blob: 3d28fa1ff979a6e3f65f5ac873e7543038c4325e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/types/expected.h"
#include "dbus/bus.h"
#include "dbus/message.h"
#include "dbus/object_proxy.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace floss {
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT int kDBusTimeoutMs;
// TODO(b/189499077) - Expose via floss package
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kAdapterService[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kManagerService[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kAdapterInterface[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kManagerInterface[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kManagerObject[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kAdapterObjectFormat[];
namespace adapter {
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetAddress[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetName[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kSetName[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetDiscoverable[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kSetDiscoverable[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kStartDiscovery[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kCancelDiscovery[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kCreateBond[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kCancelBondProcess[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kRemoveBond[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetRemoteType[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetRemoteClass[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetConnectionState[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetRemoteUuids[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetBondState[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kConnectAllEnabledProfiles[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kDisconnectAllEnabledProfiles[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kRegisterCallback[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kRegisterConnectionCallback[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kCallbackInterface[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kConnectionCallbackInterface[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kSetPairingConfirmation[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kSetPin[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kSetPasskey[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetBondedDevices[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnAdapterPropertyChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnAddressChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnNameChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnDiscoverableChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnDeviceFound[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnDeviceCleared[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnDiscoveringChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnSspRequest[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnBondStateChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnDeviceConnected[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnDeviceDisconnected[];
} // namespace adapter
namespace manager {
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kStart[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kStop[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetFlossEnabled[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kSetFlossEnabled[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetState[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kGetAvailableAdapters[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kRegisterCallback[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kCallbackInterface[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnHciDeviceChanged[];
extern DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT const char kOnHciEnabledChanged[];
} // namespace manager
// BluetoothDevice structure for DBus apis.
std::string address;
std::string name;
inline bool operator==(const FlossDeviceId& rhs) const {
return address == rhs.address && name ==;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FlossDeviceId& id) {
return os << "FlossDeviceId(" << id.address << ", " << << ")";
static const char kDeviceIdNameKey[];
static const char kDeviceIdAddressKey[];
// Represents an error sent through DBus.
// In a D-Bus message, error contains 2 parts: error name and error message.
// This is a structure to hold these error info and provides a utility for human
// readable representation.
Error(const std::string& name, const std::string& message);
// Presents the error as "<error name>: <error message>".
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Error& error);
std::string ToString();
std::string name;
std::string message;
// Represents void return type of D-Bus (no return). Needed so that we can use
// "void" as a type in C++ templates.
// Needs to be exported because there are template instantiations using this.
// Represents the result of D-Bus method call. A Floss method call returns
// either a data or a D-Bus error.
template <typename T>
using DBusResult = base::expected<T, Error>;
// A callback of Floss API method call. This encapsulates RPC-level status
// (in Floss case D-Bus status and return data parsing) so that each return can
// be either "ok" (contains T) or "error" (contains error name and message).
template <typename T>
using ResponseCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(DBusResult<T>)>;
// A Weakly Owned ResponseCallback<T>. The main usecase for this is to have
// a weak pointer available for |PostDelayedTask|, where deleting the main
// object will automatically cancel the posted task.
template <typename T>
class WeaklyOwnedCallback {
explicit WeaklyOwnedCallback(ResponseCallback<T> cb) : cb_(std::move(cb)) {}
~WeaklyOwnedCallback() = default;
static std::unique_ptr<WeaklyOwnedCallback> Create(ResponseCallback<T> cb) {
return std::make_unique<WeaklyOwnedCallback>(std::move(cb));
// If the callback hasn't been executed, run it and return true. Otherwise
// false.
bool Run(DBusResult<T> ret) {
if (cb_) {
return true;
return false;
base::WeakPtr<WeaklyOwnedCallback> GetWeakPtr() const {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
ResponseCallback<T> cb_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WeaklyOwnedCallback> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Restrict all access to DBus client initialization to FlossDBusManager so we
// can enforce the proper ordering of initialization and shutdowns.
class FlossDBusClient {
// Error: DBus error.
static const char DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT kErrorDBus[];
// Error: No response from bus.
static const char DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT kErrorNoResponse[];
// Error: Invalid parameters.
static const char DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT kErrorInvalidParameters[];
// Error: Invalid return.
static const char DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT kErrorInvalidReturn[];
// Error: does not exist.
static const char DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT kErrorDoesNotExist[];
// Generalized DBus serialization (used for generalized method call
// invocation).
template <typename T>
WriteDBusParam(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const T& data);
// Base case for variadic write.
WriteAllDBusParams(dbus::MessageWriter* writer) {}
// Variadic write method that expands to multiple WriteDBusParam calls.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
WriteAllDBusParams(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
const T& first,
const Args&... args) {
WriteDBusParam(writer, first);
WriteAllDBusParams(writer, args...);
// Generalized DBus deserialization (used for generalized method call returns
// and can be used for exported methods as well). Implement for each type that
// you want deserialized.
template <typename T>
static bool DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT ReadDBusParam(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
T* value);
// Container type needs to be explicitly listed here.
template <typename T>
static bool DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT ReadDBusParam(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
std::vector<T>* value);
// Base case for variadic read.
ReadAllDBusParams(dbus::MessageReader* reader) {
return true;
// Variadic read method that expands to multiple ReadDBusParam calls.
// Individual calls to |ReadDBusParam| must succeed before the next call is
// done.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
ReadAllDBusParams(dbus::MessageReader* reader, T* first, Args*... args) {
return ReadDBusParam(reader, first) && ReadAllDBusParams(reader, args...);
template <typename R, typename... Args>
void CallMethod(ResponseCallback<R> callback,
dbus::Bus* bus,
const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& interface_name,
const dbus::ObjectPath& object_path,
const char* method_name,
Args... args) {
if (bus == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "D-Bus is not initialized, cannot call method "
<< method_name << " on " << object_path.value();
Error(std::string(kErrorDBus), "DBus not initialized")));
dbus::ObjectProxy* object_proxy =
bus->GetObjectProxy(service_name, object_path);
if (!object_proxy) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Object proxy does not exist when trying to call "
<< method_name;
Error(std::string(kErrorDBus), "Invalid object proxy")));
dbus::MethodCall method_call(interface_name, method_name);
dbus::MessageWriter writer(&method_call);
FlossDBusClient::WriteAllDBusParams(&writer, args...);
&method_call, kDBusTimeoutMs,
base::Unretained(this), std::move(callback)));
FlossDBusClient(const FlossDBusClient&) = delete;
FlossDBusClient& operator=(const FlossDBusClient&) = delete;
// Common init signature for all clients.
virtual void Init(dbus::Bus* bus,
const std::string& bluetooth_service_name,
const std::string& bluetooth_adapter_path) = 0;
// Convert a dbus::ErrorResponse into a floss::Error struct.
static Error ErrorResponseToError(const std::string& default_name,
const std::string& default_message,
dbus::ErrorResponse* error);
virtual ~FlossDBusClient();
// Log a dbus::ErrorResponse.
void LogErrorResponse(const std::string& message, dbus::ErrorResponse* error);
// Default handler that runs |callback| with the callback with an optional
// return and optional error.
template <typename T>
DefaultResponseWithCallback(ResponseCallback<T> callback,
dbus::Response* response,
dbus::ErrorResponse* error_response);
// Default handler for a response. It will either log the error response or
// print |caller| to VLOG. |caller| should be the name of the DBus method that
// is being called.
void DefaultResponse(const std::string& caller,
dbus::Response* response,
dbus::ErrorResponse* error_response);
} // namespace floss