blob: a0afc535131c2cdd529399b13ef47bb0a7ad0e82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/test/embedded_test_server_mixin.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/test/fake_gaia_mixin.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/test/local_policy_test_server_mixin.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/test/login_manager_mixin.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/test/user_policy_mixin.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/policy/user_policy_test_helper.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/mixin_based_in_process_browser_test.h"
class AccountId;
namespace chromeos {
// Compound mixin class for easily logging in as regular or child accounts for
// browser tests. Initiates other mixins required to log in users, sets up their
// user policies and gaia auth.
// To use:
// * Make your browser test class inherit from MixinBasedInProcessBrowserTest.
// * Instantiate this class while passing in the inherited mixin_host_ member to
// the constructor.
// Note: the desired LogInType must be known at construction time.
// * Pass the inherited embedded_test_server() and pointer to
// InProcessBrowserTest instance into the constructor as well.
// * Call LogInUser() to log in.
// Example:
class MyBrowserTestClass : public MixinBasedInProcessBrowserTest {
void SetUpOnMainThread() override {
// The call below logs in as child user.
LoggedInUserMixin logged_in_user_mixin_{&mixin_host_,
embedded_test_server(), this};
class LoggedInUserMixin : public InProcessBrowserTestMixin {
enum class LogInType { kRegular, kChild };
// |mixin_host| coordinates the other mixins. Since your browser test class
// inherits from MixinBasedInProcessBrowserTest, there is an inherited
// mixin_host_ member that can be passed into this constructor.
// |type| specifies the desired user log in type, currently either regular or
// child.
// |embedded_test_server|: your browser test class should already inherit from
// BrowserTestBase. That means there is an inherited embedded_test_server()
// that can be passed into this constructor.
// |test_base|: just pass in a pointer to the browser test class.
// |should_launch_browser| determines whether a browser instance is launched
// after successful login. Call SelectFirstBrowser() afterwards to ensure
// calls to browser() don't return nullptr. LogInUser() already calls
// SelectFirstBrowser() for convenience.
// |account_id| is the desired test account id for logging in. The default
// test account already works for the majority of test cases, unless an
// enterprise account is needed for setting up policy.
// |include_initial_user| determines whether the TestUserInfo should be passed
// to the initial users list of the LoginManagerMixin. Excluding the initial
// user causes the OOBE GAIA screen to show on start-up.
LoggedInUserMixin(InProcessBrowserTestMixinHost* mixin_host,
LogInType type,
net::EmbeddedTestServer* embedded_test_server,
InProcessBrowserTest* test_base,
bool should_launch_browser = true,
base::Optional<AccountId> account_id = base::nullopt,
bool include_initial_user = true);
~LoggedInUserMixin() override;
// InProcessBrowserTestMixin:
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
// Log in as regular or child account depending on the |type| argument passed
// to the constructor.
// * If |issue_any_scope_token|, FakeGaiaMixin will issue a special all-access
// token associated with the test refresh token. Only matters for child login.
// * If |wait_for_active_session|, LoginManagerMixin will wait for the session
// state to change to ACTIVE after logging in.
// * If |request_policy_update|, UserPolicyMixin will set up user policy.
void LogInUser(bool issue_any_scope_token = false,
bool wait_for_active_session = true,
bool request_policy_update = false);
LoginManagerMixin* GetLoginManagerMixin() { return &login_manager_; }
UserPolicyMixin* GetUserPolicyMixin() { return &user_policy_; }
policy::UserPolicyTestHelper* GetUserPolicyTestHelper() {
return &user_policy_helper_;
const AccountId& GetAccountId() { return user_.account_id; }
LoginManagerMixin::TestUserInfo user_;
LoginManagerMixin login_manager_;
LocalPolicyTestServerMixin local_policy_server_;
UserPolicyMixin user_policy_;
policy::UserPolicyTestHelper user_policy_helper_;
EmbeddedTestServerSetupMixin embedded_test_server_setup_;
FakeGaiaMixin fake_gaia_;
InProcessBrowserTest* test_base_;
} // namespace chromeos