blob: a1aeffe21dcd888bb4b31ee76adea1c1ed63207c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/activity_service_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/browser_coordinator_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/infobar_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/page_info_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/popup_menu_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/qr_scanner_commands.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/snackbar_commands.h"
class GURL;
@class ReadingListAddCommand;
@class SendTabToSelfCommand;
// Protocol for commands that will generally be handled by the "current tab",
// which in practice is the BrowserViewController instance displaying the tab.
// TODO( : Extract BrowserCoordinatorCommands from
// BrowserCommands.
@protocol BrowserCommands <NSObject,
// Closes the current tab.
- (void)closeCurrentTab;
// Navigates backwards in the current tab's history.
- (void)goBack;
// Navigates forwards in the current tab's history.
- (void)goForward;
// Stops loading the current web page.
- (void)stopLoading;
// Reloads the current web page
- (void)reload;
// Bookmarks the current page.
- (void)bookmarkPage;
// Adds a page to the reading list using data in |command|.
- (void)addToReadingList:(ReadingListAddCommand*)command;
// Preloads voice search on the current BVC.
- (void)preloadVoiceSearch;
// Closes all tabs.
- (void)closeAllTabs;
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// Shows the source of the current page.
- (void)viewSource;
// Shows the translate infobar.
- (void)showTranslate;
// Shows the Find In Page bar.
- (void)showFindInPage;
// Closes and disables the Find In Page bar.
- (void)closeFindInPage;
// Search the current tab for the query string in the Find In Page bar.
- (void)searchFindInPage;
// Go to the next location of the Find In Page query string in the current tab.
- (void)findNextStringInPage;
// Go to the previous location of the Find In Page query string in the current
// tab.
- (void)findPreviousStringInPage;
// Shows the online help page in a tab.
- (void)showHelpPage;
// Shows the bookmarks manager.
- (void)showBookmarksManager;
// Shows the dialog for sending the current tab between a user's devices.
- (void)showSendTabToSelfUI;
// Requests the "desktop" version of the current page in the active tab.
- (void)requestDesktopSite;
// Requests the "mobile" version of the current page in the active tab.
- (void)requestMobileSite;
// Prepares the browser to display a popup menu.
- (void)prepareForPopupMenuPresentation:(PopupMenuCommandType)type;
// Animates the NTP fakebox to the focused position and focuses the real
// omnibox.
- (void)focusFakebox;
// Searches for an image in the current tab.
- (void)searchByImage:(UIImage*)image;
// Sends the tab to another of the user's devices using the data in |command|.
- (void)sendTabToSelf:(SendTabToSelfCommand*)command;
// Shows/Hides the activity indicator overlay that appears over the view to
// prevent interaction with the web page.
- (void)showActivityOverlay:(BOOL)show;