blob: 02fbd055aa6c65c5bf8aae32f06cb24d68a9222e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace ntp_snippets {
// Features to turn individual providers/categories on/off.
extern const base::Feature kArticleSuggestionsFeature;
extern const base::Feature kBookmarkSuggestionsFeature;
extern const base::Feature kRecentOfflineTabSuggestionsFeature;
extern const base::Feature kDownloadSuggestionsFeature;
extern const base::Feature kPhysicalWebPageSuggestionsFeature;
extern const base::Feature kForeignSessionsSuggestionsFeature;;
// Feature to allow the 'save to offline' option to appear in the snippets
// context menu.
extern const base::Feature kSaveToOfflineFeature;
// Feature to allow offline badges to appear on snippets.
extern const base::Feature kOfflineBadgeFeature;
// Feature to allow dismissing sections.
extern const base::Feature kSectionDismissalFeature;
// Global toggle for the whole content suggestions feature. If this is set to
// false, all the per-provider features are ignored.
extern const base::Feature kContentSuggestionsFeature;
// Feature to allow UI as specified here:
extern const base::Feature kIncreasedVisibility;
// Feature to enable the Fetch More action
extern const base::Feature kFetchMoreFeature;
// Returns a feature param as an int instead of a string.
int GetParamAsInt(const base::Feature& feature,
const std::string& param_name,
int default_value);
} // namespace ntp_snippets