQueueTask(kQueueFunctionName, *task);
return true;
void TaskTracker::RunNextTaskInSequence(const Sequence* sequence) {
const Task* task = sequence->PeekTask();
const TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior =
if (!BeforeRunTask(shutdown_behavior))
// All tasks run through here and the scheduler itself doesn't use singletons.
// Therefore, it isn't necessary to reset the singleton allowed bit after
// running the task.
task->traits.shutdown_behavior() !=
// Set up SequenceToken as expected for the scope of the task.
// Set up TaskRunnerHandle as expected for the scope of the task.
std::unique_ptr<SequencedTaskRunnerHandle> sequenced_task_runner_handle;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadTaskRunnerHandle> single_thread_task_runner_handle;
DCHECK(!task->sequenced_task_runner_ref ||
if (task->sequenced_task_runner_ref) {
new SequencedTaskRunnerHandle(task->sequenced_task_runner_ref));
} else if (task->single_thread_task_runner_ref) {
new ThreadTaskRunnerHandle(task->single_thread_task_runner_ref));
TRACE_TASK_EXECUTION(kRunFunctionName, *task);
debug::TaskAnnotator task_annotator;
task_annotator.RunTask(kQueueFunctionName, *task);
bool TaskTracker::HasShutdownStarted() const {
return state_->HasShutdownStarted();
bool TaskTracker::IsShutdownComplete() const {
AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(shutdown_lock_);
return shutdown_event_ && shutdown_event_->IsSignaled();
void TaskTracker::SetHasShutdownStartedForTesting() {
bool TaskTracker::BeforePostTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior) {
if (shutdown_behavior == TaskShutdownBehavior::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {
// BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks block shutdown between the moment they are posted
// and the moment they complete their execution.
const bool shutdown_started = state_->IncrementNumTasksBlockingShutdown();
if (shutdown_started) {
AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(shutdown_lock_);
// A BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task posted after shutdown has completed is an
// ordering bug. This aims to catch those early.
if (num_block_shutdown_tasks_posted_during_shutdown_ ==
kMaxBlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown) {
// Record the TaskScheduler.BlockShutdownTasksPostedDuringShutdown
// histogram as soon as its upper bound is hit. That way, a value will
// be recorded even if an infinite number of BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks are
// posted, preventing shutdown to complete.
return true;
// A non BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task is allowed to be posted iff shutdown hasn't
// started.
return !state_->HasShutdownStarted();
bool TaskTracker::BeforeRunTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior) {
switch (shutdown_behavior) {
case TaskShutdownBehavior::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN: {
// The number of tasks blocking shutdown has been incremented when the
// task was posted.
// Trying to run a BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task after shutdown has completed is
// unexpected as it either shouldn't have been posted if shutdown
// completed or should be blocking shutdown if it was posted before it
// did.
DCHECK(!state_->HasShutdownStarted() || !IsShutdownComplete());
return true;
case TaskShutdownBehavior::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN: {
// SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN tasks block shutdown while they are running.
const bool shutdown_started = state_->IncrementNumTasksBlockingShutdown();
if (shutdown_started) {
// The SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN task isn't allowed to run during shutdown.
// Decrement the number of tasks blocking shutdown that was wrongly
// incremented.
const bool shutdown_started_and_no_tasks_block_shutdown =
if (shutdown_started_and_no_tasks_block_shutdown)
return false;
return true;
case TaskShutdownBehavior::CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN: {
return !state_->HasShutdownStarted();
return false;
void TaskTracker::AfterRunTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior) {
if (shutdown_behavior == TaskShutdownBehavior::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN ||
shutdown_behavior == TaskShutdownBehavior::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN) {
const bool shutdown_started_and_no_tasks_block_shutdown =
if (shutdown_started_and_no_tasks_block_shutdown)
void TaskTracker::OnBlockingShutdownTasksComplete() {
AutoSchedulerLock auto_lock(shutdown_lock_);
// This method can only be called after shutdown has started.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base