blob: 1ec52196efa49b03a5e48222fb56cbaeb8fbf428 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/ntp_tiles/pref_names.h"
namespace ntp_tiles {
namespace prefs {
const char kDeprecatedNTPTilesURL[] = "ntp.suggestions_url";
const char kDeprecatedNTPTilesIsPersonal[] = "ntp.suggestions_is_personal";
// The number of personal tiles we had previously. Used to figure out
// whether we need popular sites.
const char kNumPersonalTiles[] = "ntp.num_personal_suggestions";
// If set, overrides the URL for popular sites, including the individual
// overrides for country and version below.
const char kPopularSitesOverrideURL[] = "popular_sites.override_url";
// If set, this will override the country detection for popular sites.
const char kPopularSitesOverrideCountry[] = "popular_sites.override_country";
// If set, this will override the default file version for popular sites.
const char kPopularSitesOverrideVersion[] = "popular_sites.override_version";
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace ntp_tiles