blob: 14da8144bb35123df9de0482daefe71092d75a53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_entry.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_host.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_request_handler.h"
#include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_service_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/navigation_loader_interceptor.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/shared_url_loader_factory.h"
namespace net {
class NetworkDelegate;
class URLRequest;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
struct ResourceResponseHead;
namespace content {
class AppCacheJob;
class AppCacheSubresourceURLFactory;
class AppCacheRequest;
class AppCacheRequestHandlerTest;
class AppCacheURLRequestJob;
class AppCacheHost;
// An instance is created for each net::URLRequest. The instance survives all
// http transactions involved in the processing of its net::URLRequest, and is
// given the opportunity to hijack the request along the way. Callers
// should use AppCacheHost::CreateRequestHandler to manufacture instances
// that can retrieve resources for a particular host.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AppCacheRequestHandler
: public base::SupportsUserData::Data,
public AppCacheHost::Observer,
public AppCacheServiceImpl::Observer,
public AppCacheStorage::Delegate,
public NavigationLoaderInterceptor {
~AppCacheRequestHandler() override;
// These are called on each request intercept opportunity.
// When the NetworkService is not enabled, the AppCacheInterceptor calls these
// methods directly. When the NetworkService is enabled, the various
// MaybeCreateLoader methods below call call these internally.
AppCacheJob* MaybeLoadResource(net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
AppCacheJob* MaybeLoadFallbackForRedirect(
net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate,
const GURL& location);
AppCacheJob* MaybeLoadFallbackForResponse(
net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
void GetExtraResponseInfo(int64_t* cache_id, GURL* manifest_url);
// NetworkService loading
// NavigationLoaderInterceptor overrides - main resource loading.
// These methods are used by the NavigationURLLoaderImpl.
// Internally they use same methods used by the network library based impl,
// MaybeLoadResource and MaybeLoadFallbackForResponse.
// Eventually one of the Deliver*Response() methods is called and the
// LoaderCallback is invoked.
void MaybeCreateLoader(
const network::ResourceRequest& tentative_resource_request,
ResourceContext* resource_context,
LoaderCallback callback,
FallbackCallback fallback_callback) override;
// MaybeCreateLoaderForResponse always returns synchronously.
bool MaybeCreateLoaderForResponse(
const network::ResourceRequest& request,
const network::ResourceResponseHead& response,
network::mojom::URLLoaderPtr* loader,
network::mojom::URLLoaderClientRequest* client_request,
ThrottlingURLLoader* url_loader,
bool* skip_other_interceptors) override;
base::Optional<SubresourceLoaderParams> MaybeCreateSubresourceLoaderParams()
// These methods are used for subresource loading by the
// AppCacheSubresourceURLFactory::SubresourceLoader class.
// Internally they use same methods used by the network library based impl,
// MaybeLoadResource, MaybeLoadFallbackForResponse, and
// MaybeLoadFallbackForRedirect. Eventually one of the Deliver*Response()
// methods is called and the LoaderCallback is invoked.
void MaybeCreateSubresourceLoader(
const network::ResourceRequest& resource_request,
LoaderCallback callback);
void MaybeFallbackForSubresourceResponse(
const network::ResourceResponseHead& response,
LoaderCallback callback);
void MaybeFallbackForSubresourceRedirect(
const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
LoaderCallback callback);
void MaybeFollowSubresourceRedirect(const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
LoaderCallback callback);
static std::unique_ptr<AppCacheRequestHandler>
const network::ResourceRequest& request,
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheHost> appcache_host);
static bool IsMainResourceType(ResourceType type);
// Called by unittests to indicate that we are in test mode.
static void SetRunningInTests(bool in_tests);
static bool IsRunningInTests();
friend class AppCacheHost;
friend class AppCacheRequestHandlerTest;
// Callers should use AppCacheHost::CreateRequestHandler.
