blob: c59f77132e8345c2ee665f00475ae51d40cb24b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
// Utility functions to support metric collection for browser startup. Timings
// should use TimeTicks whenever possible. OS-provided timings are still
// received as Time out of cross-platform support necessity but are converted to
// TimeTicks as soon as possible in an attempt to reduce the potential skew
// between the two basis. See for reasoning.
namespace startup_metric_utils {
// Returns true when browser UI was not launched normally: some other UI was
// shown first or browser was launched in background mode.
bool WasMainWindowStartupInterrupted();
// Call this when displaying UI that might potentially delay startup events.
// Note on usage: This function is idempotent and its overhead is low enough
// in comparison with UI display that it's OK to call it on every
// UI invocation regardless of whether the browser window has already
// been displayed or not.
void SetNonBrowserUIDisplayed();
// Call this when background mode gets enabled, as it might delay startup
// events.
void SetBackgroundModeEnabled();
// Call this with the creation time of the startup (initial/main) process.
void RecordStartupProcessCreationTime(base::Time time);
// Call this with a time recorded as early as possible in the startup process.
// On Android, the entry point time is the time at which the Java code starts.
// In Mojo, the entry point time is the time at which the shell starts.
void RecordMainEntryPointTime(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time when the executable is loaded and main() is entered.
// Can be different from |RecordMainEntryPointTime| when the startup process is
// contained in a separate dll, such as with chrome.exe / chrome.dll on Windows.
void RecordExeMainEntryPointTicks(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time recorded just before the message loop is started.
// |is_first_run| - is the current launch part of a first run.
void RecordBrowserMainMessageLoopStart(base::TimeTicks ticks,
bool is_first_run);
// Call this with the time when the first browser window became visible.
void RecordBrowserWindowDisplay(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time delta that the browser spent opening its tabs.
void RecordBrowserOpenTabsDelta(base::TimeDelta delta);
// Call this with a renderer main entry time. The value provided for the first
// call to this function is used to compute
// Startup.LoadTime.BrowserMainToRendererMain. Further calls to this
// function are ignored.
void RecordRendererMainEntryTime(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time when the first web contents had a non-empty paint,
// only if the first web contents was unimpeded in its attempt to do so.
void RecordFirstWebContentsNonEmptyPaint(
base::TimeTicks now,
base::TimeTicks render_process_host_init_time);
// Call this with the time when the first web contents began navigating its main
// frame.
void RecordFirstWebContentsMainNavigationStart(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time when the first web contents successfully committed
// its navigation for the main frame.
void RecordFirstWebContentsMainNavigationFinished(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time when the Browser window painted its children for the
// first time.
void RecordBrowserWindowFirstPaint(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Call this with the time when the Browser window painted its children for the
// first time and we got a CompositingEnded after that.
void RecordBrowserWindowFirstPaintCompositingEnded(base::TimeTicks ticks);
// Returns the TimeTicks corresponding to main entry as recorded by
// |RecordMainEntryPointTime|. Returns a null TimeTicks if a value has not been
// recorded yet. This method is expected to be called from the UI thread.
base::TimeTicks MainEntryPointTicks();
// Record metrics for the web-footer experiment. See
void RecordWebFooterDidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint(base::TimeTicks ticks);
void RecordWebFooterCreation(base::TimeTicks ticks);
} // namespace startup_metric_utils