AppCacheRequestHandler(AppCacheHost* host,
ResourceType resource_type,
bool should_reset_appcache,
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheRequest> request);
// AppCacheHost::Observer override
void OnDestructionImminent(AppCacheHost* host) override;
// AppCacheServiceImpl::Observer override
void OnServiceDestructionImminent(AppCacheServiceImpl* service) override;
// Helpers to instruct a waiting job with what response to
// deliver for the request we're handling.
void DeliverAppCachedResponse(const AppCacheEntry& entry,
int64_t cache_id,
const GURL& manifest_url,
bool is_fallback,
const GURL& namespace_entry_url);
void DeliverNetworkResponse();
void DeliverErrorResponse();
// Called just before the request is restarted. Grabs the reason for
// restarting, so can correctly continue to handle the request.
void OnPrepareToRestartURLRequest();
// Helper method to create an AppCacheJob and populate job_.
// Caller takes ownership of returned value.
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheJob> CreateJob(
net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
// Helper to retrieve a pointer to the storage object.
AppCacheStorage* storage() const;
bool is_main_resource() const {
return IsMainResourceType(resource_type_);
// Main-resource loading -------------------------------------
// Frame and SharedWorker main resources are handled here.
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheJob> MaybeLoadMainResource(
net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
// AppCacheStorage::Delegate methods
void OnMainResponseFound(const GURL& url,
const AppCacheEntry& entry,
const GURL& fallback_url,
const AppCacheEntry& fallback_entry,
int64_t cache_id,
int64_t group_id,
const GURL& mainfest_url) override;
// NetworkService loading:
// Called when a |callback| that is originally given to |MaybeCreateLoader()|
// runs for the main resource. This flips |should_create_subresource_loader_|
// if a non-null |handler| is given. Always invokes |callback| with |handler|.
void RunLoaderCallbackForMainResource(
LoaderCallback callback,
SingleRequestURLLoaderFactory::RequestHandler handler);
// Sub-resource loading -------------------------------------
// Dedicated worker and all manner of sub-resources are handled here.
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheJob> MaybeLoadSubResource(
net::NetworkDelegate* network_delegate);
void ContinueMaybeLoadSubResource();
// AppCacheHost::Observer override
void OnCacheSelectionComplete(AppCacheHost* host) override;
// Data members -----------------------------------------------
// What host we're servicing a request for.
AppCacheHost* host_;
// Frame vs subresource vs sharedworker loads are somewhat different.
ResourceType resource_type_;
// True if corresponding AppCache group should be resetted before load.
bool should_reset_appcache_;
// Subresource requests wait until after cache selection completes.
bool is_waiting_for_cache_selection_;
// Info about the type of response we found for delivery.
// These are relevant for both main and subresource requests.
int64_t found_group_id_;
int64_t found_cache_id_;
AppCacheEntry found_entry_;
AppCacheEntry found_fallback_entry_;
GURL found_namespace_entry_url_;
GURL found_manifest_url_;
bool found_network_namespace_;
// True if a cache entry this handler attempted to return was
// not found in the disk cache. Once set, the handler will take
// no action on all subsequent intercept opportunities, so the
// request and any redirects will be handled by the network library.
bool cache_entry_not_found_;
// True if the next time this request is started, the response should be
// delivered from the network, bypassing the AppCache. Cleared after the next
// intercept opportunity.
bool is_delivering_network_response_;
// True if this->MaybeLoadResource(...) has been called in the past.
bool maybe_load_resource_executed_;
// The job we use to deliver a response. Only NULL during the following times:
// 1) Before request has started a job.
// 2) Request is not being handled by appcache.
// 3) Request has been cancelled, and the job killed.
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheJob> job_;
// Cached information about the response being currently served by the
// AppCache, if there is one.
int cache_id_;
GURL manifest_url_;
// Backptr to the central service object.
AppCacheServiceImpl* service_;
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheRequest> request_;
// Network service related members.
LoaderCallback loader_callback_;
// Flipped to true if AppCache wants to handle subresource requests
// (i.e. when |loader_callback_| is fired with a non-null
// RequestHandler for non-error cases.
bool should_create_subresource_loader_ = false;
// The AppCache host instance. We pass this to the
// AppCacheSubresourceURLFactory instance on creation.
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheHost> appcache_host_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppCacheRequestHandler> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content